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Welcome to another exceptional and imaginary conversation that takes us beyond the physical world and deep into the realms of spiritual awakening. Today, we’re exploring the profound work of Dolores Cannon and her book The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth. Imagine sitting down with some of the greatest minds and spiritual teachers of our time to discuss how humanity is evolving, ascending, and transforming.
Joining this powerful conversation are Dr. Brian Weiss, Michael Newton, Neale Donald Walsch, and many others, who will help us unravel the mysteries of karma, free will, and the new Earth. Together, they’ll share their insights on how the three waves of volunteers are guiding humanity toward a brighter, more harmonious future. So, sit back, open your hearts and minds, and let’s journey into a world of higher consciousness and divine purpose

The Volunteers and Their Cosmic Mission
Nick Sasaki: Welcome, everyone, to this incredible discussion on The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth. Today, we’ll dive into the concept of volunteers and their cosmic mission. Dolores, let’s start with you. You’ve done extensive work in this field. Can you explain how these volunteers began coming to Earth and their role in helping the planet's ascension?
Dolores Cannon: Thank you, Nick. From my work with thousands of clients under hypnosis, I discovered that many souls who are here now are not originally from Earth. After World War II, Earth was on a destructive path, and the "call" was sent out across the universe for help. These volunteers chose to come here to assist humanity in raising its consciousness and healing the planet. They don’t carry karma like the souls that have been reincarnating on Earth for millennia, so they’re not bound by the same cycles of suffering. Their mission is simple yet profound: to bring light and higher energy to Earth to ensure the success of its ascension to a higher dimension.
Nick Sasaki: That’s fascinating. Barbara, your work with the Pleiadians shares some similarities with Dolores' findings. How do you see the role of these volunteers in this cosmic mission?
Barbara Marciniak: Absolutely, Nick. In Bringers of the Dawn, the Pleiadians shared with me that Earth is a pivotal planet in the universe’s evolution. The volunteers who come from higher dimensions—many of them from the Pleiades—are here to awaken humanity to its greater potential. These souls are part of a larger cosmic network, and their mission is not just to help Earth, but to shift the entire universe’s frequency. They volunteered for this difficult task because of their deep love for creation and their understanding that Earth’s shift will have a ripple effect throughout the cosmos.
Nick Sasaki: It sounds like these volunteers are part of something much larger than just Earth. David, your work on levels of consciousness and spiritual evolution ties into this conversation. How do you view the mission of these volunteers in the context of raising collective consciousness?
David R. Hawkins: I think what Dolores and Barbara are touching on is profound. From my research on consciousness, it’s clear that humanity is moving toward higher levels of awareness, moving beyond ego and fear into love and compassion. The volunteers play a critical role in this. They come in at higher vibrational levels, often operating at love or above, which is a powerful catalyst for the collective. Their mere presence here raises the baseline frequency of human consciousness, accelerating the shift. What we’re seeing is the emergence of a new paradigm—where these advanced souls anchor light and help dissolve the dense energy that’s kept humanity in suffering for so long.
Nick Sasaki: J.J., you’ve written about cosmic consciousness and higher realms in The Keys of Enoch. How do these volunteers from other dimensions fit into the greater cosmic plan?
J.J. Hurtak: The volunteers are part of what I call the "Cosmic Christ Consciousness," which is the unifying energy that seeks to bring all of creation into alignment with higher dimensions. These souls have come from realms where the vibration is much higher, and they incarnate here to help Earth join the cosmic community. Their mission is not only to elevate Earth but to help humanity remember its place in the greater universe. We are not isolated beings; we are part of a vast, interconnected cosmic web. The volunteers remind us that our evolution affects not only ourselves but the entire fabric of existence. They serve as bridges between dimensions, helping to awaken humanity to its divine potential.
Nick Sasaki: It seems that the volunteers are key players in this larger cosmic shift. Dolores, what challenges do these volunteers face when they come to Earth, given the density and negativity here?
