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Today, we have an extraordinary imaginary conversation for you—one that dives deep into the heart of the challenges we face on our planet and in our collective consciousness. We’re bringing together three incredibly insightful minds, each with unique perspectives on global disasters, climate change, and the shifts that are reshaping our world.
First, we have the one and only Joseph Tittel, an internationally acclaimed psychic medium and spiritual teacher. Joseph has been guiding people through his profound visions for years, and today, he’ll be sharing his insights into the spiritual messages behind the natural disasters we’ve been seeing.
Next, we have Craig Hamilton-Parker, a world-renowned psychic and philosopher who’s known for his profound predictions and understanding of human consciousness. Craig brings a grounded and deeply insightful perspective on how our actions as a global community are impacting the Earth.
And finally, we have the one and only Nostradamus—yes, you heard me right! Through the brilliance of this imaginary conversation, we’ll explore the timeless wisdom of Nostradamus, who centuries ago foresaw many of the challenges we face today. What did he predict about our current global situation? How does it tie into the world we're living in right now?
Together, these three minds, with Nick Sasaki moderating, will unpack the most pressing issues of our time: from natural disasters to spiritual awakening. This is a conversation you won’t want to miss—it’s thought-provoking, enlightening, and perhaps, a little bit unsettling. But it’s exactly the conversation we need in these transformative times.
So, let’s dive in and explore how we can better understand the shifts happening all around us, and most importantly, within us. Enjoy!

Global Disasters and Climate Impact
Nick Sasaki: Welcome, everyone, to our first topic, which focuses on the growing concerns of global disasters and their relation to climate change. We’ve seen devastating hurricanes, wildfires, and earthquakes on the rise. Joseph, let’s begin with you. What insights do you have regarding these global events and their connection to spirit or prophecy?
Joseph Tittel: Thank you, Nick. It's no coincidence that we're seeing more intense natural disasters. Spirit has been warning us about these events for years. From my visions, the Earth is undergoing a significant shift—what we call "Earth changes." These disasters are not just random acts of nature; they are part of a cleansing process, preparing us for a higher vibration, a new way of living. The planet is releasing built-up energy, and with each disaster, we’re being urged to wake up and take care of not just the planet but ourselves.
Climate change is real, yes, but I also see it as a combination of spiritual factors. We’ve ignored the planet’s needs for too long, and now we’re being forced to face the consequences. The flooding, fires, hurricanes—they’re messages that we need to act now.
Nick Sasaki: That’s fascinating, Joseph. Craig, do you believe there is a spiritual or psychic element to these disasters, or do you see them purely through the lens of human behavior and climate science?
Craig Hamilton-Parker: I believe it’s a combination of both. We can't deny the scientific evidence behind climate change—carbon emissions, deforestation, and pollution are creating these extreme weather patterns. But there's also an undeniable metaphysical component at play. When humanity is out of balance, nature responds. In my work, I’ve seen how collective human consciousness can influence natural events. Our negative emotions, our disregard for the Earth—it all creates an energetic ripple effect that manifests as these catastrophic events.
It's as if the Earth is communicating with us, and if we don’t listen, the consequences will only grow more severe. Nostradamus predicted this in his quatrains, foreseeing upheaval and change in this period. He didn't just mean wars and societal collapse; he saw environmental collapse as well.
Nick Sasaki: That’s an interesting point, Craig. Nostradamus, your predictions have been interpreted as foretelling natural disasters. What do you see for the coming future in terms of these global events?
Nostradamus: Indeed, my visions long ago saw great floods, fires, and calamities that would signal a time of immense transformation. The world today mirrors many of those predictions. I spoke of waters rising, lands shifting, and cities falling, and all these signs point to a great upheaval. Humanity’s relentless exploitation of nature will lead to even more violent responses from the Earth.
