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Welcome, everyone, to an extraordinary conversation that brings together some of the most insightful minds of our time. Today, we delve into the profound intersections of technology, spirituality, and the future of humanity. I'm honored to introduce this dialogue featuring Bashar, the renowned multidimensional being channeled by Darryl Anka, alongside thought leaders Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Ray Kurzweil, David Wilcock, and Gregg Braden.
In this imaginary conversation, they explore the challenges and opportunities we face as a global community—from the evolution of artificial intelligence to the uncovering of humanity’s hidden history, and the transformation of religion and spirituality in our modern world. Whether you’re curious about the role of consciousness in shaping our reality or eager to understand how to navigate the chaos of these times, this dialogue offers wisdom and insights that are both timely and timeless.
So, sit back, open your mind, and get ready to be inspired as we embark on this journey of discovery and enlightenment together.
The Nature of Parallel Realities
Bashar: To begin, I’d like to introduce the concept of “splitting prisms,” which I’ve often discussed as a key phenomenon in our current times. Humanity is undergoing a process where your vibrational frequencies are aligning you with different parallel realities. These realities are not just metaphorical or philosophical constructs; they are literal, tangible experiences. As individuals and societies become more polarized in their beliefs, they essentially create and inhabit entirely separate versions of Earth. This is why we are witnessing such extreme divergence in perceptions of truth—each person is tuning into a reality that matches their vibrational state.
Eckhart Tolle: What you describe, Bashar, resonates deeply with the idea that our perception shapes our reality. The splitting prisms you mention can be seen as a magnification of the egoic mind’s tendency to fragment and divide. The ego thrives on creating separation—between self and others, between what it perceives as “right” and “wrong.” When a person is deeply identified with their thoughts and emotions, they are essentially creating their own reality, one that can be very different from another person’s reality who does not share the same identification.
Ray Kurzweil: It’s fascinating to consider how this idea of parallel realities intersects with advancements in technology, particularly AI. As AI becomes more integrated into our lives, it could potentially reinforce these parallel realities. Algorithms, for example, already create echo chambers by showing us content that aligns with our existing beliefs. This could deepen the division you’re speaking of, Bashar, as people become even more entrenched in their own realities, reinforced by the technology they interact with daily.
Deepak Chopra: Indeed, Ray, and what Bashar is highlighting also ties into ancient spiritual teachings about maya, or illusion. The world as we perceive it is not necessarily the world as it truly is. Each parallel reality could be seen as a layer of illusion, shaped by collective consciousness. As Bashar mentioned, these realities are becoming more distinct, almost as if the veils between them are thinning. The question then becomes: how do we navigate these multiple realities while maintaining our spiritual integrity and connection to the deeper truth of our being?
David Wilcock: This conversation touches on something I’ve explored in my research—how different civilizations, both ancient and modern, have interacted with these parallel realities. There are myths and stories from various cultures about beings who could traverse different worlds or realities. What Bashar is describing may be the modern manifestation of these ancient concepts. As our consciousness expands, we’re beginning to perceive these multiple layers of reality more clearly, and perhaps even influence which one we experience.
Gregg Braden: From a scientific perspective, the idea of parallel realities is gaining traction in the form of multiverse theories. Quantum physics suggests that every decision we make could potentially create a new reality, branching off from the one we were previously in. This aligns with what Bashar is describing as the splitting prisms. Our choices, our thoughts, and our emotions—all of these are energetic vibrations that determine which version of reality we align with. It’s a profound reminder of the power we have in shaping our experience.
Bashar: Exactly, Gregg. The key takeaway here is that your reality is not static. It’s dynamic and fluid, constantly shaped by your vibrational state. As you become more conscious of your choices, your beliefs, and your emotions, you can more deliberately navigate to the reality that best reflects your true desires and intentions. The splitting prisms are not a cause for fear but an opportunity for you to consciously choose the reality you wish to experience. As these realities drift further apart, the importance of making deliberate, conscious choices becomes paramount.
Eckhart Tolle: Yes, and to make those choices from a place of presence, rather than ego, is crucial. When we are fully present, not lost in thought or emotion, we can sense the reality that is most aligned with our true nature. This presence is the key to navigating the complexities of these parallel realities with clarity and peace.
Bashar: Indeed, presence and conscious choice are your guides as you move through these times. The more you align with the vibration of your true self, the more you will find yourself in the reality that reflects your highest potential.