Dolores Cannon: One of the biggest challenges is that they often feel out of place. Earth’s energy can feel very dense, heavy, and violent compared to where they come from. Many of them suffer from depression, isolation, and a deep sense of not belonging. They don’t understand why they are here, and they long to return to their home. Some volunteers even struggle to complete their mission because the contrast is so great. However, once they begin to awaken to their true purpose, they understand why they chose this journey and can channel their higher energy to fulfill their mission. That’s why it’s so important for them to connect with each other and with the lightworkers already on Earth. It helps them remember why they came.
Nick Sasaki: That makes a lot of sense, especially when you consider the heavy energy they’re up against. Barbara, how do these volunteers reconnect with their purpose once they’re on Earth?
Barbara Marciniak: Many volunteers activate through synchronicities, dreams, or encounters with other lightworkers. As they experience Earth’s energy, they begin to remember fragments of their soul’s mission. Meditation, inner work, and connecting with their higher selves help them recall why they volunteered. It’s also crucial for them to engage with the energies of the New Earth—things like creativity, love, and compassion are powerful activators. The more they align with these higher frequencies, the clearer their mission becomes.
Nick Sasaki: David, in your work on consciousness, how can volunteers help raise the frequency of the collective?
David R. Hawkins: Volunteers don’t necessarily need to preach or take grand actions. Their mere presence at a higher level of consciousness is enough to influence the collective. Because consciousness is a field, the more individuals who operate at higher frequencies, the more they counterbalance the lower vibrations of fear and ego. Each volunteer can influence thousands of individuals just by maintaining their alignment with love, peace, and compassion. This ripple effect is what will ultimately shift the collective consciousness toward the New Earth.
Nick Sasaki: That’s a powerful point, David. J.J., any final thoughts on how volunteers fit into the cosmic plan?
J.J. Hurtak: I believe the volunteers are integral to Earth’s place in the greater cosmic scheme. Their mission is not only to aid Earth’s ascension but to ensure humanity can join the larger cosmic family. Their work here influences other dimensions and timelines, assisting the universe in its ongoing evolution. We are witnessing a divine orchestration, where these advanced souls have come to help Earth fulfill its potential and, in doing so, uplift the entire cosmos.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you all for your incredible insights. The volunteers' mission is certainly a complex and deeply meaningful one, and I’m sure our audience will have much to reflect on. Let’s continue our conversation next time by diving deeper into Earth’s ascension and what that means for humanity’s future.
Earth’s Ascension and the Shift to Higher Consciousness
Nick Sasaki: Welcome back, everyone. Let’s continue with our second topic, exploring Earth’s Ascension and the Shift to Higher Consciousness. Dolores, this concept of Earth’s ascension is central to your work. Could you explain what you discovered about the shift Earth is undergoing and how it affects humanity?
Dolores Cannon: Absolutely, Nick. Earth is ascending to a higher dimension, which means its vibrational frequency is rising. This shift is a natural part of the planet’s evolution, and humanity is being asked to ascend alongside it. For those who are ready, it will be a move into a New Earth—one that is filled with peace, love, and higher awareness. For others who are not prepared, they may remain in the old Earth, which will continue to vibrate at the same lower frequency. This transition is happening now, and it’s why so many people are feeling a shift in their consciousness and even in their physical bodies. We’re moving away from ego-based, fear-driven consciousness to one of unity and love.
Nick Sasaki: Eckhart, your teachings on presence and the shift to higher consciousness in A New Earth align with this idea. How do you view this ascension process and the impact it has on individuals and the collective?
Eckhart Tolle: Yes, what Dolores is describing is very much in line with what I’ve seen and taught. The ascension is essentially the awakening of human consciousness. Humanity has been dominated by the egoic mind for millennia—separation, fear, conflict. But now, there is a global shift happening where more and more people are becoming aware of their true nature, beyond the mind and ego. This shift to higher consciousness is not something external; it is an internal awakening. As more individuals awaken to the present moment and connect with the deeper awareness within them, they align with the higher vibration of the New Earth. The key is to be fully present, as that is the doorway to this new consciousness.
Nick Sasaki: That’s a profound insight, Eckhart. Carla, you’ve channeled messages about Earth’s ascension in The Law of One. Can you expand on what this shift means for the planet and humanity from the perspective of Ra, the entity you’ve communicated with?