But these disasters are not punishments; they are the Earth’s way of rebalancing itself. Those who can attune themselves to the rhythms of nature and the cosmos will find themselves guided through these times, while others will continue to struggle. The key lies in understanding the deeper connections between man and nature. The storms, the fires—they are a reflection of the storm within humanity’s soul.
Nick Sasaki: So it seems we have both physical and spiritual factors to consider when addressing these disasters. Joseph, Craig, Nostradamus, thank you for sharing your perspectives. It’s clear that global disasters are not just a result of environmental neglect but a deeper, more interconnected issue that speaks to our collective consciousness.
The Role of Collective Consciousness in Shaping Future Events
Nick Sasaki:
"We’ve discussed global disasters and the shifts in the physical world, but now I’d like us to turn toward the role of collective consciousness. Many believe that humanity's collective thoughts, intentions, and energy have a direct impact on future events. Joseph, Craig, Nostradamus—how do each of you see the collective consciousness playing a role in shaping what’s to come?"
Joseph Tittel:
"Nick, this is one of the most important aspects of my work, and something Spirit has been communicating for a long time. Collective consciousness is incredibly powerful. Think of it like a giant energetic web that connects all of us. Every thought, every emotion, and every intention feeds into this web, shaping the reality we experience. When large groups of people come together in fear, chaos ensues because that energy multiplies. But when people focus on love, healing, and unity, that also spreads. It’s no coincidence that many of the disasters and challenges we’re facing globally are happening at a time when there’s so much division and fear in the world. It’s a reflection of the collective state of humanity. But the beautiful thing is that we have the power to change this. If we can shift our consciousness from fear to love, from separation to unity, we can begin to change the course of future events. This isn’t just wishful thinking—this is spiritual law."
Nick Sasaki:
"That’s a powerful point, Joseph. Craig, you've spoken about the potential for humanity to evolve spiritually. How does collective consciousness fit into that evolution?"
Craig Hamilton-Parker:
"Collective consciousness is the driver of evolution. I’ve always said that humanity’s future lies in its ability to awaken to its interconnectedness. We are not separate beings; we are part of a greater whole. The disasters we’re seeing, both natural and man-made, are the result of the disconnection we’ve created within ourselves and with the world. On a metaphysical level, these challenges are like birth pains—they’re pushing us toward a higher state of awareness. The collective energy of humanity is like the ocean—it can be calm and nurturing, or it can be stormy and destructive. What people often don’t realize is that they have the power to influence this ocean. When enough people raise their consciousness—through acts of compassion, forgiveness, and understanding—we start to see shifts in the global energy field. This creates ripples that can influence everything from social movements to geopolitical outcomes. So the work starts with each individual, but the impact is global. That’s the beauty of collective consciousness—it’s both personal and universal."
Nick Sasaki:
"That’s fascinating, Craig. Nostradamus, your prophecies often suggest that the future is malleable, that certain events can be altered based on humanity’s choices. Do you see collective consciousness as a force that can shape or even change the outcome of your predictions?"
(In translation)
"Indeed, many of my visions were warnings, not certainties. The future is not a fixed path, but a river with many tributaries. Collective consciousness is the force that guides the flow of this river. When I foresaw great wars, plagues, and natural disasters, it was because I sensed the dark energy that humanity was cultivating. Fear, greed, and hatred can summon destruction, much like a storm on the horizon. But there is always the possibility to change the course. If enough souls awaken to their divine nature and choose peace, the river can be diverted, and the storm may pass without causing harm. It is important to understand that even in the darkest times, the light of consciousness can still illuminate a new path. The future is always in flux, and collective consciousness is the key to unlocking new potentials."
Nick Sasaki:
"That idea of the future being like a river is profound. It suggests that we are not helpless in the face of what’s to come—we have agency through our thoughts, actions, and intentions. Joseph, you mentioned earlier the importance of meditation and raising individual vibrations. Can you talk more about how individual efforts can contribute to this larger shift in collective consciousness?"
