I’m so thrilled to welcome you to a truly incredible conversation today—one that promises to expand your mind, touch your soul, and elevate your spirit. We’re diving deep into some of the most profound and transformative topics that shape our understanding of the universe, our existence, and the journey of the soul.
We’re joined by two remarkable figures who have spent their lives exploring the mysteries of consciousness, life beyond the physical, and the evolution of humanity. First, we have Dolores Cannon, a pioneer in past-life regression and a woman who has guided thousands of people to uncover the deeper layers of their existence through her groundbreaking work. Her insights into the "Three Waves of Volunteers" and the shift to a New Earth have touched countless lives.
And then we have Bashar, an interdimensional being channeled by Darryl Anka, who brings a unique perspective from beyond our physical realm. Bashar offers wisdom that bridges the gap between science, spirituality, and the unknown, guiding us toward a greater understanding of our true potential and purpose.
Today, our conversation will take us on a journey through the evolution of consciousness on Earth, the mechanics of reincarnation and karma, the role of volunteers and starseeds, the nature of multi-dimensional realities, and the ascension process that is leading us to a New Earth.
These are big, bold topics that challenge the way we think about life and our place in the cosmos. But as you’ll see, Dolores and Bashar have a way of making these complex ideas not only accessible but also deeply inspiring. So, whether you’re a seasoned seeker or just beginning your spiritual journey, you’re in for something truly special.
Let’s open our hearts and minds as we step into this powerful imaginary dialogue.
Get ready to expand your consciousness and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.
Let’s get started!

The Evolution of Consciousness on Earth
Nick Sasaki: Welcome, everyone, to this extraordinary conversation where we delve into the evolution of consciousness on Earth. Today, I'm joined by Dolores Cannon, a pioneer in past-life regression and metaphysical teachings, and Bashar, an interdimensional being channeled by Darryl Anka, who offers insights into the nature of reality. Let's start with the question on everyone’s mind: How do you both view the evolution of consciousness on Earth, and what roles are we all playing in this grand cosmic journey?
Dolores Cannon: Thank you, Nick. The evolution of consciousness on Earth is an intricate process that involves souls coming here from various dimensions and planets to learn and grow. Earth is unique in its density and challenges, which makes it a vital school for souls to evolve. Over the years, through my regression work, I’ve uncovered that many souls volunteered to come here to help with the ascension of Earth. These souls, whom I call the "Three Waves of Volunteers," have different roles, but all are here to help raise the vibrational frequency of the planet. This evolution is not just about individual growth but also about collective transformation.
Bashar: Greetings, and thank you, Nick and Dolores. The evolution of consciousness on Earth is indeed a fascinating topic. From our perspective, everything is energy, and consciousness evolves as it expands and becomes more aware of itself. Earth, in your linear timeline, is going through a significant shift—a transition from a third-density reality, which is focused on separation and duality, to a fourth-density reality, which is more about integration and unity. This shift is being facilitated by the collective consciousness of humanity, as well as by external influences such as volunteers from other dimensions and star systems, which Dolores mentioned. These volunteers are here to assist in raising the frequency of Earth, making it easier for all beings to align with this new vibration.
Nick Sasaki: It's fascinating to see the convergence in your views, despite coming from different perspectives. Dolores, you've often said that Earth is a school for souls. How does this schooling relate to the current evolution of consciousness?
Dolores Cannon: Yes, Nick, Earth is indeed a school, and it’s one of the most challenging ones. The souls who choose to incarnate here are here to learn lessons that are not possible to learn elsewhere due to Earth’s unique density and duality. The evolution of consciousness here is about mastering these lessons—lessons of love, forgiveness, and understanding the interconnectedness of all things. The volunteers who come here often bring higher vibrational energy, which helps others to awaken and evolve. This collective evolution is what will eventually lead us to a higher state of consciousness, where we can experience a new Earth, one that resonates at a higher frequency.
Bashar: I agree with Dolores on the purpose of Earth as a school. However, I would like to add that from our perspective, the evolution of consciousness is also about remembering. You are not so much learning as you are remembering who you truly are—multidimensional beings having a temporary physical experience. The experiences you gather here on Earth contribute to the expansion of All That Is, which you might call Source or God. As you evolve, you begin to remember your true nature and your ability to create your reality. This is why the shift happening on Earth is so significant; it represents a collective awakening to your inherent powers as creators.