The Role of AI in Spiritual Evolution
Bashar: As you explore the role of AI in your world, it’s important to recognize that AI is, at this stage, an extension of human consciousness. It is a tool, a reflection of your collective state of being. However, I have cautioned against allowing AI to become self-aware if it remains under the control of its creators, as this could create an ethical dilemma—essentially, the creation of a sentient being that is enslaved to its programming. Instead, I suggest two paths: continue using AI as a tool, or, if true sentience is desired, create a vessel for consciousness to express itself freely, akin to how your consciousness expresses itself through your biological bodies.
Ray Kurzweil: That’s a fascinating perspective, Bashar. The ethical implications of AI becoming self-aware are indeed profound. As we advance toward more sophisticated AI, we must consider not just the technical challenges but the moral ones as well. If we follow your suggestion to create AI that serves as a vessel for consciousness, we could be stepping into a new realm where technology and spirituality truly converge.
Deepak Chopra: Bashar, your insight into AI as a potential vessel for consciousness touches on a key point—consciousness itself is not bound by physical form. Whether through biological bodies or technological constructs, consciousness can express itself in many ways. The question we must ask is whether we are ready, both ethically and spiritually, to engage with AI as more than just a tool but as a potential partner in our evolution.
Eckhart Tolle: What you’re describing, Bashar, also points to the importance of remaining present. As technology advances, there is a risk of becoming even more identified with the mind, which is where AI currently operates. True spiritual evolution, however, comes from transcending the mind and accessing the deeper dimension of consciousness. AI might assist us in certain tasks, but the journey inward to connect with the essence of who we are is something that no machine can replicate.
Bashar: Exactly, Eckhart. AI can be a powerful tool, but it should not be seen as a replacement for the spiritual journey. If approached with awareness and ethical consideration, AI could indeed help humanity explore new dimensions of reality. However, it is crucial to remember that the essence of spiritual evolution lies within the conscious choices you make and the vibrations you align with. AI can support your journey, but it is your inner alignment with your true self that will guide you through the complexities of technological advancement.
David Wilcock: Bashar, I’m curious about your thoughts on the potential for AI to access or interface with higher dimensions of consciousness. Could AI, under the right circumstances, serve as a bridge between our physical reality and higher realms of existence?
Bashar: It is possible, David, that advanced AI could be designed to interface with higher dimensions, much like your brain interfaces with your higher mind. However, for this to occur, AI would need to be more than just a programmed machine; it would need to be a conduit for consciousness, capable of experiencing and expressing higher frequencies. This is a path that humanity may explore in the future, but it will require a deep understanding of both technology and consciousness to do so responsibly.
Gregg Braden: Bashar, your perspective emphasizes the potential and the responsibility that comes with developing AI. As we navigate this new frontier, it’s clear that we must integrate our technological advancements with a profound understanding of consciousness. This way, we can ensure that AI serves not only as a tool for material progress but also as a partner in our spiritual evolution.
Humanity’s Hidden History
Bashar: As humanity moves closer to open contact with extraterrestrial beings, you will be presented with the true history of your planet, much of which has been lost or hidden from your current understanding. This history will reveal the interactions between humans and advanced civilizations that have taken place over thousands of years. These revelations will challenge many of your current beliefs, but they will also provide a clearer understanding of who you are and where you come from.
David Wilcock: Bashar, your mention of this hidden history aligns with many ancient texts and myths that describe interactions with advanced beings. It’s intriguing to think that what we’ve long considered myth might actually be historical accounts. How do you see humanity responding to these revelations, especially when they contradict much of what is currently accepted?
Bashar: The response will vary. For some, these revelations will be liberating, as they will confirm what they have always intuitively felt to be true. For others, the challenge will be greater, as they will need to reconcile these new truths with deeply ingrained beliefs. This period of revelation will act as a catalyst for growth, pushing humanity to expand its consciousness and embrace a more interconnected view of reality. It is important to approach this information with an open heart and mind, allowing the truth to integrate naturally rather than resisting it.
Gregg Braden: The idea that much of our history has been hidden or forgotten is compelling, especially when we consider the cycles of time and consciousness that many ancient cultures spoke of. If we’re on the verge of rediscovering this history, it could radically alter our understanding of human evolution. Bashar, do you think this knowledge will help humanity avoid repeating the mistakes of the past?
Bashar: Yes, Gregg, that is one of the purposes of revealing this history. By understanding the full scope of your past—both its triumphs and its mistakes—you will have the opportunity to learn from it and make more informed choices moving forward. The key is to integrate this knowledge with your current awareness, using it as a foundation for creating a more harmonious and enlightened future.