Joseph Tittel:
"Absolutely, Nick. The shift in collective consciousness starts with each of us. When one person raises their vibration, it has a ripple effect on the people around them, and it contributes to the overall energy of the planet. Meditation is a powerful tool for this because it allows us to quiet the mind, connect with Spirit, and align with the higher frequencies of love, peace, and compassion. But it doesn’t stop with meditation. It’s about how you live your life—choosing kindness over anger, generosity over selfishness, and love over fear. These choices may seem small, but when millions of people make them, they create an energetic shift in the collective consciousness. I’ve seen this happen with group meditations or global prayer events. When people come together with a shared intention, the energy is palpable. I believe that as more people awaken and commit to raising their vibration, we’ll see a tipping point where the energy shifts globally. That’s when real change can happen."
Nick Sasaki:
"So it sounds like this is not just about large-scale movements, but about everyday actions contributing to a greater whole. Craig, do you see any historical examples where a shift in collective consciousness changed the course of events?"
Craig Hamilton-Parker:
"Yes, Nick, there are numerous examples. One that comes to mind is the fall of the Berlin Wall. Leading up to that event, there was a massive shift in the consciousness of the people living under oppressive regimes. There was a collective will for change, and though it seemed impossible for so long, the wall eventually fell—largely because the people’s consciousness shifted toward freedom and unity. It wasn’t just about political movements; it was about the energy of the collective tipping the scales. Another example is the global peace movements in the 1960s and ‘70s. Those movements not only protested against war but also planted the seeds of a global consciousness rooted in love, equality, and peace. While the results weren’t immediate, those seeds have continued to grow, influencing generations of people to think beyond national borders and see themselves as part of one global community. It’s this kind of shift that we need again, but on an even larger scale."
(In translation)
"There have been moments in history where the collective will of humanity altered the path of fate. Yet, for every moment of enlightenment, there is a temptation to return to darkness. The great task of this age is to remain steadfast in the light. For as the Earth moves through its cycles, so too does humanity’s consciousness. When enough souls awaken and unite, they can change the course of time itself. This is why I spoke not only of destruction, but also of renewal. Every prophecy holds within it the seed of hope, for the future is always being written by the thoughts and actions of the present."
Nick Sasaki:
"This discussion highlights the incredible potential of collective consciousness. It’s clear that while disasters and challenges are part of our future, so too is the opportunity for humanity to rise to the occasion through unity and higher awareness. If we can harness the power of collective consciousness, the future can be brighter than many might think."
Prophetic Visions and Their Role in Guiding Humanity's Future
Nick Sasaki:
"We’ve delved into the importance of collective consciousness and how humanity’s thoughts and energy can shape the future. Now, let’s shift focus to the role of prophecy. Each of you—Joseph, Craig, and Nostradamus—have worked with visions or prophecies, which have guided individuals or even entire societies. How do you see the role of these prophetic insights in steering humanity? Are they warnings, guidance, or perhaps something else entirely? Joseph, why don’t you start us off?"
Joseph Tittel:
"Thanks, Nick. For me, prophecies are both warnings and guidance. When Spirit delivers messages or visions of future events, they’re not set in stone. They come as a wake-up call, an opportunity for humanity to make different choices. Spirit doesn’t want to instill fear—fear lowers our vibration—but instead, to empower us to make better decisions that can change the outcome. For example, when I get visions of natural disasters, it’s not to scare people but to encourage preparation. It’s like seeing storm clouds on the horizon—you have time to take shelter, or perhaps even to divert the storm if we come together as a collective. The same goes for larger global events. If we heed the warnings, we have the power to mitigate the damage. Prophecies should inspire action, not paralysis."
Nick Sasaki:
"That’s an important distinction, Joseph. It’s about how we respond to these visions. Craig, you’ve talked about the metaphysical aspects of prophecy in your work. How do you interpret the role of prophetic visions in our current times?"