Carla Rueckert: Certainly, Nick. In The Law of One, Ra explains that Earth is moving from third density, which is centered on self-awareness and learning the lessons of love and choice, into fourth density, where love and understanding become the dominant forces. This is the density of compassion, where the veil of separation begins to lift, and we start to see ourselves as part of a greater whole. Earth is already transitioning into this fourth density, and the ascension process is about aligning with these new frequencies. Those who are ready to embrace love, service to others, and unity will naturally flow into this new state of consciousness, while others may continue their lessons in a third-density existence until they are ready.
Nick Sasaki: It seems that this shift is deeply tied to how we perceive ourselves and our connection to others. Paramahansa Yogananda, you taught about raising consciousness through meditation and self-realization. How do these teachings relate to Earth’s ascension?
Paramahansa Yogananda: The concept of ascension aligns closely with what I taught in Autobiography of a Yogi—that true spiritual evolution comes from the awakening of the soul to its divine nature. As Earth moves into this higher state of consciousness, individuals are being called to transcend the limitations of the material world and the ego. Through meditation, devotion, and the realization of our unity with God, we can raise our vibration and move in harmony with the planet’s ascension. The New Earth is not a physical place but a higher state of being, one that we can access by attuning ourselves to higher consciousness, which is always available through spiritual practice.
Nick Sasaki: It seems that spiritual practices are key to aligning with this shift. Dolores, you’ve spoken about physical symptoms people experience during this ascension. Can you tell us more about what’s happening on a physical level as we move into this higher frequency?
Dolores Cannon: Yes, Nick. As Earth’s frequency rises, many people are feeling it physically. This can manifest as fatigue, dizziness, anxiety, or even a sense of being disconnected from reality. These symptoms occur because the body is adjusting to the higher vibrational energy that’s now present on the planet. The cells in our bodies are essentially "upgrading" to accommodate this new energy, and that can cause discomfort as the process unfolds. It’s important for people to take care of themselves during this time—meditation, grounding, and staying hydrated can all help ease these symptoms. The more you embrace the new energy and let go of fear, the smoother the transition will be.
Nick Sasaki: That’s really helpful advice, Dolores. Eckhart, how can people manage these physical and emotional challenges as they align with the higher consciousness of the New Earth?
Eckhart Tolle: The most important thing is not to resist what is happening. Often, suffering arises because we resist change or cling to old patterns. The shift to higher consciousness can feel uncomfortable, but that’s because it is dissolving the egoic structures that have defined our sense of self for so long. By remaining present and accepting the discomfort as part of the process, we can transcend it. The more we are rooted in presence, the less we are disturbed by the mind’s fear and the body’s discomfort. This is a time to deepen our awareness and trust in the unfolding of consciousness.
Nick Sasaki: Carla, do you see this ascension process as something that everyone will go through, or is it selective based on each soul’s readiness?
Carla Rueckert: The ascension process is available to everyone, but not everyone will be ready to move into the fourth density at the same time. As Ra explains, this is a matter of spiritual readiness. Those who have chosen the path of love, compassion, and service to others will naturally align with the new frequency of Earth. Others, who are still learning the lessons of self-awareness and polarity, may continue in the third density until they are ready. It’s not a judgment; it’s simply where each soul is on its journey. Ultimately, all souls will evolve, but the timing is unique to each individual.
Nick Sasaki: That’s an important point—this is a personal and unique process for everyone. Paramahansa, how can spiritual practices like meditation help individuals align with Earth’s ascension and raise their consciousness?
Paramahansa Yogananda: Meditation is one of the most powerful tools for raising consciousness. Through deep meditation, we quiet the mind and connect with the divine presence within us. This inner stillness allows us to transcend the limitations of the ego and experience our true nature as infinite, divine beings. As we deepen our practice, we naturally begin to resonate with higher frequencies. The light of God within us begins to shine more brightly, and we move in harmony with the ascension process. In this way, we can not only raise our own consciousness but also contribute to the collective shift happening on Earth.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you all for these enlightening perspectives. It seems that Earth’s ascension is not just a planetary shift, but a deeply personal one as well. As more people awaken to their true nature, we’ll continue to see this transformation unfold. Next time, we’ll explore the role of free will and how lightworkers are influencing the collective consciousness.