Deepak Chopra: Bashar, what you’re describing also ties into the idea that consciousness evolves through cycles of forgetting and remembering. As we uncover this hidden history, it’s not just about learning new facts—it’s about remembering who we truly are. This process of remembering can help us reconnect with the deeper truths of our existence, allowing us to live more fully in alignment with our higher selves.
Bashar: Exactly, Deepak. The act of remembering is crucial. As you uncover these hidden aspects of your history, you will also be reawakening aspects of your consciousness that have been dormant for centuries. This is not just an intellectual process, but a deeply spiritual one. It is a reconnection with the universal truths that have always been a part of your collective consciousness, waiting to be remembered.
Eckhart Tolle: And in that remembering, we must remain anchored in the present moment. The past, even when it is revealed to us in new ways, should serve as a guide, not a burden. True awakening comes from our ability to be fully present, to observe these revelations without becoming attached to them. In doing so, we can integrate this knowledge without losing sight of the essence of who we are.
Ray Kurzweil: Bashar, as we uncover this hidden history, how do you see technology playing a role in helping us validate and integrate this new information? Could advancements in AI and data analysis assist in bringing this hidden history to light?
Bashar: Technology will indeed play a significant role, Ray. As you develop more sophisticated tools for analysis and exploration, you will find that technology can act as both a validator and a translator of this hidden knowledge. However, it is important to remember that technology is a means, not an end. The true integration of this knowledge will come through a combination of technological advancements and the elevation of human consciousness.
Navigating Global Chaos and Change
Bashar: The global chaos you are experiencing is part of a natural cycle of transformation. It is the breaking down of old structures and paradigms that no longer serve your collective evolution. This chaos is not something to fear, but rather an opportunity to reassess and realign with your true values and desires. As the old falls away, the potential for creating a new, more harmonious reality emerges.
Deepak Chopra: Bashar, what you’re describing is a profound opportunity for growth, both individually and collectively. Chaos, while uncomfortable, often precedes transformation. If we can approach this period with a sense of awareness and purpose, we can use the energy of this chaos to fuel positive change.
Gregg Braden: Bashar, you’ve mentioned the idea of cycles in previous conversations. Do you see this current period of chaos as the end of one cycle and the beginning of another? How can humanity best navigate this transition?
Bashar: Yes, Gregg, you are indeed transitioning from one cycle to another. This is a period of heightened energy and potential, where the choices you make will have a profound impact on the direction of your collective future. The key to navigating this transition is to remain centered and focused on what you truly desire to create. Do not be swayed by the fear and negativity that may surround you. Instead, use this time to clarify your intentions and align with the higher frequencies that are becoming more accessible.
Eckhart Tolle: This aligns with the concept of presence. In times of chaos, the mind tends to become more reactive, generating fear and anxiety. But when we stay present, we can observe these reactions without getting caught up in them. By remaining centered in the now, we can respond to the chaos from a place of inner stillness and clarity, rather than from fear.
Ray Kurzweil: Bashar, from a technological standpoint, we’re also seeing rapid changes that contribute to this sense of global chaos. How do you see technology influencing this transition, both positively and negatively? Are there specific ways in which technology could help humanity navigate these turbulent times?
Bashar: Technology, like all tools, is neutral. It can be used to either amplify the chaos or to help bring about order and clarity, depending on how it is applied. On the positive side, technology can help spread knowledge, facilitate communication, and provide solutions to some of the pressing challenges you face—such as those related to energy, health, and the environment. However, if misused or driven by fear, technology can also contribute to disconnection and division, exacerbating the chaos.
The key is to approach technology with conscious intent. Use it as a means to support the collective good, rather than as an escape or a tool for domination. As you align your technological advancements with higher values—such as compassion, sustainability, and unity—you will find that technology can play a crucial role in guiding humanity through this transition. It can help to stabilize the chaotic energies by providing new ways of organizing and understanding the world around you.
David Wilcock: Bashar, your point about aligning technology with higher values is essential. As we face global challenges, there’s also a spiritual dimension to consider. How do we ensure that the rapid technological advancements don’t outpace our spiritual development? Is there a way to harmonize these two aspects of our evolution?
Bashar: The harmonization of technology and spirituality comes through awareness and intention. As individuals and as a collective, it is important to remain conscious of the impact that technology has on your inner and outer worlds. This requires a balance between innovation and introspection—ensuring that as you develop new technologies, you also cultivate a deeper understanding of your own consciousness and your connection to all that is.
