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Welcome to a fascinating exploration into the principles of manifestation and higher self-alignment. Today, we have a truly extraordinary conversation lined up for you. We’re joined by three incredible thought leaders in the realm of spiritual growth and personal development: Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka; Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks; and the profound teachings of Neville Goddard.
In this dialogue, they will delve into six essential topics that can transform your understanding of how to manifest your desires and align with your higher self. From the power of permission slips and visualization, to the role of the higher self, the importance of flexibility, and practical steps for staying open to the infinite possibilities of the Universe.
These insights promise to offer you a deeper connection to your true self and a more fulfilling path to your dreams. So, let’s dive in and uncover the secrets to creating a life filled with joy, purpose, and abundance.

Permission Slips and Visualization
Nick Sasaki (Moderator): Welcome, everyone. Today, we’re discussing some profound principles of manifestation with our esteemed guests: Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka; Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks; and Neville Goddard. Let’s dive into the first topic: Permission Slips and Visualization. Bashar, could you start us off?
Bashar: Thank you, Nick. The concept of permission slips is fundamental in our teachings. A permission slip is any tool or practice that you use to give yourself the allowance to shift your vibration and align with your desires. Visualization is a powerful permission slip because it helps you create a mental and emotional template of what you wish to experience. When you vividly imagine your ideal reality, you are essentially giving yourself permission to resonate with that frequency. It’s important to engage all your senses in the visualization process, making it as real as possible. This heightened emotional state aligns your energy with your desired outcome, acting as a catalyst for manifestation.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you, Bashar. Abraham, how do you see the role of visualization in the manifestation process?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): We absolutely agree, Nick. Visualization is a form of deliberate creation. When you visualize, you focus your thoughts and emotions on what you desire, aligning your vibrational frequency with it. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, so when your thoughts are consistently focused on what you want, and you feel positive emotions about it, you are drawing that reality to you. Visualization helps you practice the feeling of having what you want, which is the key to attracting it. It’s not just about seeing the image in your mind but feeling the emotions that come with having already achieved it. This emotional resonance is what aligns you with your desires and brings them into your physical reality.
Nick Sasaki: Excellent insights, Abraham. Neville, you have emphasized the power of imagination in your teachings. Could you share your perspective on this?
Neville Goddard: Certainly, Nick. Imagination is the gateway to the reality you wish to create. I have always taught that imagining the end result, as if it has already happened, is the most powerful tool you possess. When you vividly imagine and feel the state of your wish fulfilled, you are living in that state of consciousness. This state of consciousness, this feeling of fulfillment, is what manifests your desires into physical form. It’s crucial to believe in the reality of your imagination, to have faith that what you see and feel in your mind is the truth. By consistently dwelling in this state, you align yourself with the frequency of your desire, and it must manifest in your reality.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you, Neville. Now, let’s move to the next topic: Ideal Representation and the Role of the Higher Self. Bashar, how does the higher self play a role in manifesting our desires?
Bashar: The higher self is your expanded consciousness, the part of you that exists beyond the physical plane. It holds the blueprint of your highest potential and knows what is most aligned with your true essence. When you create a visualization, you are setting an intention and creating a template. The higher self takes this template and aligns it with your highest good, often bringing forth something even better than what you initially imagined. It’s important to trust this process and be open to the guidance and manifestations that come from your higher self. The higher self operates from a broader perspective and can see the most aligned path for you.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how does the Inner Being guide us in this process?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): The Inner Being, or higher self, is constantly communicating with you through your emotions. When you feel good, you are in alignment with your Inner Being and your desires. Your Inner Being knows the full scope of your desires and is guiding you towards them. When you visualize and feel positive emotions, you are in sync with your Inner Being. This alignment allows the Universe to bring you experiences and manifestations that are in harmony with your highest desires. Trusting your emotions and staying open to the guidance of your Inner Being ensures that you are on the path to your best possible outcomes.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, what is your view on the higher self and its role in manifestation?
Neville Goddard: The higher self, or God within, is the source of all creation. It is through this divine connection that you can manifest your desires. When you imagine and feel the reality of your wish fulfilled, you are aligning with the higher self. This alignment allows the higher self to orchestrate events and circumstances that bring your desires into fruition. It’s about having faith in the unseen and trusting that your higher self knows the best way to bring about your desires. By living in the end and feeling the fulfillment of your desires, you are in harmony with your higher self and the creative power within you.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you, everyone, for these profound insights. We’ve covered the first two topics, and the conversation has been enlightening. Let’s continue exploring these principles in our next session.
Ideal Representation and the Role of the Higher Self
Nick Sasaki: Let’s continue our discussion with the second topic: Flexibility and Openness in Manifestation. Bashar, how important is flexibility in the manifestation process?