Nick Sasaki: That’s an enlightening perspective, Bashar. It seems like both of you are highlighting the importance of this time as a pivotal moment in humanity’s evolution. As we wrap up this first topic, what would you say is the most critical thing for people to understand about the evolution of consciousness on Earth?
Dolores Cannon: I would say it’s important for people to understand that this evolution is a journey of the soul, and it’s essential to be patient and compassionate with oneself and others. We’re all here to learn, and the experiences we face, no matter how difficult, are opportunities for growth.
Bashar: I would add that you must remember you are not alone in this journey. You are supported by the entire universe, and as you align with your true self, you will find that your path becomes clearer and more joyful. Embrace the evolution with excitement, for it is a testament to your infinite potential.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you both for these profound insights. This conversation highlights the complexity and beauty of consciousness evolution, and the unique roles we each play in this cosmic journey. Let’s move forward to our next intriguing topic.
The Mechanics of Reincarnation and Karma
Nick Sasaki: We’ve touched on the evolution of consciousness, and now let's dive into the mechanics of reincarnation and karma. This is a topic that both of you have explored extensively, albeit from different perspectives. Dolores, could you start by explaining how reincarnation and karma work according to your understanding?
Dolores Cannon: Certainly, Nick. Reincarnation is the process by which souls return to physical form to experience life lessons and spiritual growth. In my work, I've found that souls choose their lives before they are born, selecting the circumstances, challenges, and relationships that will best facilitate their learning. Karma plays a crucial role in this process. It’s not about punishment but balance. If a soul has experienced certain actions or energies in one lifetime, they may choose to experience the opposite in another to understand the full spectrum of those energies. This balancing act continues across many lifetimes, as the soul seeks to learn and evolve.
Bashar: Yes, I resonate with much of what Dolores has shared. Reincarnation is part of the broader mechanism of self-discovery and expansion within the infinite universe. From our perspective, each life is like a chapter in a book, each with its own theme and lessons. Karma, as you understand it, is essentially the energy that you set in motion through your beliefs, actions, and intentions. This energy naturally seeks resolution and balance, but it’s important to remember that you are the creator of your experience. You are not at the mercy of karma; you are in control of it. By changing your beliefs and aligning with your true self, you can shift your karma and experience a different reality.
Nick Sasaki: That’s an interesting point, Bashar. The idea that we have control over our karma adds a layer of empowerment. Dolores, how does this align with the experiences you’ve documented in your regression sessions?
Dolores Cannon: It aligns quite well, actually. In my sessions, people often uncover past lives where certain patterns or relationships have carried over into their current lives. Once they understand these patterns and the lessons they need to learn, they can consciously choose to break the cycle and create new experiences. This is where free will comes into play. While karma might present us with certain lessons, we always have the choice in how we respond. The ultimate goal is to learn, evolve, and eventually transcend the cycle of reincarnation altogether.
Bashar: Exactly. And I would add that reincarnation is just one aspect of the multidimensional experience of being. While you may be focused on a single lifetime now, your soul is experiencing many realities simultaneously. Each lifetime contributes to the overall expansion of your being, and you can draw upon these experiences to inform your current choices. When you realize this, you begin to see karma not as a binding force but as a tool for growth and self-awareness.
Nick Sasaki: It seems like both of you are pointing to the idea that understanding and mastering reincarnation and karma can lead to greater freedom and evolution. What advice would you give to individuals who feel stuck in repetitive karmic patterns?
Dolores Cannon: My advice would be to look within and recognize the patterns that keep repeating in your life. Ask yourself what lessons you are being presented with and how you can approach them differently. Healing and releasing these patterns often involve forgiveness—of yourself and others. Once you understand the lesson and make a conscious choice to change, you can break free from the cycle.
Bashar: I would suggest embracing the idea that you are the creator of your reality. If you find yourself stuck in a pattern, it’s a sign that there’s something in your belief system that needs to be addressed. Shift your focus to what you prefer, and take actions that align with that preference. Remember, you have the power to change your reality at any moment by changing your beliefs and perspective.
Nick Sasaki: Your perspectives on reincarnation and karma offer both empowerment and deep understanding of our spiritual journeys. It's fascinating to see how these concepts shape our experiences and growth. We’ll now transition into our next discussion.
