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Today, we have something truly captivating for you. We’re going to dive 'Beyond the Veil' and get an exclusive look inside the minds of the world’s top TV psychics. These remarkable individuals have touched the lives of millions with their incredible gifts, providing comfort, closure, and insights from the spirit world.
Join me as we explore the incredible journeys, unique techniques, and the profound impact these gifted individuals have on their clients and viewers alike. We'll hear from the amazing John Edward, known for his precise and heartfelt messages from the other side; the compassionate Theresa Caputo, who has a unique ability to connect with spirits and bring healing to families; the insightful Tyler Henry, who has brought the spiritual realm into the lives of Hollywood's biggest stars; the wise James Van Praagh, a pioneer in mediumship who has dedicated his life to bridging the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds; and the spontaneous Thomas John, also known as the 'Taxi Guy', who provides unexpected readings to everyday people.
Together, they’ll share their personal stories, discuss the challenges they face, and reveal how they balance public perception with their spiritual missions. We’ll delve into their high-profile readings, the ethics of their work, and how media exposure has shaped their careers. Get ready for a fascinating exploration of the spirit world, right here, right now! This is an imaginary conversation you won’t want to miss.

Techniques and Methods for Connecting with the Spirit World
Nick Sasaki: Welcome, everyone. Today, we have a fascinating panel of renowned mediums and psychics: John Edward, Theresa Caputo, Tyler Henry, James Van Praagh, and Thomas John. Our first topic is "Techniques and Methods for Connecting with the Spirit World." Let's start with John Edward. John, can you share your approach?
John Edward: Thank you, Nick. My method revolves around a disciplined practice of meditation and visualization. I begin each session by grounding myself, creating a mental space where I can focus entirely on the energies around me. Visualization is key; I imagine a protective light surrounding me, allowing only positive energies to enter. Once I feel connected, I focus on tuning into the vibrations and messages from the other side. It's a process that requires patience and trust in the messages I receive.
Theresa Caputo: For me, it's about creating a connection through the heart. I start my day with a prayer, asking for guidance and protection. When I’m with a client, I hold an object that’s important to them or the person they want to connect with. This helps me to attune to their energy. I often feel physical sensations, hear voices, or see images that represent messages from the spirits. It’s a very personal and intuitive process, and it’s always grounded in love and respect for the messages I’m receiving.
Tyler Henry: My approach is somewhat similar. I begin with a moment of silence to clear my mind. I use a notepad to scribble as a way to focus my energy and open the channel for messages. This physical act of writing helps me to connect more deeply with the spirit world. During readings, I often receive symbols, feelings, or words that I interpret and convey to my clients. It's a delicate balance of intuition and interpretation, always guided by a sense of empathy and understanding.
James Van Praagh: My technique has evolved over the years. I use a combination of meditation and a form of mediumistic prayer to elevate my vibration to match that of the spirit world. I often visualize a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, allowing spirits to come across and communicate. I pay attention to the subtleties in the environment—changes in temperature, light, and sound—which can indicate the presence of spirits. It’s a holistic approach that incorporates all my senses.
Thomas John: As the "Taxi Guy," my method is about creating a natural and comfortable environment. When I’m driving, I focus on the person I’m with and let the messages come naturally. I don’t use any special tools or rituals; instead, I rely on my ability to read the energy and emotions of my passengers. This spontaneity allows for genuine and often surprising connections. It’s about being present in the moment and trusting the process.
Nick Sasaki: It’s fascinating to hear how each of you has developed unique methods for connecting with the spirit world. John, you mentioned grounding yourself and using visualization. How important is mental discipline in your practice?
John Edward: Mental discipline is crucial. It’s what allows me to stay focused and not get overwhelmed by the energies and messages. Regular meditation and grounding exercises help me maintain clarity and control, ensuring that I can accurately interpret the messages I receive.
Nick Sasaki: Theresa, you talked about using objects to connect with clients. How does this enhance your ability to receive messages?
Theresa Caputo: Objects carry the energy of the people who owned them. When I hold an object, I’m able to tune into that energy more precisely. It acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, helping me to establish a stronger connection and receive clearer messages.
Nick Sasaki: Tyler, your use of scribbling is quite unique. Can you explain how this aids in your process?