Bashar: Flexibility is crucial, Nick. When you rigidly insist that your desire must manifest in a specific way, you limit the higher self’s ability to bring forth the most aligned and beneficial version of that desire. The higher self has a broader perspective and can see all the possible ways your desire can manifest. By being flexible and open to various outcomes, you allow the higher self to deliver something that might be even better than what your physical mind can conceive. This openness creates a flow of energy that attracts the best possible manifestation, often in ways that are more fulfilling and surprising.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how do you teach flexibility in the context of the Law of Attraction?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): We teach that the essence of what you desire is what’s important, not the specific form it takes. When you focus on the feeling of what you want and stay open to how it comes to you, you allow the Universe to work its magic. Insisting on a specific outcome can create resistance, blocking the natural flow of energy. By being flexible, you stay in a state of allowing, which keeps you in alignment with your desires. The Universe can then bring you experiences that match the vibration of what you truly want, often in ways that are more delightful and unexpected than you could have imagined.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, what are your thoughts on flexibility and openness in the manifestation process?
Neville Goddard: Flexibility and openness are integral to the process of manifestation. When you live in the state of your wish fulfilled, you are affirming that your desire is already a reality. However, it’s important to release any attachment to the specific details of how it will manifest. Trust that the higher self, or God within, knows the best way to bring your desire into form. This trust allows you to remain open to the infinite possibilities and pathways that lead to your desired outcome. By being flexible, you create a space for the higher self to work through divine orchestration, bringing about results that are often beyond your initial expectations.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you for those insights. Let’s move to the third topic: Excitement and Resonance. Bashar, why is excitement such a powerful indicator of alignment?
Bashar: Excitement is your body’s physical translation of the vibrational resonance with your true self. When you feel excited about something, it’s a clear sign that you are in alignment with your highest path. This excitement acts as a compass, guiding you towards actions and decisions that are most aligned with your desires. The more detailed and vivid your visualization, the more excited you become, and the stronger the resonance with your desired vibration. This excitement is not just a feeling but a powerful attractor that aligns your energy with the frequency of your desired reality, accelerating the manifestation process.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how does excitement play into your teachings about the Law of Attraction?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): Excitement is a high-frequency emotion that indicates strong alignment with your desires. When you feel excited, you are in a state of positive expectation, which is a powerful point of attraction. This emotional state signals to the Universe that you are in harmony with your desire, attracting circumstances and events that match this vibration. We encourage people to follow their excitement and passion because these feelings guide them towards their true desires and keep them in a state of allowing. The more you focus on what excites you, the more you attract experiences that resonate with your highest good.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, how do you view the role of excitement and emotional resonance in the manifestation process?
Neville Goddard: Excitement and emotional resonance are key components of effective manifestation. When you imagine the end result of your desire and feel the excitement of its fulfillment, you are living in that state of consciousness. This feeling of excitement is a powerful affirmation that aligns your inner state with your desired reality. It’s this emotional intensity that bridges the gap between imagination and physical manifestation. By maintaining this state of excitement and fulfillment, you create a vibrational match with your desire, compelling it to manifest in your reality. The stronger and more consistent this emotional resonance, the more swiftly your desires come into being.
Nick Sasaki: Great points from all of you. Now, let’s move to the fourth topic: The Manifestation Process. Bashar, how does focusing on specifics help set a clear intention, and why is flexibility important in this process?
Bashar: Focusing on specifics helps you create a clear and vivid template of your desire, setting a strong intention. This intention acts as a signal to the higher self and the Universe about what you wish to experience. However, while specifics help in setting this intention, flexibility is equally important. Flexibility allows the higher self to adjust and refine the manifestation to align with your highest good. It’s about setting a clear intention but remaining open to how it manifests, knowing that the higher self can deliver something even better than what you initially envisioned. This balance of clear intention and flexibility creates a dynamic flow that enhances the manifestation process.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how do you guide people through the manifestation process?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): We guide people to first be clear about what they want and then to focus on the feeling of having it. This clarity of desire sets a powerful intention. We then encourage a state of allowing by feeling good and staying open to how the Universe will deliver it. This process involves trusting the natural flow of energy and not getting attached to specific outcomes. By maintaining a positive emotional state and being open to all possibilities, you allow the Universe to bring your desires in the most aligned and beneficial ways. It’s about combining deliberate intention with an attitude of allowing and trust.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, can you elaborate on your approach to the manifestation process?