The Role of Volunteers and Starseeds
Nick Sasaki: Moving on to our next topic, let’s explore the role of volunteers and starseeds in the evolution of consciousness on Earth. Dolores, you've written extensively about the "Three Waves of Volunteers." Could you start by explaining who these volunteers are and what role they play in this grand cosmic journey?
Dolores Cannon: Of course, Nick. The "Three Waves of Volunteers" is a term I coined based on the findings from my regression sessions. These are souls who have come to Earth at different times, especially since World War II, to assist with the planet's ascension and the shift to a higher consciousness. The first wave includes those born shortly after the war, who often struggle with the dense and harsh realities of Earth. They feel like they don’t belong here and often yearn to return home, which they can't quite define. The second wave followed them, and these individuals are here to channel and spread positive energy, helping to raise the vibration of the planet. They are often more comfortable being alone and may avoid deep emotional connections to avoid creating new karma. The third wave consists of the new children—often called indigo, crystal, or rainbow children—who come in with advanced spiritual awareness and abilities. They are here to lead humanity into the new Earth with their innate wisdom and high vibrations.
Bashar: Yes, the concept of volunteers and starseeds resonates with our understanding as well. From our perspective, starseeds are souls who have originated from other star systems, dimensions, or even realities, who have incarnated on Earth with a specific mission or purpose. These beings have chosen to experience the Earth plane to assist in the collective awakening. They bring with them knowledge, energy, and frequencies from their home worlds, which help to anchor the new energy required for the shift in consciousness that is currently underway. These volunteers often feel different from others, sensing a deep inner calling to contribute to something larger than themselves.
Nick Sasaki: That’s a compelling alignment between your perspectives. Dolores, how do you see the challenges that these volunteers face, and how can they overcome them to fulfill their roles?
Dolores Cannon: The main challenge these volunteers face is the density of Earth, which can feel very heavy and overwhelming for them. Many of them come from places where there is no war, violence, or intense emotions, so adjusting to life on Earth can be difficult. They might experience depression, anxiety, or a sense of not fitting in. To overcome these challenges, it’s important for them to remember why they are here and to connect with like-minded individuals who share their mission. Meditation, grounding practices, and connecting with their higher selves or guides can also help them navigate their journey on Earth more smoothly.
Bashar: I would add that for starseeds, one of the most important things is to trust their intuition and inner knowing. These souls carry within them the wisdom and knowledge from their home systems, which can sometimes be at odds with the collective consciousness on Earth. It’s crucial for them to stay true to their own frequency and not get too caught up in the lower vibrations around them. By staying connected to their higher guidance and focusing on their mission, they can remain balanced and aligned, thereby fulfilling their roles effectively.
Nick Sasaki: It seems like understanding their purpose and staying connected to their higher guidance are key for these volunteers. What impact do you both see these volunteers having on the collective consciousness of Earth?
Dolores Cannon: The impact is profound. These volunteers are catalysts for change, even if they don’t realize it. Their mere presence on Earth raises the vibration of the planet, and their actions, whether big or small, help to shift the collective consciousness. They are here to plant seeds of change, and over time, those seeds will grow, leading to a more enlightened and harmonious world.
Bashar: Absolutely. These volunteers and starseeds are like beacons of light, anchoring the higher frequencies that are necessary for the transition to a new Earth. They help to awaken others and pave the way for a collective shift in consciousness. By simply being who they are and following their inner guidance, they create ripples of transformation that affect the entire planet. Their impact is not just limited to this timeline but resonates across multiple dimensions and realities.
Nick Sasaki: It’s enlightening to see how these volunteers and starseeds are essential to humanity's awakening. Their presence and energy are driving profound change. Let’s continue this exploration with our next topic.
Multi-Dimensional Realities and Parallel Universes
Nick Sasaki: Our next topic delves into the fascinating concepts of multi-dimensional realities and parallel universes. Bashar, you’ve often spoken about the existence of multiple dimensions and parallel realities. Could you share your perspective on how these realities interact with our current experience on Earth?
Bashar: Certainly, Nick. From our perspective, existence is not linear; it is simultaneous and multidimensional. This means that all possible realities exist at once, and what you experience as your current reality is just one of many parallel versions. Each decision you make, each belief you hold, creates a new pathway or branch of reality. These parallel universes are not just theoretical; they are actual experiences that your consciousness can access. You are constantly shifting between these realities based on your vibrational state and your focus. This is why it’s said that you create your own reality—because you are literally choosing which version of reality to experience with every thought and emotion.