Tyler Henry: Scribbling helps me to quiet my analytical mind and focus on the intuitive flow of information. It’s a form of automatic writing that allows me to channel messages without interference from my conscious thoughts. This helps to keep the connection pure and undistorted.
Nick Sasaki: James, you mentioned a holistic approach involving all your senses. How do you train yourself to recognize and interpret these subtle signs?
James Van Praagh: It takes years of practice and self-awareness. I’ve trained myself to be hyper-aware of changes in my environment and to trust my intuition when I sense something out of the ordinary. It’s about being open and receptive to all forms of communication from the spirit world, whether it’s visual, auditory, or sensory.
Nick Sasaki: Thomas, your spontaneous method in the car is intriguing. How do you maintain your focus while driving and giving readings?
Thomas John: It’s all about being present and attuned to the moment. I focus on my passenger and let the messages flow naturally. The act of driving can actually help me to relax and open up to the energy around me. It’s about trusting the process and allowing the connection to happen organically.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you all for sharing your insights. It’s clear that while your methods vary, the common thread is a deep sense of intuition, discipline, and respect for the messages you receive. Let’s take a short break and then move on to our next topic: the challenges and ethics in mediumship.
Challenges and Ethics in Mediumship
Nick Sasaki: Welcome back, everyone. Our next topic is "Challenges and Ethics in Mediumship." This is a critical area for discussion, given the sensitivities involved in your work. John, could you start by sharing some of the challenges you face as a medium?
John Edward: Certainly, Nick. One of the biggest challenges is dealing with skepticism. While healthy skepticism is important, outright dismissal or aggressive skepticism can be disheartening. It's important to remember that mediumship is not an exact science; it's an interpretive process. Another challenge is ensuring that the messages are delivered with sensitivity and respect. We deal with people who are often grieving or in emotional distress, so it's crucial to handle their feelings with care and compassion.
Theresa Caputo: I agree, John. The emotional aspect is significant. We're often dealing with very raw emotions, and it can be challenging to convey messages in a way that provides comfort rather than distress. Ethical considerations are paramount; for example, we must avoid giving false hope or making definitive predictions about the future. It's also important to set boundaries and ensure that we're not overstepping or invading someone's privacy without their consent.
Tyler Henry: Another challenge is maintaining personal boundaries. It's easy to get emotionally involved in the lives of our clients, especially when their stories are particularly moving. However, it's essential to remain objective and not let our personal feelings influence the messages we convey. Ethically, we must always strive to provide information that is helpful and healing, rather than sensational or alarming.
James Van Praagh: A significant challenge is the public perception of mediums. We're often met with both admiration and skepticism, and balancing the two can be tricky. Ethically, transparency is key. We must be honest about the limitations of our abilities and ensure that clients understand that we cannot control what messages come through. It's also crucial to avoid exploiting our gifts for financial gain in a way that could be seen as taking advantage of vulnerable people.
Thomas John: In my case, the challenge is often the spontaneity of the readings. Giving readings to unsuspecting passengers can be tricky because you never know how someone will react. Ethically, it's important to approach each situation with respect and sensitivity, ensuring that the person is comfortable and consenting to the reading. It's also vital to be clear about the nature of the information and avoid making any claims that could be misinterpreted or cause distress.
Nick Sasaki: It's clear that there are numerous challenges and ethical considerations in your work. John, you mentioned dealing with skepticism. How do you handle skepticism in a way that is constructive?
John Edward: I find that addressing skepticism head-on and with respect is the best approach. I explain that mediumship is about interpretation and that not all messages are clear-cut. Encouraging open-mindedness while acknowledging the limits of what we do can help foster a more constructive dialogue. It's also helpful to share personal experiences and evidence that support the validity of our work without pushing too hard for acceptance.
Nick Sasaki: Theresa, you talked about the emotional aspect. How do you ensure that you’re providing comfort without giving false hope?
Theresa Caputo: It's about being very clear in communication. I always make sure to frame messages in a way that is supportive and hopeful but not definitive. I emphasize that the information is meant to provide comfort and insight rather than concrete predictions. By being honest and upfront about what I can and cannot do, I help manage expectations and avoid giving false hope.
Nick Sasaki: Tyler, personal boundaries can be tough to maintain. How do you keep a balance between empathy and objectivity?