Neville Goddard: The process I teach involves imagining the end result and living in that state of fulfillment. This means vividly seeing and feeling your desire as if it is already accomplished. This act of imagination sets a clear intention and aligns your consciousness with the reality you wish to create. Flexibility comes into play by trusting that the higher self, or God within, knows the best way to bring about your desire. By remaining open to how it manifests, you allow for divine orchestration, which often results in outcomes far exceeding your initial expectations. It’s a harmonious blend of focused intention and surrendered expectation that facilitates the manifestation process.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you, everyone, for sharing these valuable perspectives on flexibility, excitement, and the manifestation process. Let's continue to explore these principles further in our next session.
Welcome back, everyone. Let’s continue our discussion with the second topic: Flexibility and Openness in Manifestation. Bashar, how important is flexibility in the manifestation process?
Bashar: Flexibility is crucial, Nick. When you rigidly insist that your desire must manifest in a specific way, you limit the higher self’s ability to bring forth the most aligned and beneficial version of that desire. The higher self has a broader perspective and can see all the possible ways your desire can manifest. By being flexible and open to various outcomes, you allow the higher self to deliver something that might be even better than what your physical mind can conceive. This openness creates a flow of energy that attracts the best possible manifestation, often in ways that are more fulfilling and surprising.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how do you teach flexibility in the context of the Law of Attraction?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): We teach that the essence of what you desire is what’s important, not the specific form it takes. When you focus on the feeling of what you want and stay open to how it comes to you, you allow the Universe to work its magic. Insisting on a specific outcome can create resistance, blocking the natural flow of energy. By being flexible, you stay in a state of allowing, which keeps you in alignment with your desires. The Universe can then bring you experiences that match the vibration of what you truly want, often in ways that are more delightful and unexpected than you could have imagined.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, what are your thoughts on flexibility and openness in the manifestation process?
Neville Goddard: Flexibility and openness are integral to the process of manifestation. When you live in the state of your wish fulfilled, you are affirming that your desire is already a reality. However, it’s important to release any attachment to the specific details of how it will manifest. Trust that the higher self, or God within, knows the best way to bring your desire into form. This trust allows you to remain open to the infinite possibilities and pathways that lead to your desired outcome. By being flexible, you create a space for the higher self to work through divine orchestration, bringing about results that are often beyond your initial expectations.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you for those insights. Let’s move to the third topic: Excitement and Resonance. Bashar, why is excitement such a powerful indicator of alignment?
Bashar: Excitement is your body’s physical translation of the vibrational resonance with your true self. When you feel excited about something, it’s a clear sign that you are in alignment with your highest path. This excitement acts as a compass, guiding you towards actions and decisions that are most aligned with your desires. The more detailed and vivid your visualization, the more excited you become, and the stronger the resonance with your desired vibration. This excitement is not just a feeling but a powerful attractor that aligns your energy with the frequency of your desired reality, accelerating the manifestation process.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how does excitement play into your teachings about the Law of Attraction?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): Excitement is a high-frequency emotion that indicates strong alignment with your desires. When you feel excited, you are in a state of positive expectation, which is a powerful point of attraction. This emotional state signals to the Universe that you are in harmony with your desire, attracting circumstances and events that match this vibration. We encourage people to follow their excitement and passion because these feelings guide them towards their true desires and keep them in a state of allowing. The more you focus on what excites you, the more you attract experiences that resonate with your highest good.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, how do you view the role of excitement and emotional resonance in the manifestation process?
Neville Goddard: Excitement and emotional resonance are key components of effective manifestation. When you imagine the end result of your desire and feel the excitement of its fulfillment, you are living in that state of consciousness. This feeling of excitement is a powerful affirmation that aligns your inner state with your desired reality. It’s this emotional intensity that bridges the gap between imagination and physical manifestation. By maintaining this state of excitement and fulfillment, you create a vibrational match with your desire, compelling it to manifest in your reality. The stronger and more consistent this emotional resonance, the more swiftly your desires come into being.
Nick Sasaki: Great points from all of you. Now, let’s move to the fourth topic: The Manifestation Process. Bashar, how does focusing on specifics help set a clear intention, and why is flexibility important in this process?
Bashar: Focusing on specifics helps you create a clear and vivid template of your desire, setting a strong intention. This intention acts as a signal to the higher self and the Universe about what you wish to experience. However, while specifics help in setting this intention, flexibility is equally important. Flexibility allows the higher self to adjust and refine the manifestation to align with your highest good. It’s about setting a clear intention but remaining open to how it manifests, knowing that the higher self can deliver something even better than what you initially envisioned. This balance of clear intention and flexibility creates a dynamic flow that enhances the manifestation process.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how do you guide people through the manifestation process?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): We guide people to first be clear about what they want and then to focus on the feeling of having it. This clarity of desire sets a powerful intention. We then encourage a state of allowing by feeling good and staying open to how the Universe will deliver it. This process involves trusting the natural flow of energy and not getting attached to specific outcomes. By maintaining a positive emotional state and being open to all possibilities, you allow the Universe to bring your desires in the most aligned and beneficial ways. It’s about combining deliberate intention with an attitude of allowing and trust.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, can you elaborate on your approach to the manifestation process?