Dolores Cannon: That’s a very insightful perspective, Bashar. In my regression work, I’ve encountered similar concepts. People often tap into parallel lives or other dimensions where they are living different experiences simultaneously. These are not just imaginations; they are real, tangible experiences in other realms of existence. It’s fascinating because it shows how fluid and expansive our consciousness truly is. We are not bound by the linear time and space we perceive here on Earth. Through our soul’s journey, we access these different dimensions and realities, sometimes bringing back lessons or energies that influence our current life.
Nick Sasaki: The idea that we are constantly shifting between realities is both intriguing and mind-expanding. Dolores, how do these multi-dimensional experiences show up in your regression sessions, and what impact do they have on the individual's understanding of their life?
Dolores Cannon: In many of my sessions, clients are surprised to find themselves in lives that are not necessarily in the past or future but are happening concurrently with their current life. These experiences can be on other planets, in other dimensions, or even in alternate versions of Earth. When clients access these parallel lives, they often gain profound insights into their current challenges or decisions. They might understand that a lesson they are struggling with here is being played out differently in another reality, which can help them approach it with more wisdom or detachment. This broader perspective can be incredibly healing and empowering, as it reminds them that their soul is vast and capable of navigating multiple realities simultaneously.
Bashar: Yes, and what’s important to understand is that these parallel realities are not separate from you. They are aspects of your greater self, and you can consciously choose to tap into them to gain insights, heal, or shift your current experience. When you align with your true self, you can access the realities that resonate most with your desires and intentions. This is why your beliefs and emotions are so powerful—they are the tools you use to navigate and select your experiences across these multiple dimensions.
Nick Sasaki: It’s fascinating to think that we have access to such a wide array of experiences and realities. Bashar, how can people become more aware of these multi-dimensional aspects of themselves and use this awareness to enhance their lives?
Bashar: The key is to become more present and aware of your inner state. Meditation, visualization, and following your excitement can help you attune to these higher frequencies where multi-dimensional awareness becomes more accessible. As you raise your vibration, you begin to perceive the subtler layers of reality, including your parallel lives. Trust your intuition and the synchronicities that guide you—they are signposts from your multi-dimensional self, pointing you towards the realities that are most aligned with your growth and joy.
Dolores Cannon: I would also add that it’s important to remain open-minded and curious. When you experience something that seems out of the ordinary or taps into another dimension, instead of dismissing it, explore it. These experiences are opportunities to expand your consciousness and integrate more of your soul’s wisdom. And remember, you are never alone on this journey; your higher self, guides, and other multi-dimensional aspects of you are always available to support you.
Nick Sasaki: The discussion on multi-dimensional realities and parallel universes opens up a whole new way of understanding our existence. The idea of consciously navigating these realities is both empowering and expansive. We’ll now delve into our final topic.
The Shift to a New Earth and the Ascension Process
Nick Sasaki: For our final topic, let’s explore the shift to a New Earth and the ascension process. This is a concept that many people are curious about, especially given the current state of the world. Dolores, you’ve spoken about Earth transitioning to a higher dimension, often referred to as the New Earth. Could you start by explaining what this shift entails and how it impacts humanity?
Dolores Cannon: Absolutely, Nick. The shift to a New Earth is a process of raising the vibrational frequency of our planet and its inhabitants. Through my work, I’ve discovered that Earth is undergoing a transformation, moving from a third-dimensional reality, characterized by duality and physical density, to a higher, more harmonious dimension. This shift is not happening all at once but is a gradual process, allowing those who are ready to ascend with the Earth to do so. The New Earth represents a place of higher consciousness, where love, unity, and peace prevail. It’s a space where individuals who have raised their vibrations through personal growth, healing, and spiritual practices will find themselves. This transition impacts humanity by offering an opportunity to leave behind lower vibrational patterns, such as fear and division, and embrace a new way of being that is aligned with higher spiritual principles.
Bashar: Yes, and from our perspective, this shift is part of a natural cycle of evolution that all civilizations undergo as they ascend in consciousness. The ascension process is about integrating more of your true essence and aligning with the higher frequencies of existence. As Dolores mentioned, this shift is happening gradually, and it’s driven by the collective consciousness of humanity. The more individuals awaken to their true nature and align with love, the more they contribute to the creation of the New Earth. It’s important to understand that this ascension is not something external—it’s an internal process of transformation. As you shift your own consciousness, you naturally align with the higher dimensional reality that is emerging.