Craig Hamilton-Parker:
"Prophecy, in my view, serves as a map, not a mandate. It’s a tool for humanity to navigate the complexities of existence. Throughout history, seers and prophets have received glimpses of potential futures—some dark, some hopeful. These visions arise not from a fixed destiny but from the energetic currents that are building in the present. They’re a reflection of the collective energy that we, as a species, are generating. When we see dark visions, they’re often a reflection of the imbalance, conflict, and disconnection we’ve created. But just like Joseph said, these are warnings, not inevitabilities. The future is fluid, and prophetic visions give us the chance to course-correct. In today’s world, we’re seeing prophecies from centuries ago manifest, but the question is whether we are willing to take the necessary steps to shift those outcomes. If we take them as guidance rather than fate, we can change the trajectory."
Nick Sasaki:
"That idea of prophecy as a map is really compelling, Craig. Nostradamus, your writings have been interpreted for centuries as predictions of future events. What do you see as the true purpose of your prophecies? Were they meant to be warnings, guidance, or something else?"
(In translation)
"My prophecies were meant as mirrors of potential outcomes, not certainties. Humanity stands at the crossroads of time, always choosing between paths. I saw many possible futures, but the paths to those futures were shaped by the choices of men. Some of my visions were warnings, yes, of great wars, natural catastrophes, and suffering. But within each warning was also a choice—a choice to change the course. It is like the river I spoke of before: it can be diverted. My writings were not meant to instill fear but to awaken the consciousness of those who would listen. I foresaw the cycles of human behavior, the rise and fall of civilizations. But I also saw the possibility for renewal, for awakening. The future is a field of infinite possibilities, and prophecy offers a glimpse of both the shadows and the light."
Nick Sasaki:
"So, Nostradamus, it sounds like even in the darkest of your visions, there’s always a potential for hope or change. Do you believe that humanity is on the brink of such a choice right now?"
(In translation)
"Yes, Nick. Humanity stands at a critical juncture. The signs of destruction are many—the wars, the climate disasters, the divisions among people. These were all foretold. But so too was the opportunity for rebirth. What I see now is a tipping point. The decisions made in these coming years will echo for centuries. The collective will of humanity will determine whether the future is one of suffering or of unity. My prophecies show the possibilities, but the choice is always in the hands of mankind."
Nick Sasaki:
"That brings us back to this idea that prophecies are not meant to lock us into a fixed future, but rather to show us the range of outcomes based on the energy we’re putting out. Joseph, when you receive visions, do you ever feel like there’s a responsibility on your part to warn people or guide them in a certain direction?"
Joseph Tittel:
"Absolutely, Nick. When Spirit shows me something, I feel a deep sense of responsibility to share it. But I’m always careful to frame it in a way that empowers people rather than instills fear. It’s like saying, 'Here’s what could happen, but here’s what you can do to change it.' I believe that prophecies are meant to guide us back to our own power. Spirit wants us to know that we are co-creators of our reality, and these visions are there to help us course-correct when we’ve gone off track. But at the end of the day, it’s up to each of us to listen and take action. Prophecies are road signs, not roadblocks."
Nick Sasaki:
"Craig, do you think humanity is at a point where it’s willing to listen to these prophetic road signs, or are we still too distracted by the material world?"
Craig Hamilton-Parker:
"I think there’s a growing awareness, Nick. More people are waking up to the fact that we’re living in unprecedented times, and many are turning to spiritual teachings and ancient wisdom to make sense of it all. However, we are also in a world that’s more distracted than ever. Technology, politics, media—all of these things can pull people away from their inner truth and from the guidance that’s always available. I believe that the more chaos we see in the outer world, the more people will start to seek answers within. But the challenge is in finding that balance—using prophecy and spiritual guidance to inform our choices while also staying grounded in the present reality. There’s a lot of noise out there, but the deeper truths are always there for those who are willing to listen."