Free Will and the Role of Lightworkers
Nick Sasaki: Welcome back, everyone. Our next topic explores Free Will and the Role of Lightworkers in the context of Earth’s ascension. Dolores, you’ve spoken extensively about how free will governs life on Earth. Can you explain how free will impacts the volunteers and their ability to influence humanity's spiritual evolution?
Dolores Cannon: Absolutely, Nick. Free will is a fundamental law of this planet, meaning that no one, not even the volunteers, can directly interfere with humanity’s choices. The volunteers came here with a mission to help raise the collective vibration, but they can’t force anyone to change or awaken. What they do, instead, is anchor higher frequencies and act as energetic catalysts. They plant seeds of awakening by embodying love, compassion, and higher consciousness, but it’s up to each individual to choose their path. Free will ensures that humanity learns and evolves through its own decisions, which is key to the soul’s growth.
Nick Sasaki: That makes sense. The volunteers’ role, then, is more about offering guidance and energy rather than directing outcomes. Louise, in your work with healing and self-empowerment, how do you see lightworkers helping others without infringing on free will?
Louise Hay: Lightworkers serve as mirrors of what is possible for others. They don’t push or control—they offer love, healing, and support, allowing others to see their own potential. In You Can Heal Your Life, I’ve always emphasized that each individual has the power to heal and transform themselves, but that transformation only happens when the person is ready to make that choice. Lightworkers hold the space for healing and awakening, but they honor each person’s free will by not trying to fix or change them. Instead, they empower people to realize their own ability to change their lives through love, positive thinking, and self-acceptance.
Nick Sasaki: So it’s about empowering others to make their own decisions and find their path. Thich Nhat Hanh, you’ve spoken about mindfulness and compassion as tools for transformation. How does the principle of free will influence the way lightworkers practice mindfulness in service to others?
Thich Nhat Hanh: Free will is deeply respected in mindfulness practice. When we are mindful, we are fully present and accepting of others as they are. We do not seek to change or control them, but instead, we offer a compassionate presence. In doing so, we create a space where others can make their own choices, free from judgment or pressure. A lightworker practices mindfulness by being a calm, peaceful presence, which allows others to connect with their own inner wisdom. This gentle guidance, rooted in compassion, respects the free will of others while supporting their growth. True transformation happens from within, and mindfulness helps create the conditions for that inner transformation to occur.
Nick Sasaki: That’s beautiful—creating space for others to grow on their own terms. Esther, you channel Abraham, who speaks about the Law of Attraction and free will. How do lightworkers work with this universal law to assist others without infringing on their free will?
Esther Hicks (Abraham): Abraham teaches that the Law of Attraction responds to each person’s vibrational frequency, which is shaped by their thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Lightworkers, in alignment with this law, don’t interfere with others’ free will, but they do help raise the vibrational frequency of the planet. When a lightworker is in alignment with their own source energy—when they are vibrating at love, joy, or peace—they become an example of what is possible. Their energy influences the collective, not by trying to change others, but by offering a higher frequency that others can choose to align with if they’re ready. It’s about being a beacon of light, allowing others to come to the light if they so desire. Everyone has free will, and the Law of Attraction honors that by giving each person the reality they are aligned with.
Nick Sasaki: So by being in alignment with higher frequencies, lightworkers offer an energetic invitation for others to step into their own higher potential. Dolores, how do you see lightworkers balancing the need to help others while respecting the free will that governs this planet?
Dolores Cannon: Lightworkers understand that their role is to guide, not control. Many of the volunteers, and those who resonate with the term lightworker, came here with the intention to help, but they’ve learned that pushing others toward awakening or healing simply doesn’t work. Earth is a planet where souls come to learn through their own experiences, and that means making choices—both good and bad—on their journey. The role of a lightworker is to assist when asked, to offer support when needed, and to always hold a space of unconditional love. That energy helps people find their own path, but it never forces them in a specific direction. It’s about being a presence of light that others can choose to move toward if and when they are ready.