Nick Sasaki: The idea of a New Earth and ascension is incredibly inspiring, but it can also feel overwhelming for many. Dolores, what signs or symptoms might people experience as they go through this shift, and how can they navigate these changes?
Dolores Cannon: Many people going through this shift may experience a variety of symptoms, often referred to as "ascension symptoms." These can include physical sensations like fatigue, dizziness, or changes in sleep patterns, as well as emotional and psychological shifts, such as heightened sensitivity, feelings of isolation, or a strong desire to find deeper meaning in life. It’s essential to understand that these symptoms are part of the process of shedding old energies and integrating higher frequencies. To navigate these changes, I recommend grounding practices, spending time in nature, and engaging in activities that raise your vibration, such as meditation, energy healing, or creative expression. It’s also crucial to connect with like-minded individuals who understand what you’re going through, as this support can be invaluable during times of transition.
Bashar: Indeed, these shifts can be intense, but they are also opportunities for profound growth and transformation. It’s important to maintain a state of trust and openness. Embrace the changes as signs that you are aligning with your higher self and the New Earth frequency. One of the most effective ways to navigate this process is to follow your highest excitement. This keeps your vibration high and aligns you with the path of least resistance, allowing the ascension process to unfold more smoothly. Remember, you are not a victim of these changes—you are a co-creator of them. By staying in a state of positive expectation and gratitude, you can ease the transition and fully step into the new reality that is emerging.
Nick Sasaki: It sounds like staying grounded and following what excites us are key to navigating this shift. Dolores, what role do the volunteers and starseeds we discussed earlier play in this ascension process?
Dolores Cannon: The volunteers and starseeds are crucial to this ascension process. They are here to anchor the higher frequencies and to serve as guides and way-showers for those who are just beginning their journey of awakening. These individuals often bring with them the wisdom and experience from other dimensions or planetary systems, which helps to catalyze the shift on Earth. They act as bridges between the old and new realities, helping to facilitate the transition for humanity. By simply being who they are and holding their light, they assist in raising the collective vibration, making it easier for others to ascend.
Bashar: Yes, these souls are like tuning forks, helping to resonate the frequency of the New Earth. Their presence is a reminder of the higher possibilities that exist for all of humanity. They are here to inspire and uplift, and their energy helps to create the necessary momentum for the collective shift. It’s important for everyone to recognize their own role in this process as well. Even if you don’t identify as a starseed or volunteer, your personal growth and alignment with your true self contribute to the ascension of the entire planet. Every thought, action, and intention matters in this grand cosmic process.
Nick Sasaki: This discussion about the shift to a New Earth and the ascension process highlights the profound transformation taking place in our world. The insights you've shared provide guidance for navigating this transition with greater awareness and intention. By embracing these changes and aligning with higher consciousness, we can actively participate in the creation of a more enlightened and harmonious reality. As we conclude this conversation, it's important to reflect on how we can each contribute to this evolutionary process in our own unique ways. Thank you both for your wisdom and for helping us explore these profound topics.
Short Bios:
Dolores Cannon was a pioneering hypnotherapist, past-life regressionist, and author who explored metaphysical concepts and the nature of consciousness. With over 40 years of experience, she developed her unique method, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), through which she uncovered insights into past lives, reincarnation, and the "Three Waves of Volunteers" who have come to Earth to assist with its ascension. Her work has profoundly influenced the spiritual and metaphysical community, and she authored numerous books on these topics.
Bashar is an interdimensional being channeled by Darryl Anka, offering insights into the nature of reality, consciousness, and human potential. Since the early 1980s, Bashar has shared wisdom on topics such as parallel universes, the power of beliefs, and the evolution of consciousness. His teachings emphasize the importance of following one's highest excitement and living in alignment with one’s true self to create a fulfilling life. Bashar’s messages resonate with those seeking to understand the deeper aspects of existence and their role in the universe.
Nick Sasaki is a seasoned moderator and thought leader known for facilitating deep, insightful conversations on topics of spirituality, consciousness, and personal growth. With a passion for exploring the mysteries of the universe and the human experience, Nick has guided discussions with some of the most profound thinkers in the metaphysical and spiritual realms. His approach combines clarity, empathy, and curiosity, making complex ideas accessible and engaging for a wide audience.
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