Neville Goddard: The process I teach involves imagining the end result and living in that state of fulfillment. This means vividly seeing and feeling your desire as if it is already accomplished. This act of imagination sets a clear intention and aligns your consciousness with the reality you wish to create. Flexibility comes into play by trusting that the higher self, or God within, knows the best way to bring about your desire. By remaining open to how it manifests, you allow for divine orchestration, which often results in outcomes far exceeding your initial expectations. It’s a harmonious blend of focused intention and surrendered expectation that facilitates the manifestation process.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you, everyone, for sharing these valuable perspectives on flexibility, excitement, and the manifestation process.
Flexibility and Openness in Manifestation
Nick Sasaki: Let's continue our discussion with the third topic: The Importance of Flexibility and Openness in Manifestation. Bashar, could you elaborate on why being flexible and open to various outcomes is crucial in the manifestation process?
Bashar: Certainly, Nick. Flexibility and openness are key because they allow the higher self to operate without the constraints imposed by the physical mind’s limited perspective. When you visualize a desire, you create a template, but insisting that it must manifest in a very specific way can limit the higher self’s ability to bring forth the most aligned version of that desire. By remaining flexible and open, you enable the higher self to deliver the best possible outcome, which might be beyond what your physical mind can conceive. This openness to various outcomes ensures that you’re not restricting the flow of energy and allows the higher self to orchestrate events in the most beneficial manner.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how do you encourage flexibility and openness in the context of the Law of Attraction?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): We teach that the essence of what you want is more important than the specific details. When you focus on how you want to feel and remain open to how those feelings manifest, you allow the Universe to bring you the best possible experiences. Insisting on specific outcomes can create resistance because it often stems from a place of doubt or fear. Instead, by being flexible and focusing on the positive emotions associated with your desires, you stay in a state of allowing. This allows the Universe to deliver what you truly want, often in ways that are more delightful and satisfying than you could have imagined. The key is to trust the process and remain open to the infinite possibilities that the Universe can provide.
Nick Sasaki (Moderator): Neville, you have emphasized the power of imagination and feeling in your teachings. How do you see the role of flexibility and openness in this context?
Neville Goddard: Flexibility and openness are indeed essential. When you imagine the end result and feel the state of the wish fulfilled, you are aligning with the desired outcome. However, it is also important to release any rigid attachment to the specifics of how it will manifest. Trusting that the higher self, or the God within, knows the best way to bring your desire into reality is crucial. This trust allows you to remain open to the various ways your desire can come to fruition, often surpassing your initial expectations. By living in the state of fulfillment and being open to the means by which it manifests, you create a powerful alignment with the creative force within you, facilitating the manifestation of your desires in the most harmonious and beneficial way.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you for those insights. Let’s move on to the next topic: Excitement and Resonance. Bashar, why is excitement such a powerful indicator of alignment?
Bashar: Excitement is your body’s physical translation of the vibrational resonance with your true self. When you feel excited about something, it’s a clear sign that you are in alignment with your highest path. This excitement acts as a compass, guiding you towards actions and decisions that are most aligned with your desires. The more detailed and vivid your visualization, the more excited you become, and the stronger the resonance with your desired vibration. This excitement is not just a feeling but a powerful attractor that aligns your energy with the frequency of your desired reality, accelerating the manifestation process.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how does excitement play into your teachings about the Law of Attraction?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): Excitement is a high-frequency emotion that indicates strong alignment with your desires. When you feel excited, you are in a state of positive expectation, which is a powerful point of attraction. This emotional state signals to the Universe that you are in harmony with your desire, attracting circumstances and events that match this vibration. We encourage people to follow their excitement and passion because these feelings guide them towards their true desires and keep them in a state of allowing. The more you focus on what excites you, the more you attract experiences that resonate with your highest good.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, how do you view the role of excitement and emotional resonance in the manifestation process?
Neville Goddard: Excitement and emotional resonance are key components of effective manifestation. When you imagine the end result of your desire and feel the excitement of its fulfillment, you are living in that state of consciousness. This feeling of excitement is a powerful affirmation that aligns your inner state with your desired reality. It’s this emotional intensity that bridges the gap between imagination and physical manifestation. By maintaining this state of excitement and fulfillment, you create a vibrational match with your desire, compelling it to manifest in your reality. The stronger and more consistent this emotional resonance, the more swiftly your desires come into being.