Nick Sasaki:
"It seems like we’re in a race against time—whether humanity will awaken and heed these prophetic warnings before more catastrophic events occur. Nostradamus, in your time, were people as distracted by the material world as they are today, or do you think the challenges of this age are different?"
(In translation)
"Every age has its distractions, though they take different forms. In my time, it was political strife, religious wars, and the pursuit of power. Today, the distractions are many, but the essence remains the same: humanity is often blinded by its desires, forgetting its higher purpose. However, each age also has its seekers—those who look beyond the material and strive to understand the deeper truths of existence. What I see now is an age of great potential. The distractions are many, but so too are the opportunities for awakening. The chaos you see in the world today is a sign that the old ways are crumbling, making room for something new. Whether that new path is one of light or darkness depends on the choices humanity makes now."
Nick Sasaki:
"So we have the warnings, we have the guidance, and now it’s up to us to decide which path to take. Joseph, Craig, Nostradamus—thank you for your insights on the role of prophecy. It’s clear that while the future holds many challenges, it also offers us a chance to create something better."
Navigating Global Disasters and the Role of Collective Consciousness
Nick Sasaki:
"We've talked about the role of prophecy in guiding humanity and the potential to change our path. Now, let's dive into how global disasters—whether natural or man-made—impact the collective consciousness of humanity. How do these events shape the world, and what role does collective energy play in either mitigating or intensifying these crises? Joseph, perhaps you can start by sharing how you see this interplay."
Joseph Tittel:
"Absolutely, Nick. Global disasters, in my experience, are powerful catalysts. They shake people out of their comfort zones and make them aware of things that they would normally ignore or dismiss. When something major happens—like a devastating hurricane, wildfire, or even a geopolitical crisis—it forces people to look at the bigger picture. It’s during these times that the collective consciousness can either rise to meet the challenge, or sink into fear and division. I always say that we are more powerful than we think, and when humanity comes together—when we share a vision of peace, healing, and unity—we can actually shift the energy around these disasters."
"For example, when I get warnings about major storms or earthquakes, Spirit often shows me that it’s not just the physical Earth reacting, but the collective energy of humanity that contributes to these events. If people are disconnected, filled with fear or anger, it amplifies the chaos. But when we focus on love, healing, and community, we can minimize the damage or even prevent some events altogether. This doesn’t mean we can stop every natural disaster, but we can definitely influence how severe the impact is and how quickly we recover."
Nick Sasaki:
"That’s a profound perspective, Joseph. Craig, you've spoken about the metaphysical aspects of disasters. Do you agree that the collective consciousness plays a role in how these events unfold?"
Craig Hamilton-Parker:
"Yes, I completely agree. Global disasters often reflect an imbalance in the collective energy of humanity. On a spiritual level, these events can be seen as a kind of reset, a way for nature to realign itself when humanity has gone too far out of balance. But they also present an opportunity for growth. I believe that every disaster, no matter how tragic, holds the potential for a spiritual awakening. When people are faced with loss or destruction, they’re forced to re-evaluate their priorities, to let go of the material and focus on what truly matters—community, compassion, and connection."
"Joseph is right that collective consciousness plays a significant role. When humanity is consumed by fear, greed, or hatred, that energy reverberates and contributes to the intensity of these disasters. But when we shift our focus to love and healing, we create a buffer. This is why you often see incredible acts of kindness and unity in the wake of a disaster. It’s as if the event pulls people together, and that collective love and compassion starts to transform the energy."
"I believe we’re at a point now where we need to be more proactive in working with collective consciousness. Disasters don’t need to be the only catalyst for unity. We can start building that consciousness now, before the crises hit, and in doing so, we may be able to prevent or lessen the impact of future disasters."
Nick Sasaki:
"That proactive approach—building collective energy before a crisis—seems key. Nostradamus, many of your prophecies spoke of great disasters. Do you believe these events were inevitable, or could collective consciousness have changed their course?"