Tyler Henry: It's a delicate balance, but self-care and professional boundaries are essential. I make sure to have a support system and engage in regular practices like meditation to keep myself grounded. Being aware of my own limits and setting clear boundaries with clients helps maintain a healthy professional distance while still being empathetic and compassionate.
Nick Sasaki: James, you mentioned the importance of transparency. How do you ensure that clients understand the limitations of mediumship?
James Van Praagh: I always start by explaining the process and setting realistic expectations. I let clients know that while I can often provide meaningful messages, I cannot guarantee who will come through or what they will say. By being upfront about these limitations, I help clients approach the reading with an open but realistic mindset, which is crucial for their overall experience.
Nick Sasaki: Thomas, spontaneity is a unique challenge in your work. How do you ensure that your passengers are comfortable with the reading?
Thomas John: Communication is key. I always ask for permission before starting a reading and make sure the person is comfortable. I explain what to expect and ensure that they can opt out at any time. By being respectful and attentive to their needs, I create a safe and supportive environment for the reading.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you all for sharing your experiences and insights. The challenges and ethical considerations in mediumship are indeed complex, but it’s clear that each of you approaches them with a deep sense of responsibility and integrity. Now, let's move directly into our next topic: experiences with high-profile readings.
Experiences with High-Profile Readings
Nick Sasaki: Welcome back, everyone. Our next topic is "Experiences with High-Profile Readings." This should be quite intriguing as each of you has had the opportunity to read for well-known individuals. Let's start with Theresa Caputo. Theresa, can you share a memorable high-profile reading experience?
Theresa Caputo: Absolutely, Nick. One of the most memorable high-profile readings I conducted was for a well-known musician who had recently lost a close family member. The reading was deeply emotional because the spirit of their loved one came through so strongly, providing messages of love and reassurance. What stood out to me was the intense gratitude from the client, not just for the messages, but for the closure and peace it brought them. These moments remind me of the profound impact our work can have, regardless of someone's public status.
John Edward: I had a similar experience with a celebrity who was dealing with the loss of a parent. The reading was very public and was aired on television, which added a layer of complexity. The spirit communicated messages that were not only personal but also gave the celebrity insights into their own life path and purpose. It was a powerful reminder that grief and healing are universal experiences, no matter how famous you are. The connection we made was incredibly profound and reaffirmed my belief in the importance of this work.
Tyler Henry: One of my most notable high-profile readings was for a well-known actress. The session was very intense because the spirit that came through had a lot of unfinished business. The actress was deeply moved by the messages, which provided a sense of direction and healing for her. What struck me was how vulnerable and open she was during the reading, despite her public persona. It highlighted for me the human aspect of all my clients, regardless of their fame.
James Van Praagh: I once conducted a reading for a famous political figure. It was a unique experience because the reading had to be done with a high degree of confidentiality and sensitivity. The spirit that came through provided very specific guidance related to the political figure's career and personal life. The reading had a profound impact on them, influencing significant decisions they made thereafter. This experience underscored the weight of responsibility we carry as mediums, especially when our clients hold positions of influence.
Thomas John: My most memorable high-profile reading was somewhat spontaneous, as it happened during a ride-share with a famous athlete. They were skeptical at first, but as I relayed messages from a deceased family member, their demeanor changed completely. The reading provided them with comfort and clarity, especially regarding unresolved issues. This experience was a testament to the unexpected and transformative nature of mediumship, even in the most casual settings.
Nick Sasaki: These stories are fascinating and show the profound impact your work can have on individuals, regardless of their public status. Theresa, you mentioned the emotional aspect of your reading. How do you handle such intense emotions during a session?
Theresa Caputo: It’s all about staying grounded and focused. I make sure to take deep breaths and maintain my composure, even when the emotions are intense. It’s important to be a stable presence for the client, providing them with the support and clarity they need during such a vulnerable time.
Nick Sasaki: John, you talked about the public nature of one of your readings. How do you manage the added pressure of conducting readings on television?
John Edward: Managing public readings requires a great deal of preparation and mental focus. I ensure that I am fully grounded and centered before going on camera. It’s also important to communicate clearly and respectfully, being mindful of the audience and the client’s privacy. Transparency about the process helps manage expectations and reduces pressure.
Nick Sasaki: Tyler, your reading with the actress sounded deeply moving. How do you ensure that the messages you convey provide the necessary comfort and direction?