Nick Sasaki: Great points from all of you. Now, let’s move to the fourth topic: The Manifestation Process. Bashar, how does focusing on specifics help set a clear intention, and why is flexibility important in this process?
Bashar: Focusing on specifics helps you create a clear and vivid template of your desire, setting a strong intention. This intention acts as a signal to the higher self and the Universe about what you wish to experience. However, while specifics help in setting this intention, flexibility is equally important. Flexibility allows the higher self to adjust and refine the manifestation to align with your highest good. It’s about setting a clear intention but remaining open to how it manifests, knowing that the higher self can deliver something even better than what you initially envisioned. This balance of clear intention and flexibility creates a dynamic flow that enhances the manifestation process.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how do you guide people through the manifestation process?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): We guide people to first be clear about what they want and then to focus on the feeling of having it. This clarity of desire sets a powerful intention. We then encourage a state of allowing by feeling good and staying open to how the Universe will deliver it. This process involves trusting the natural flow of energy and not getting attached to specific outcomes. By maintaining a positive emotional state and being open to all possibilities, you allow the Universe to bring your desires in the most aligned and beneficial ways. It’s about combining deliberate intention with an attitude of allowing and trust.
Nick Sasaki:Neville, can you elaborate on your approach to the manifestation process?
Neville Goddard: The process I teach involves imagining the end result and living in that state of fulfillment. This means vividly seeing and feeling your desire as if it is already accomplished. This act of imagination sets a clear intention and aligns your consciousness with the reality you wish to create. Flexibility comes into play by trusting that the higher self, or God within, knows the best way to bring about your desire. By remaining open to how it manifests, you allow for divine orchestration, which often results in outcomes far exceeding your initial expectations. It’s a harmonious blend of focused intention and surrendered expectation that facilitates the manifestation process.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you, everyone, for sharing these valuable perspectives on flexibility, excitement, and the manifestation process.
Excitement and Resonance
Nick Sasaki: Let’s delve deeper into the fourth topic: Excitement and Resonance. Bashar, you’ve mentioned that excitement is a powerful indicator of alignment. Can you elaborate on how one can use excitement as a guide in the manifestation process?
Bashar: Absolutely, Nick. Excitement is not only an indicator but also a tool. When you feel excitement about a certain idea or path, it is a clear sign from your higher self that you are on the right track. This excitement is your body’s way of translating the vibrational resonance with your true self and desired reality. To use excitement effectively, pay attention to what excites you the most in any given moment. This feeling of excitement acts as a navigation system, guiding you toward actions and decisions that are most aligned with your highest path. The key is to follow this excitement without hesitation and to trust that it will lead you to the manifestations that are most beneficial for you.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how does excitement fit into the teachings of the Law of Attraction?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): Excitement is a high-frequency emotion that aligns you with your desires. It is a sign that you are in a state of positive expectation and alignment with the vibration of what you want. When you feel excitement, you are attracting more of the same high-frequency experiences into your life. We often say that your emotions are your guidance system. When you feel excitement, it means you are in harmony with your desires and the Universe is responding positively. By following your excitement and focusing on what feels good, you maintain a high vibrational state that accelerates the manifestation process. The more you align with your excitement, the more you attract circumstances and events that resonate with your highest good.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, how does the feeling of excitement play into your teachings about imagination and manifestation?
Neville Goddard: Excitement is an integral part of the process of imagination and manifestation. When you imagine the end result of your desire and feel the excitement of its fulfillment, you are living in the state of consciousness that aligns with your desired reality. This feeling of excitement is a powerful indicator that you are in the correct state of mind and heart. It is this emotional intensity that bridges the gap between the unseen and the seen, the imagined and the manifested. By consistently dwelling in this state of excitement and fulfillment, you create a strong vibrational match with your desire, compelling it to manifest in your physical reality. The more you cultivate this feeling of excitement and live in the end, the more swiftly and effectively your desires will come to fruition.
Nick Sasaki: Wonderful insights. Now, let's move to the fifth topic: The Manifestation Process. Bashar, how does focusing on specifics help set a clear intention, and why is flexibility important in this process?
Bashar: Focusing on specifics helps you create a detailed and vivid template of your desire, which sets a strong and clear intention. This clarity acts as a signal to the higher self and the Universe about what you wish to experience. However, it’s equally important to maintain flexibility in this process. While specifics help in setting the intention, flexibility allows the higher self to adjust and refine the manifestation to align with your highest good. It’s about setting a clear intention but remaining open to how it manifests, knowing that the higher self can deliver something even better than what you initially envisioned. This balance between clear intention and flexibility creates a dynamic flow that enhances the manifestation process.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how do you guide people through the manifestation process with a balance of clear intention and flexibility?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): We guide people to first be clear about what they want and then to focus on the feeling of having it. This clarity of desire sets a powerful intention. Once you have set this intention, we encourage you to maintain a state of allowing by feeling good and staying open to how the Universe will deliver it. Trusting the process and not getting attached to specific outcomes is crucial. By maintaining a positive emotional state and being open to all possibilities, you allow the Universe to bring your desires in the most aligned and beneficial ways. It’s about combining deliberate intention with an attitude of allowing and trust, knowing that the Universe is orchestrating everything in your favor.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, can you share your approach to the manifestation process and how you balance intention with flexibility?