Nick Sasaki: Louise, you’ve worked with countless individuals in healing. How do lightworkers handle the emotional and spiritual challenges of watching people struggle, knowing that they must respect their free will?
Louise Hay: It can be hard, Nick, especially when you can see someone’s potential for healing and happiness. But as a lightworker, you have to trust the process. People heal in their own time, and everyone has their unique journey. Sometimes, all you can do is offer love and encouragement, and let them know that they are capable of change when they’re ready. It’s important not to take on their pain or try to force them to heal faster. Instead, I always encourage lightworkers to focus on being a shining example of what’s possible and to practice self-care. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so staying grounded in your own energy is crucial.
Nick Sasaki: That’s a great reminder—lightworkers also need to maintain their own energy and well-being. Thich Nhat Hanh, how does mindfulness help lightworkers stay centered and compassionate while respecting others’ free will?
Thich Nhat Hanh: Mindfulness helps lightworkers cultivate inner peace and compassion, both for themselves and others. When a lightworker practices mindfulness, they stay present in the moment and accept things as they are, without judgment or attachment. This allows them to offer compassion without trying to control the outcome. Mindfulness also helps lightworkers remain grounded, so they do not become overwhelmed by the suffering of others. When we are mindful, we are aware of our own emotions and energy, and we can create a space of calm presence. This allows lightworkers to act from a place of peace rather than reacting to the emotions or struggles of others. By staying centered in mindfulness, lightworkers can offer compassion and support, while still respecting each person’s journey and the choices they make through free will.
Nick Sasaki: That’s a wonderful way to look at it—mindfulness as a tool for maintaining balance and compassion without attachment to outcomes. Esther, in the context of the Law of Attraction, how do lightworkers stay in alignment with their own higher frequencies while respecting others' choices, even when those choices don’t seem to align with a higher vibration?
Esther Hicks (Abraham): Abraham often says, “You cannot create in someone else’s reality,” and that’s where free will comes into play. As a lightworker, your job isn’t to fix or change others. Your job is to stay in your own alignment with Source, to keep your vibration high, and to lead by the power of your example. When you’re in that high vibrational state—feeling joy, love, and appreciation—you become a powerful attractor. Others may see your light and feel inspired, but ultimately, it’s their choice whether or not to shift their own vibration. Staying in alignment also means not dipping into lower vibrations when you see others struggling or making choices that don’t resonate with you. Instead, hold your vibration steady, trust the process, and know that every soul is on its own perfect path.
Nick Sasaki: It seems that a recurring theme here is allowing others to walk their own path while holding space for them to step into a higher frequency if they choose to. Dolores, as we wrap up this topic, do you have any final thoughts on how free will interacts with the role of lightworkers in this transformative time?
Dolores Cannon: I would say that free will is the most important element in all of this. Earth is unique in that it’s a planet of free will, where every soul must make its own choices and learn from those experiences. Lightworkers and volunteers are here to assist in this process, but they understand that their help can only go so far. Their true role is to embody love, compassion, and higher consciousness, creating a pathway that others can follow when they’re ready. The ascension of Earth isn’t something that can be forced—it’s a collective and individual process that unfolds at its own pace, and free will ensures that each soul moves forward in its own time.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you all for your insights on this complex and important topic. It’s clear that free will plays a vital role in the way lightworkers operate, and their ability to guide others without interfering is a delicate and deeply spiritual practice. Next, we’ll explore the end of karma and how it ties into the evolution of souls as we move into the New Earth.
The End of Karma and the Evolution of Souls
Nick Sasaki: Welcome back, everyone. In this next topic, we’ll explore The End of Karma and the Evolution of Souls. Dolores, this concept of karma ending is central to your work in The Three Waves of Volunteers. Could you explain what you discovered about karma’s role in human evolution and how it is shifting as we move toward the New Earth?