(In translation)
"My visions of disaster were not fixed. They were reflections of the energies building in the collective consciousness of my time and beyond. Each disaster I foresaw was linked to the choices humanity made—whether it was war, famine, or natural catastrophe. But these visions also came with the potential for change. As Joseph and Craig have said, the collective energy of humanity has a profound influence on how these events unfold."
"When I saw great wars and floods in my visions, they were the result of human actions—wars born of pride and greed, floods resulting from a disregard for the natural world. But I also saw that these events, while tragic, could awaken humanity to its higher potential. Each disaster is a test, a chance for humanity to unite, to rise above its base instincts and embrace its spiritual destiny. If enough people focus their energy on peace and healing, they can prevent the worst of these outcomes. But if they remain divided and fearful, the disasters will only escalate."
Nick Sasaki:
"So even in your time, Nostradamus, you saw that these disasters were tied to human actions and choices. Joseph, you often talk about preparing for potential disasters, not just physically but spiritually. How do you think we can encourage people to be more mindful of the role their consciousness plays in these events?"
Joseph Tittel:
"That’s a great question, Nick. The key is education and awareness. Most people don’t realize how powerful their thoughts and emotions are. We need to teach people that every thought, every intention, has an energetic ripple effect. I often tell my audience that they have more control over the world than they think. If enough people come together with the right intention, we can create miracles."
"But it’s not just about telling people to think positive—it’s about getting them to take responsibility for their energy. We can’t ignore the negative and pretend everything is fine, but we also can’t let fear rule us. We have to find that balance. One of the ways I try to help people is by leading group meditations or healing sessions where we collectively focus on sending love and light to areas in need. When you get hundreds or thousands of people focusing on healing at the same time, it’s incredible what can happen. We’ve seen natural disasters lessen in intensity, we’ve seen communities come together to rebuild, and I truly believe it’s because of that collective energy."
Craig Hamilton-Parker:
"I completely agree with that, Joseph. Collective meditation and intention can be incredibly powerful. There’s scientific research now that backs this up—the idea that when a large group of people meditates or prays together, it can lower crime rates, reduce violence, and even influence the weather. This isn’t just metaphysical anymore; it’s being studied in the scientific community. The more people realize the power they have within, the more they’ll start to use it in positive ways."
Nick Sasaki:
"It sounds like we’re moving toward a deeper understanding of the connection between our consciousness and the physical world. Nostradamus, do you see a time in the future when humanity fully embraces this power of collective energy, and if so, how might that change the course of future disasters?"
(In translation)
"Yes, Nick. I foresaw a time when humanity would awaken to its spiritual power, a time when the divisions of nations and religions would dissolve, and people would come together as one. In that future, the power of collective consciousness would be fully realized. The disasters I once saw would no longer hold the same force, for humanity would have learned to live in harmony with the Earth and with one another."
"But that future is not guaranteed. It depends on the choices made in the present. Humanity stands at the threshold of this great awakening, but it must choose to step forward. If it does, the disasters will lessen, and a new era of peace and prosperity will dawn. If it does not, the disasters will grow more frequent and severe, until humanity is forced to awaken through suffering."
Nick Sasaki:
"So it all comes back to choice. We have the potential to mitigate disasters through collective energy and consciousness, but it requires an intentional shift in how we live and interact with the world. Joseph, Craig, Nostradamus—thank you for these powerful insights. It’s clear that while the future holds many challenges, we also have the power to shape it in profound ways."
The Future of Humanity – Predictions for 2025 and Beyond
Nick Sasaki:
"We've covered the role of collective consciousness and how we can potentially influence global disasters. Now, let's look ahead. As we approach the year 2025, people are increasingly anxious about what the future holds. Joseph, Craig, and Nostradamus, what are your predictions for humanity's path in the coming years? Are we heading toward a brighter future, or do darker times lie ahead? Joseph, would you like to start?"