Neville Goddard: The process I teach involves imagining the end result and living in that state of fulfillment. This means vividly seeing and feeling your desire as if it is already accomplished. This act of imagination sets a clear intention and aligns your consciousness with the reality you wish to create. Flexibility comes into play by trusting that the higher self, or God within, knows the best way to bring about your desire. By remaining open to how it manifests, you allow for divine orchestration, which often results in outcomes far exceeding your initial expectations. It’s a harmonious blend of focused intention and surrendered expectation that facilitates the manifestation process. By living in the end and being open to the infinite ways it can manifest, you align with the creative power within you.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you all for your valuable perspectives on excitement, resonance, and the manifestation process. Let’s move on to the sixth and final topic for today’s discussion: Flexibility and Openness in Manifestation. Bashar, can you expand on how flexibility ensures that you’re not limiting the higher self?
Bashar: Flexibility is essential because it ensures that you are not restricting the flow of energy and possibilities that the higher self can bring forth. When you set a specific intention but remain flexible about how it manifests, you allow the higher self to align the outcome with your highest good. The higher self has a broader perspective and can see the most beneficial pathways for your desires to manifest. By being open and flexible, you allow the higher self to deliver outcomes that might surpass your initial expectations. This openness creates a dynamic flow of energy, enabling the most aligned and fulfilling manifestations to come into your reality.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how do you teach openness and flexibility in the manifestation process?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): We teach that staying open and flexible allows the Universe to work in ways that are beyond your physical comprehension. When you focus on the essence of what you want and feel good about it, you remain in a state of allowing. This openness to how your desires manifest keeps you in alignment with your highest good. Insisting on specific outcomes can create resistance, whereas being flexible and open ensures that you are receptive to the best possible experiences. Trusting the process and allowing the Universe to surprise and delight you is key to maintaining a high vibrational state and attracting your desires in the most harmonious ways.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, how do you incorporate flexibility and openness into your teachings on manifestation?
Neville Goddard: Flexibility and openness are fundamental to the effective manifestation process. When you imagine the end result and live in that state, you set a clear intention. However, it is equally important to trust that the higher self, or God within, knows the best way to bring your desire into reality. By remaining open to the various ways your desire can manifest, you allow for divine orchestration. This openness ensures that you are not limiting the creative power within you and allows the manifestation to come in the most aligned and beneficial form. Trusting in the higher self and being open to the infinite possibilities enables you to experience manifestations that often exceed your initial expectations.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you, everyone, for sharing your profound insights on these topics. This has been an enlightening discussion on the principles of manifestation, the importance of excitement, and the balance of intention and flexibility.
The Manifestation Process
Nick Sasaki: Let’s continue our conversation with the fifth topic: The Role of the Higher Self in Manifestation. Bashar, how does the higher self guide us in the manifestation process?
Bashar: The higher self is your broader, non-physical consciousness that exists beyond the limitations of the physical plane. It has a comprehensive view of your life path and desires, and it knows what is most aligned with your true essence. When you set an intention or create a visualization, you are essentially communicating with your higher self. The higher self then aligns the necessary energies and circumstances to bring about your desire in the most beneficial way. This guidance often comes through intuitive nudges, synchronicities, and feelings of excitement. Trusting these signals and remaining open to the higher self’s direction ensures that you are on the path that best serves your highest good.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how do you describe the guidance of the Inner Being in the manifestation process?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): The Inner Being, which you might also refer to as the higher self, is always guiding you towards your desires. This guidance is communicated through your emotions. When you feel good, you are in alignment with your Inner Being and your desires. When you feel negative emotions, it indicates resistance or misalignment. The key is to focus on what feels good and to follow the positive emotions, as they are indicators that you are on the right path. Your Inner Being is constantly offering a vibration that you can align with, and by paying attention to your emotions, you can tune into this guidance and allow your desires to flow to you effortlessly.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, how does the concept of the higher self or God within fit into your teachings on manifestation?