Tyler Henry: I focus on delivering messages with empathy and sensitivity. It’s crucial to listen to both the spirit and the client, interpreting the messages in a way that provides clear and compassionate guidance. I always aim to leave my clients with a sense of peace and understanding.
Nick Sasaki: James, your reading for a political figure must have been challenging. How do you navigate the balance between confidentiality and delivering impactful messages?
James Van Praagh: Confidentiality is paramount, especially with high-profile clients. I ensure that the reading environment is secure and that all communications are handled with the utmost discretion. At the same time, I strive to deliver messages that are honest and impactful, providing the guidance and insights the client needs while respecting their privacy.
Nick Sasaki: Thomas, your spontaneous reading in a ride-share is a great example of how mediumship can happen anywhere. How do you prepare for such impromptu sessions?
Thomas John: Flexibility and presence are key. I stay open to the possibility of spirit communication at all times, which allows me to respond spontaneously when the opportunity arises. I also ensure that I am always respectful and seek consent before proceeding with a reading, creating a comfortable environment for the client.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you all for sharing these incredible experiences. It's clear that high-profile readings come with unique challenges and rewards, requiring a delicate balance of sensitivity, discretion, and professionalism. Now, let's move directly into our next topic: the impact of media and public perception on your work.
Impact of Media and Public Perception on Their Work
Nick Sasaki: Welcome back, everyone. Our next topic is "The Impact of Media and Public Perception on Your Work." The media has played a significant role in shaping how the public views psychics and mediums. John, let's start with you. How has media exposure affected your work?
John Edward: Media exposure has been a double-edged sword for me. On one hand, it has provided a platform to reach a wider audience and bring comfort to many people. Shows like "Crossing Over with John Edward" have helped demystify mediumship and demonstrate its potential to provide healing. However, it also brings increased scrutiny and skepticism. The portrayal of mediums in the media can sometimes be sensationalized, which can undermine the genuine aspects of our work. Balancing public perception with the integrity of what we do is a constant challenge.
Theresa Caputo: I agree, John. My show "Long Island Medium" has given me a fantastic opportunity to share my gift with millions of people, showing them the healing power of connecting with the other side. However, being in the public eye also means dealing with criticism and skepticism. Some people doubt the authenticity of what we do because they see it on TV. It's important to stay true to ourselves and our clients, focusing on the positive impact we can make rather than the negativity that sometimes comes with media exposure.
Tyler Henry: For me, "Hollywood Medium" has been both a blessing and a challenge. The show has allowed me to bring messages of hope and comfort to a large audience, which is incredibly rewarding. It has also opened up conversations about life after death and the possibilities of spirit communication. However, the pressure to perform on camera and meet audience expectations can be intense. It’s crucial to remain authentic and grounded, ensuring that the work we do on TV reflects the genuine nature of our gift.
James Van Praagh: The media has significantly influenced my career as well. "Beyond with James Van Praagh" and other appearances have provided a platform to educate people about mediumship. The visibility helps normalize the idea of communicating with spirits, but it also attracts skeptics and critics who question the legitimacy of our work. Public perception can be swayed by how we are portrayed in the media, so maintaining credibility and transparency is essential. It's about finding a balance between sharing our gift and managing the expectations and skepticism that come with media exposure.
Thomas John: "Seatbelt Psychic" brought a unique twist to mediumship by integrating it into everyday life through ride-share experiences. The spontaneity and authenticity of the show have resonated with many viewers, but it also means facing skepticism and criticism from those who question the validity of the readings. The media can amplify both positive and negative perceptions, so it’s important to focus on the positive impact we can have on individuals' lives and use the platform to spread messages of hope and healing.
Nick Sasaki: It’s clear that media exposure has both benefits and challenges. John, you mentioned balancing public perception with the integrity of your work. How do you maintain this balance?
John Edward: It’s about staying true to my principles and the purpose of my work. I focus on the people I’m helping and the messages I’m delivering rather than getting caught up in the external noise. Regularly engaging in practices that keep me grounded, like meditation and connecting with supportive communities, helps maintain that balance. Transparency and honesty in my interactions with both clients and the public are also crucial.
Nick Sasaki: Theresa, dealing with criticism and skepticism can be tough. How do you handle the negativity that comes with being in the public eye?