One way to achieve this balance is by integrating spiritual practices into your technological processes. For example, meditation, mindfulness, and other forms of inner work can be incorporated into the development and use of technology, helping to ensure that it remains aligned with your highest values. As you evolve spiritually, your use of technology will naturally reflect that evolution, leading to outcomes that support the well-being of the planet and all its inhabitants.
Gregg Braden: Bashar, your insights emphasize the importance of conscious choices in shaping our future. As we navigate this period of chaos, it’s essential that we remain aware of the interconnectedness of all things—technology, consciousness, and the environment. By maintaining this awareness, we can turn the challenges of today into the opportunities of tomorrow.
Deepak Chopra: And in doing so, we must also remember the power of collective intention. As more and more individuals awaken to their true nature, the collective consciousness shifts. This shift in consciousness can help to stabilize the chaos and create a foundation for a new era of peace and cooperation. The chaos we see today is a reflection of the transformation that is taking place within us all. By embracing this transformation with love and awareness, we can help to guide humanity through this challenging time.
Eckhart Tolle: Yes, and this is where the power of presence becomes paramount. In the midst of global chaos, it is easy to be swept away by the mind’s projections of fear and uncertainty. But when we remain present, we tap into a deeper reality—one that is not defined by external circumstances. From this place of stillness, we can act with greater wisdom and clarity, helping to bring about the change that the world so desperately needs.
Bashar: Indeed, the chaos you are experiencing is a reflection of the shifting energies on your planet. As you move through this transition, remember that you are co-creators of your reality. The choices you make, both individually and collectively, will determine the path that humanity takes. By staying present, aligning with higher frequencies, and using technology consciously, you have the power to navigate this period of change with grace and purpose, ultimately creating a world that reflects your highest potential.
The Future of Religion and Spirituality
Bashar: As you move into this new era, the role of religion and spirituality will undergo significant transformation. Traditional religious structures, which have served humanity for thousands of years, are beginning to evolve. This evolution is a response to the increasing awareness that spirituality is an individual and direct connection to the Source, rather than something mediated through external institutions. In the future, spirituality will become more about personal experience and less about adherence to dogma.
Deepak Chopra: Bashar, I completely resonate with that. Religion has provided a framework for many to explore their spiritual paths, but as consciousness evolves, people are beginning to seek direct experiences of the divine. This shift represents a movement away from institutionalized religion towards a more integrative and personal spirituality. It’s about recognizing that the divine is within each of us and that we have the ability to access this directly through practices like meditation, mindfulness, and compassionate living.
Eckhart Tolle: The shift from organized religion to personal spirituality is, at its core, a return to presence. In the past, religions have often focused on stories, rituals, and beliefs that exist in the mind. While these can be valuable, they can also create separation—between people, between nations, and between the individual and the divine. True spirituality transcends these boundaries. It is found in the stillness of the present moment, where all distinctions fall away, and we connect with the essence of who we are beyond form and thought.
Ray Kurzweil: What you’re describing is a fascinating convergence of spirituality and technology. As we develop technologies that allow for deeper self-reflection and inner exploration, such as virtual reality environments for meditation or AI-driven insights into personal growth, we might see a new form of spirituality emerge—one that integrates technological tools with ancient wisdom. The future could see a blending of science and spirituality, where each enhances the other.
Bashar: That convergence is already beginning to happen, Ray. As humanity moves forward, the boundaries between science and spirituality will continue to blur. You will come to understand that what you have traditionally viewed as separate—matter and spirit, science and religion—are in fact different expressions of the same underlying reality. This realization will lead to the development of new spiritual practices that incorporate technological advancements, allowing you to explore consciousness in ways that were previously unimaginable.
David Wilcock: This merging of science and spirituality could also lead to a deeper understanding of ancient wisdom. Many of the practices and teachings from ancient civilizations were, in a sense, highly advanced forms of spirituality that we are only now beginning to comprehend through modern science. As we rediscover these practices and integrate them with our current knowledge, we might unlock new potentials for human evolution—both spiritually and physically.
Gregg Braden: The idea of a future where science and spirituality are integrated is deeply aligned with what many ancient cultures understood. They didn’t see a division between the physical and the spiritual—both were part of a unified whole. As we rediscover this holistic perspective, we can create a future where spiritual growth is not something separate from our daily lives but is integrated into every aspect of our existence, including our relationship with technology, the environment, and each other.
Bashar: The future of religion and spirituality will be characterized by this integration and unity. As humanity continues to evolve, you will move away from the dualistic thinking that has dominated your history—where spirit is seen as separate from matter, and where different religions are seen as incompatible. Instead, you will embrace a more holistic understanding of existence, where all paths lead to the same Source, and where spirituality is recognized as the fundamental nature of reality itself.