Joseph Tittel:
"Thanks, Nick. The energy I feel leading into 2025 is both intense and transformative. Spirit has been warning me about major shifts that will take place, not just in the natural world but also in the political and social arenas. We're going to see more people waking up to the truth—about themselves, about the systems in place, and about the spiritual nature of reality. However, this awakening won't come easily. There's going to be a lot of resistance from those who cling to old ways of thinking, especially in areas like government, economics, and even organized religion."
"In terms of physical events, Spirit shows me more extreme weather—bigger hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanic activity. But these natural events are also reflections of the internal shifts happening within humanity. People are starting to question everything, and that questioning can sometimes cause chaos before it leads to clarity. I do see hope, though. More and more people are coming together to meditate, to heal, and to work for the good of the planet. It’s a sign that, even amidst the chaos, there's a powerful undercurrent of light growing stronger."
Nick Sasaki:
"So, in your view, Joseph, 2025 will bring about a spiritual awakening, but it may be accompanied by both physical and societal upheaval. Craig, how do you see the future unfolding, particularly around the year 2025?"
Craig Hamilton-Parker:
"Well, Nick, I think Joseph is absolutely right about the dual nature of what's to come. I’ve been receiving visions of great societal change, especially in how we view leadership and power. I see a shift away from the old hierarchies—the structures of control that have dominated for centuries. Instead, I believe we’re moving toward more decentralized forms of governance, where communities have more say in how they are run, and where spirituality plays a bigger role in decision-making."
"But 2025 is a critical year. I see it as a crossroads. Humanity will be given choices, as it always has been, but these choices will carry more weight than ever before. On one path, we can embrace compassion, equality, and unity, and this will lead to breakthroughs in technology, medicine, and our understanding of consciousness. I see amazing advances in quantum healing and AI integration with human consciousness, but only if we align these technologies with our spiritual development."
"On the darker path, if we fail to come together, I see an increase in authoritarianism, global conflicts, and environmental degradation. The Earth can only take so much, and if we continue down a destructive path, the planet will react more fiercely than we've ever seen. But like Joseph, I’m hopeful. I see pockets of light forming all over the world—groups of people who are dedicated to creating a better future, and I believe that their energy will tip the scales toward the positive."
Nick Sasaki:
"Craig, you’re highlighting a major point—that 2025 could be a turning point for either great unity or greater division. Nostradamus, many of your prophecies seem to hint at significant changes in this century. What do you see for humanity in the coming years, particularly in 2025 and beyond?"
(In translation)
"The year 2025 is indeed a pivotal one, as Craig has said. In my visions, I saw the energies of this time as both destructive and creative. There are great forces at work—forces of darkness that seek to divide and control, and forces of light that seek to liberate and unite. The outcome is not yet decided, but I can tell you that the actions of this generation will shape the future for centuries to come."
"One of the most troubling aspects of my visions was the rise of new forms of control, not just through political means but through technology. I saw great advancements in artificial intelligence, but these were used not to elevate humanity, but to suppress it. Those in power sought to use these technologies to monitor and control the thoughts and actions of the masses. This path leads to great suffering and conflict."
"However, I also saw an alternative future, one where humanity harnessed these technologies for the betterment of all. In this future, technology and spirituality were intertwined, and humanity entered a golden age of peace, wisdom, and enlightenment. It is important to remember that these are not fixed outcomes. As I have said before, the future is shaped by the actions of the present. If humanity chooses the path of light, we will see a future far brighter than what has been imagined."
Nick Sasaki:
"Nostradamus, your insights are as chilling as they are hopeful. The idea that technology could either liberate or control us is certainly something we’re grappling with today. Joseph, Craig, both of you have spoken about the power of collective consciousness. How can we use that power to influence which path humanity takes in 2025?"