Neville Goddard: The higher self, or God within, is the true source of all creation. It is through this divine connection that you can manifest your desires. When you imagine and feel the reality of your wish fulfilled, you are aligning with the higher self. This alignment allows the higher self to orchestrate events and circumstances that bring your desires into fruition. It’s about having faith in the unseen and trusting that your higher self knows the best way to bring about your desires. By living in the end and feeling the fulfillment of your desires, you are in harmony with your higher self and the creative power within you. This inner alignment is the key to manifesting your desires in the most perfect way.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you for those insights. Now, let's discuss the practical steps one can take to align with the higher self. Bashar, what practices do you recommend for aligning with the higher self?
Bashar: One of the most effective practices for aligning with the higher self is to follow your highest excitement in every moment. This excitement is a direct communication from your higher self, guiding you towards actions and decisions that are most aligned with your true path. Additionally, regular meditation and visualization can help you connect more deeply with your higher self. During meditation, you can quiet your mind and tune into the subtle signals and guidance from your higher self. Visualization helps you create a clear image of your desires, which the higher self can then work to manifest. It’s also important to remain open and flexible, trusting that the higher self knows the best way to bring about your desires.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, what practical steps do you suggest for aligning with the Inner Being?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): The most important step is to pay attention to your emotions and choose thoughts that feel good. Your emotions are your guidance system, indicating alignment or misalignment with your Inner Being. Practice focusing on positive aspects of your life and cultivate an attitude of appreciation. Daily meditation is also a powerful tool for quieting the mind and allowing alignment with your Inner Being. Visualize your desires and feel the positive emotions associated with them. By consistently focusing on what feels good and appreciating the present moment, you stay in a state of allowing, which keeps you in alignment with your Inner Being and your desires.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, can you share some practical steps for aligning with the higher self or God within?
Neville Goddard: The primary practice I advocate is the use of imagination to live in the end result of your desires. Imagine and feel as if your desire is already fulfilled. This creates a state of consciousness that aligns with the higher self. Additionally, practice gratitude and appreciation for the present moment and for the fulfillment of your desires. This gratitude enhances your alignment with the higher self. Regular meditation and prayer can also deepen your connection with the higher self, allowing you to receive guidance and inspiration. By consistently dwelling in the state of the wish fulfilled and maintaining a grateful heart, you align with the creative power within you and facilitate the manifestation of your desires.
Nick Sasaki: Excellent advice from all of you. Let’s now move on to the sixth and final topic for today: The Balance of Focus and Flexibility in Manifestation. Bashar, how does one balance having a clear focus on their desires while remaining flexible in the manifestation process?
Bashar: The balance lies in setting a clear and vivid intention while remaining open to the various ways it can manifest. When you create a detailed visualization of your desire, you set a strong signal to the higher self and the Universe. However, it’s crucial not to become rigidly attached to this specific outcome. Flexibility allows the higher self to bring forth the most aligned and beneficial version of your desire, which might differ from your initial vision. Trusting the higher self and being open to the infinite possibilities ensures that you are not limiting the manifestation process. It’s about focusing on the essence of what you want and allowing the higher self to handle the details.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how do you teach the balance of focus and flexibility in manifestation?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): We teach that clarity of desire sets a powerful intention, but it’s essential to stay in a state of allowing. This means feeling good about your desire without insisting on a specific way it must come to you. Focus on the essence and the feeling of your desire, and then trust the Universe to bring it in the best possible way. By maintaining a positive emotional state and staying open to all possibilities, you allow the Universe to orchestrate the most aligned and beneficial manifestation. It’s about combining clear focus with an attitude of allowing and trust, knowing that the Universe has infinite ways to deliver your desires.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, how do you approach the balance of focus and flexibility in your teachings?
Neville Goddard: The key is to imagine the end result with such clarity and feeling that it becomes your reality. However, it’s also important to release any attachment to the specific details of how it will manifest. Trust that the higher self, or God within, knows the best way to bring about your desire. By living in the end and feeling the fulfillment of your desires, you set a clear intention. Flexibility comes from trusting the higher self and being open to the various ways your desire can manifest. This balance ensures that you are not limiting the creative power within you and allows for the most harmonious and beneficial manifestations.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you all for sharing your profound insights on these topics. This has been an enlightening discussion on the principles of manifestation, the role of the higher self, and the balance of focus and flexibility.
Practical Steps for Flexibility and Openness in Manifestation
Nick Sasaki: Let’s explore our sixth and final topic: Flexibility and Openness in Manifestation. Bashar, can you expand on how flexibility ensures that you’re not limiting the higher self and how it plays a role in successful manifestation?