Theresa Caputo: I remind myself of the positive impact my work has on people's lives. Hearing from clients who have found comfort and healing through my readings keeps me motivated. I also focus on self-care and surrounding myself with supportive people who understand and respect my work. It’s important to keep perspective and not let negativity overshadow the good we can do.
Nick Sasaki: Tyler, the pressure to perform on camera can be intense. How do you ensure that your work remains authentic?
Tyler Henry: I prioritize staying grounded and connected to my purpose. Before each reading, whether on camera or not, I take time to center myself and focus on the genuine intention behind my work. Authenticity comes from a place of honesty and empathy, so I always aim to approach each reading with a clear and open heart, ensuring that the messages I deliver are true to the spirit of what I do.
Nick Sasaki: James, you talked about maintaining credibility and transparency. How do you achieve this in the face of media scrutiny?
James Van Praagh: Credibility and transparency come from being honest about what we do and what we cannot do. I make it a point to educate my audience about the nature of mediumship and set realistic expectations. By being open about the process and acknowledging the limitations, I build trust with my clients and the public. Consistency in my work and staying true to my ethical standards are also key.
Nick Sasaki: Thomas, your show has a unique format. How do you manage the skepticism that comes with such spontaneous readings?
Thomas John: The spontaneous nature of "Seatbelt Psychic" can indeed raise questions, but it also highlights the authenticity of the connections. I focus on being transparent with my passengers and viewers, explaining the process and ensuring that the readings are conducted with respect and consent. By staying genuine and compassionate, I aim to create meaningful experiences that speak for themselves, regardless of skepticism.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you all for your insights. The media's impact on your work is indeed multifaceted, but it's clear that each of you strives to maintain authenticity, credibility, and a focus on the positive impact of your gift. Now, let’s move directly into our final topic: your personal spiritual journeys and growth.
Personal Spiritual Journeys and Growth
Nick Sasaki: Welcome back, everyone. Our final topic is "Personal Spiritual Journeys and Growth." This is an opportunity to delve into your individual paths and how they have shaped who you are today. John, can you start by sharing your spiritual journey and how it has influenced your growth as a medium?
John Edward: Absolutely, Nick. My spiritual journey began at a young age when I started experiencing psychic phenomena. I was fortunate to have a supportive family that encouraged my curiosity and exploration of these abilities. My journey has been one of continuous learning and self-discovery. I've studied various spiritual disciplines, practiced meditation, and sought mentorship from experienced mediums. Each step has deepened my understanding of the spirit world and strengthened my connection. The process of growing as a medium has also been a personal journey of self-awareness, empathy, and resilience. It's about constantly refining my abilities and staying true to the purpose of helping others find healing and closure.
Theresa Caputo: My journey has been a profound and transformative experience. Growing up, I always felt a connection to the spiritual realm but didn't fully understand it. It wasn't until I embraced my gift and began formal training that my abilities flourished. My journey involved overcoming self-doubt and fear, learning to trust my intuition, and developing a deeper spiritual connection. This path has not only shaped my career but also my personal life. It's taught me the importance of compassion, authenticity, and being of service to others. The growth I've experienced as a medium is inseparable from my growth as a person.
Tyler Henry: My spiritual journey has been quite a whirlwind. From a young age, I had vivid experiences with spirits, but it took time to understand and embrace these abilities. My journey really took off when I started "Hollywood Medium." The process of working with clients and connecting with their loved ones has been incredibly enriching. It's a journey of constant learning and self-reflection. Every reading teaches me something new about the spirit world and myself. This path has made me more empathetic and patient, and it has given me a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things. It's a continuous journey of growth and spiritual evolution.
James Van Praagh: My journey into mediumship began after a profound personal experience that opened my eyes to the spirit world. I immersed myself in studying various spiritual traditions and practices, which helped me develop my abilities. Over the years, my journey has been one of deep spiritual exploration and commitment to personal growth. I've learned to navigate the challenges and responsibilities that come with being a medium, and I've grown both spiritually and personally. This journey has reinforced the importance of love, forgiveness, and understanding in our lives. It has been a transformative path that continues to shape who I am.
Thomas John: My spiritual journey has been unique and deeply personal. I've always had a natural ability to connect with spirits, but it took time to fully embrace and develop this gift. My journey has involved a lot of introspection, studying various spiritual teachings, and learning from mentors. The experience of giving spontaneous readings on "Seatbelt Psychic" has been a significant part of my growth. It has taught me to trust in the moment and be open to wherever the journey takes me. My path has been one of continuous growth, learning to balance the responsibilities of being a medium with my own spiritual development. It's about staying true to my purpose and always striving to grow and evolve.