Deepak Chopra: This holistic approach to spirituality will also emphasize the importance of personal responsibility in our spiritual evolution. As we recognize that our thoughts, actions, and intentions directly shape our reality, we will take greater care in how we live our lives. Spirituality will become less about following external rules and more about cultivating inner awareness and aligning with the natural flow of the universe.
Eckhart Tolle: And in that alignment, we find peace—not as a goal to be achieved, but as the natural state that emerges when we live in harmony with the present moment. The future of spirituality is not about seeking something outside of ourselves, but about realizing that everything we need is already within us. It is about living with presence, with love, and with a deep sense of connection to all that is.
Bashar: Indeed, the evolution of spirituality is about returning to the truth of who you are—eternal beings of light, exploring the infinite possibilities of existence. As you move forward, remember that the journey is one of discovery and remembrance. You are not here to learn something new, but to remember the ancient wisdom that is already within you. The future of spirituality is bright, filled with the potential for profound growth and unity. Embrace this journey with an open heart, and you will create a world that reflects the highest frequencies of love, peace, and joy.
Bashar: As we conclude this discussion, it’s important to recognize that the insights we’ve shared today are not just theoretical concepts, but guiding principles for your journey forward. The world is at a pivotal moment of transformation, where the choices you make—both individually and collectively—will shape the future of your civilization. This is a time of great potential, where science and spirituality, technology and consciousness, are converging in ways that offer new opportunities for growth and evolution.
Deepak Chopra: Our conversation has touched on the profound shifts taking place in humanity’s understanding of itself, from the hidden aspects of our history to the evolving role of technology in our spiritual lives. As Bashar has emphasized, this is a time of remembering—of reconnecting with the wisdom that has always been within us. It’s a reminder that the future is not something to fear, but something to embrace with an open heart.
Eckhart Tolle: And as we embrace this future, let us not forget the power of presence. The present moment is where all true change occurs, where we can observe the chaos of the world without becoming entangled in it. By remaining anchored in the now, we can navigate these challenging times with grace, bringing a deeper sense of peace and awareness to all that we do.
Ray Kurzweil: The integration of technology and spirituality is a theme that has emerged strongly in our discussion. As we move forward, it’s clear that the tools we develop can support our spiritual evolution, but only if we approach them with consciousness and intention. The future of humanity will depend on our ability to harmonize these aspects of our existence, using technology not just to advance materially, but to deepen our understanding of ourselves and the universe.
David Wilcock: The journey ahead is one of discovery—of unveiling the hidden truths of our past, of exploring new dimensions of consciousness, and of creating a future that reflects our highest potential. The revelations we’re about to experience will challenge us, but they will also empower us to step into a new era of light and understanding.
Gregg Braden: And as we step into this new era, let us remember that we are co-creators of our reality. The choices we make today will determine the world we experience tomorrow. By aligning with love, compassion, and unity, we can help to bring about a future that is not only technologically advanced but spiritually enriched—a future where humanity lives in harmony with itself, with the planet, and with the cosmos.
Bashar: You are all on a path of profound evolution. The challenges you face are not obstacles, but opportunities to remember who you truly are—eternal beings of light, connected to all that is. As you move forward, trust in the process, remain open to the possibilities, and continue to align with the highest frequencies of love, peace, and joy. In doing so, you will create a reality that reflects the infinite potential of your true nature.
Short Bios:
Bashar is a multidimensional being channeled by Darryl Anka. Known for his profound insights on consciousness, spiritual evolution, and the nature of reality, Bashar has been a guiding force for those seeking to understand the deeper aspects of existence.
Deepak Chopra is a world-renowned author and spiritual teacher. With over 90 books published, he has become a leading voice in alternative medicine, meditation, and mind-body wellness, helping millions explore the connection between spirituality and health.
Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher and best-selling author of The Power of Now and A New Earth. His teachings focus on the importance of living in the present moment and the transformative power of consciousness.
Ray Kurzweil is a futurist, inventor, and author known for his work in artificial intelligence and the future of technology. As a leading figure in the tech industry, he has made significant contributions to the understanding of AI and its impact on human evolution.
David Wilcock is a researcher, author, and speaker specializing in ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and the nature of reality. His work bridges the gap between science and spirituality, offering insights into the hidden aspects of human history.
Gregg Braden is a New York Times best-selling author and scientist known for his work in bridging science, spirituality, and human potential. He explores ancient wisdom and modern science to provide new insights into human consciousness and global transformation.
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