Bashar: Certainly, Nick. Flexibility is crucial because it ensures that you are not imposing unnecessary limitations on the manifestation process. When you set a clear intention but remain flexible about the specific details, you allow the higher self to work in the most efficient and beneficial way possible. The higher self has a broader perspective and can see pathways and solutions that your physical mind might not consider. By being flexible, you are essentially saying to the higher self, "I trust you to bring me the best possible outcome." This trust and openness create a dynamic flow of energy, allowing manifestations to unfold in ways that are often more aligned and fulfilling than you initially imagined.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, how do you teach the importance of flexibility and openness in the context of the Law of Attraction?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): We emphasize that flexibility and openness are essential components of the manifestation process. When you focus on the essence of what you want and stay open to the myriad ways it can come to you, you are in a state of allowing. This state of allowing is critical because it means you are not resisting the natural flow of the Universe. The Universe often delivers your desires in ways that are unexpected and even more wonderful than you could have planned. By being flexible, you keep your vibrational frequency high and remain receptive to the best possible manifestations. It’s about trusting the process and knowing that the Universe is always working in your favor.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, how does the concept of flexibility fit into your teachings about living in the end and imagination?
Neville Goddard: Flexibility is indeed an important aspect of the manifestation process. While it is vital to live in the end and feel the fulfillment of your desires, it is equally important to release any rigid attachment to how they will manifest. The higher self, or God within, has infinite ways to bring about your desires. By maintaining an open and flexible mindset, you allow for divine orchestration. This means that you trust the higher self to bring your desires to fruition in the most perfect and harmonious way. Flexibility ensures that you are not confining the creative power within you to specific methods or timelines, thereby allowing for the most aligned and beneficial manifestations.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you for those insightful perspectives. Let’s discuss some practical steps for maintaining flexibility and openness in the manifestation process. Bashar, what practices do you recommend?
Bashar: One effective practice is to always follow your highest excitement with no insistence on the outcome. This means taking actions that resonate most strongly with you in each moment, trusting that they will lead you in the right direction. Additionally, regularly meditate and connect with your higher self to stay attuned to its guidance. During meditation, affirm your trust in the higher self’s wisdom and remain open to whatever insights or directions come your way. Visualization is also a powerful tool—imagine your desires in detail but always add a sense of openness to the greater possibilities that might emerge. This combination of excitement, trust, and openness ensures a fluid and dynamic manifestation process.
Nick Sasaki: Abraham, what are some practical steps you suggest for staying flexible and open?
Abraham (Esther Hicks): We recommend practicing the art of allowing, which involves focusing on the positive emotions associated with your desires and staying receptive to the Universe’s guidance. Daily meditation helps to quiet the mind and align with your Inner Being. Visualize your desires but also practice releasing any attachment to specific outcomes. Trust that the Universe has a broader perspective and can bring about your desires in the best possible way. Another practical step is to cultivate an attitude of appreciation for what you already have, as this keeps your vibration high and in a state of allowing. The more you practice these steps, the more you align with the flow of the Universe.
Nick Sasaki: Neville, what practical steps do you advise for incorporating flexibility into the manifestation process?
Neville Goddard: One of the key practices I advocate is living in the state of the wish fulfilled, feeling as if your desires are already realized. However, it’s also crucial to maintain an attitude of trust and openness. Practice gratitude for the current moment and for the fulfillment of your desires, knowing that the higher self will bring them about in the most perfect way. Regular meditation and imaginative prayer are also effective tools for deepening your connection with the higher self. During these practices, affirm your trust in the higher self’s wisdom and remain open to the infinite possibilities of how your desires can manifest. By balancing focused intention with flexibility, you create a powerful alignment with the creative force within you.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you all for sharing these valuable insights and practical steps. This has been an enlightening conversation on the principles of manifestation, the role of the higher self, and the importance of flexibility and openness. I appreciate your contributions and look forward to our next discussion.
Short Bios:
Bashar (Channeled by Darryl Anka) is a multidimensional being channeled by Darryl Anka. Known for his profound insights on metaphysics, spirituality, and the nature of reality, Bashar offers practical guidance on aligning with your higher self, understanding the principles of manifestation, and living a life of joy and fulfillment. Through Darryl, Bashar shares wisdom that empowers individuals to follow their excitement and embrace their true potential.
Abraham (Channeled by Esther Hicks), a group of non-physical entities channeled by Esther Hicks, is a leading voice in the Law of Attraction movement. Abraham's teachings focus on the power of positive thinking, emotional alignment, and the deliberate creation of one's reality. Through practical advice and empowering messages, Abraham helps people harness their inner power to manifest their desires and live in harmony with the Universe.
Neville Goddard was a prominent metaphysical teacher and author known for his profound teachings on imagination and manifestation. His work emphasizes the power of the human mind to create reality through vivid visualization and the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Neville's insights into the nature of consciousness and the higher self continue to inspire and guide individuals on their journey to self-realization and personal transformation.
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