Nick Sasaki: It’s inspiring to hear about your spiritual journeys and the growth you’ve experienced. John, you mentioned the importance of mentorship. How has mentorship influenced your development as a medium?
John Edward: Mentorship has been crucial in my development. Learning from experienced mediums provided me with invaluable guidance and support. They helped me refine my abilities, navigate challenges, and stay grounded. Mentorship also reinforced the importance of ethics and integrity in this work. It’s been a source of inspiration and a reminder that we are part of a larger community of spiritual practitioners.
Nick Sasaki: Theresa, overcoming self-doubt and fear is a significant part of any journey. How did you navigate these challenges?
Theresa Caputo: It was definitely a process. I had to learn to trust myself and my abilities. This involved a lot of self-reflection and seeking support from my family and mentors. Meditation and spiritual practices helped me build confidence. Over time, as I saw the positive impact my readings had on people, my self-doubt diminished. It’s about believing in yourself and the purpose of your gift.
Nick Sasaki: Tyler, you mentioned the enriching experience of connecting with clients. How has this shaped your understanding of the spirit world?
Tyler Henry: Each connection with a client has deepened my understanding of the spirit world. These experiences reinforce the idea that our loved ones continue to be present in our lives, offering guidance and support. It's a humbling reminder of the continuity of life and the profound connections we share. This understanding has made me more compassionate and has strengthened my commitment to helping others.
Nick Sasaki: James, your journey involved deep spiritual exploration. How has this exploration influenced your work as a medium?
James Van Praagh: Spiritual exploration has provided me with a broader perspective on life and the afterlife. It has enriched my readings and helped me provide deeper insights to my clients. This exploration has taught me the importance of love, forgiveness, and understanding, which are central themes in my work. It’s about continually seeking knowledge and staying open to new experiences.
Nick Sasaki: Thomas, your spontaneous approach on "Seatbelt Psychic" is unique. How has this spontaneity contributed to your personal and spiritual growth?
Thomas John: The spontaneity of my approach has taught me to trust the process and be present in the moment. It has made me more adaptable and open to whatever comes my way. This has been a significant part of my growth, helping me to develop a deeper connection with the spirit world and enhance my abilities. It’s about embracing the journey and being open to continuous learning and growth.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you all for sharing your personal spiritual journeys. It's clear that each of you has experienced profound growth and transformation through your work as mediums. Your stories are truly inspiring. Let’s now take a moment to reflect on the incredible insights we’ve gained today. Thank you for being part of this remarkable conversation.
Short Bios:
John Edward is a renowned psychic medium known for his show "Crossing Over with John Edward." He has captivated audiences worldwide with his ability to connect with the spirit world, delivering heartfelt and precise messages from loved ones who have passed on. With a career spanning over two decades, John has authored several bestselling books and continues to offer comfort and closure through his readings.
Theresa Caputo, also known as the "Long Island Medium," is a beloved psychic medium recognized for her compassionate approach to connecting with spirits. Her hit TV show has brought her into the homes of millions, where she provides healing and messages from the other side. Theresa's unique ability to channel spirits has made her a trusted figure for those seeking solace and understanding after the loss of a loved one.
Tyler Henry, star of "Hollywood Medium," is a young and gifted psychic medium who has gained fame for his readings with some of Hollywood's biggest stars. Known for his gentle and empathetic demeanor, Tyler uses his abilities to bring messages of hope and comfort to both celebrities and the general public. His work has sparked widespread interest in the possibilities of spirit communication.
James Van Praagh is a pioneering psychic medium and spiritual teacher, known for his show "Beyond with James Van Praagh." With decades of experience, James has been instrumental in bringing mediumship into the mainstream. He is also a bestselling author and a sought-after speaker, dedicated to educating others about the spirit world and helping people connect with their loved ones who have passed away.
Thomas John is a psychic medium who combines his gift with spontaneity in his show "Seatbelt Psychic." He provides impromptu readings to passengers during ride-share journeys, offering unexpected moments of connection and comfort. Thomas's unique approach and ability to deliver profound messages in everyday settings have made him a distinctive and influential figure in the world of mediumship.
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