Joseph Tittel:
"Nick, it all comes down to awareness and intention. The more people understand that their thoughts and emotions are shaping the future, the more empowered they’ll feel to make positive changes. It’s not just about reacting to what happens in the world, but proactively sending out energy that aligns with love, peace, and healing."
"I always tell my audience that when we come together—even just a few of us—with a shared intention, we create ripples that spread far beyond what we can see. Those ripples can influence the collective energy of the planet. So if we want 2025 to be a year of transformation rather than destruction, we need to start now by working on our own inner transformation. Meditate, visualize the future you want, and act in ways that are aligned with that vision."
Craig Hamilton-Parker:
"Exactly, Joseph. Collective consciousness is the key. I see the year 2025 as a year of awakening for many people. More and more, people are realizing that they have a role to play in shaping the future, and it’s not just through voting or activism—it’s through their spiritual practice, their thoughts, and their intentions. If we can create a global movement of positive energy, it will have a profound effect on the course of events."
"I often tell people to think of collective consciousness as a giant web. Every thought, every action, sends a vibration through that web. The more positive energy we put into it, the stronger the web becomes, and the more resilient we are in the face of challenges. This isn’t just wishful thinking—it’s how energy works. So the message I would give to anyone listening is: don’t underestimate your power. You are part of the solution."
Nick Sasaki:
"That’s a powerful message, Craig. As we look to the future, it seems clear that we each have a role to play, not just in our individual lives but in shaping the world we all share. Nostradamus, Joseph, Craig, thank you all for your incredible insights today. It seems that while the future holds both challenges and opportunities, the key to navigating it lies within us—within our consciousness and our choices."
Final Thoughts
Nick Sasaki:
"As we bring this conversation to a close, one theme has resonated throughout our discussion—the power of choice. Joseph, Craig, and Nostradamus, you’ve all highlighted that humanity stands at a crossroads, and what happens next depends not only on the forces around us but on how we, as individuals and as a collective, respond."
"The future is not fixed. It’s shaped by our thoughts, actions, and the energy we put into the world. Whether we face disaster or transformation, division or unity, it’s clear that each of us has a role to play. We have the power to influence our own destiny, both on a personal and global level."
"So, for everyone listening, take the lessons shared here to heart. Cultivate awareness. Spread positive energy. And remember, as Craig said, 'You are part of the solution.' With that in mind, let us move forward with hope and determination, knowing that the choices we make today will shape the world of tomorrow."
Joseph Tittel:
"Well said, Nick. As we always say, it’s about love, light, and staying aligned with your higher self. The more we do that, the brighter the future will be for all of us."
Craig Hamilton-Parker:
"Absolutely. Now is the time to awaken, to connect, and to create the future we want to live in. Each one of us holds the key."
(In translation)
"The future belongs to those who see it not as a burden, but as an opportunity. The light of tomorrow is always born from the choices we make today. Let wisdom guide you on this path."
Nick Sasaki :
"Thank you all for such profound insights. And to everyone watching or listening, remember: the future is in your hands. Let’s shape it with love, wisdom, and purpose."
Short Bios:
Joseph Tittel – Joseph is an internationally renowned psychic medium, spiritual teacher, and author. Known for his accurate predictions and deep spiritual insights, Joseph helps guide people through life's challenges by connecting them with higher realms and the spirit world.
Craig Hamilton-Parker – Craig is a world-famous psychic, author, and philosopher. With decades of experience in predictions and a deep understanding of consciousness, he provides grounded and insightful perspectives on global shifts and spiritual evolution.
Nostradamus – Nostradamus was a 16th-century French astrologer, physician, and seer whose quatrains have fascinated people for centuries. His cryptic and visionary prophecies have been interpreted as predictions of significant global events that continue to resonate with the world today.
Nick Sasaki – Nick is a skilled moderator and insightful thinker, known for guiding deep conversations on pressing global and spiritual topics. He brings clarity and focus to discussions that blend ancient wisdom and modern predictions.
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