Dolores Cannon: Certainly, Nick. Karma has been a fundamental part of the learning process on Earth for thousands of years. It’s how souls have balanced their actions and learned lessons across lifetimes, coming back again and again to work through their unresolved issues. However, as we shift into the New Earth, the need for karma is coming to an end. This is because humanity is moving to a higher level of consciousness, where the old cycle of cause and effect isn’t necessary anymore. Souls that are ready to ascend are now operating at a higher frequency, where they learn and evolve through love and compassion rather than through suffering and karmic lessons. This means that the souls on the New Earth won’t have to come back to balance their past actions—they will be free from the karmic cycle.
Nick Sasaki: That’s a fascinating shift. Dr. Brian Weiss, your work in past-life regression, especially in Many Lives, Many Masters, touches on the cycle of reincarnation and karma. How do you view this idea of karma ending as humanity evolves?
Dr. Brian Weiss: In my work with past-life regression, I’ve seen how karma operates as a balancing force, helping souls learn important lessons across lifetimes. Many of my clients have revisited past lives where they needed to heal relationships or resolve unfinished business, which is all part of the karmic process. However, I agree with Dolores—there is a shift happening. As more people awaken spiritually, they are realizing that they don’t need to be trapped in the old karmic cycles of guilt, blame, and suffering. The key is forgiveness—of oneself and others—which breaks the karmic bonds. As souls evolve and embrace love and forgiveness, they transcend karma and move into a state of higher awareness, where learning is done through joy and growth, not through pain.
Nick Sasaki: Forgiveness seems to be a key part of transcending karma. Michael, you’ve worked extensively with souls between lives in Journey of Souls. What insights can you offer about how souls evolve as karma comes to an end?
Michael Newton: In my work with life-between-lives regression, I’ve found that souls undergo a deep review process after each incarnation. During this time, they reflect on their actions, the lessons learned, and any karmic debts that need to be balanced. However, I’ve also seen that more advanced souls—those who have evolved through many lifetimes—begin to move beyond the need for karma. These souls operate from a place of higher wisdom, where they no longer need to learn through the trial and error of karma. Instead, they grow through conscious choice and service to others. This evolution marks the end of the karmic cycle, as these souls are now capable of living in harmony with the universe’s higher laws. They are ready to move into the New Earth, where the focus is on unity, love, and higher consciousness rather than on karmic balancing.
Nick Sasaki: It seems that souls who evolve to this higher level no longer need karma as a teacher. Paramahansa Yogananda, you taught extensively about karma and reincarnation. How does this transition from karma to a higher form of spiritual evolution fit with your teachings?
Paramahansa Yogananda: In Autobiography of a Yogi, I spoke about the law of karma as one of the natural laws governing the universe. Karma is the principle of cause and effect, where every action has a reaction, and souls must balance their actions over lifetimes. However, as souls progress spiritually, they begin to transcend karma through self-realization and union with the divine. Through meditation, devotion, and right action, souls can purify their karma and rise above it. As humanity ascends to a higher state of consciousness, karma is no longer needed as a teacher. Instead, souls live in alignment with divine will, where their actions are motivated by love and service rather than by ego or desire. This is the path to liberation, where the soul is no longer bound by the cycles of birth and death.
Nick Sasaki: That’s a beautiful vision of liberation, Yogananda. Dolores, how does the end of karma affect the way souls will evolve in the New Earth?
Dolores Cannon: In the New Earth, souls will evolve through higher consciousness, love, and compassion rather than through the challenges of karmic lessons. The old system of learning through suffering is no longer necessary because the vibrational frequency of the New Earth supports growth through harmony and peace. Souls on the New Earth will still have lessons to learn, but they will be of a different kind—more about refining their spiritual awareness and expanding their abilities to love and serve. This represents a significant shift in how we experience life. Instead of struggling through karmic cycles, souls will evolve in a state of joy, cooperation, and higher understanding.
Nick Sasaki: It seems that evolution on the New Earth is more about growing through love and unity than through the hardships of karma. Dr. Weiss, how can individuals today start moving beyond karma and begin evolving in this new way?
Dr. Brian Weiss: The process of moving beyond karma begins with inner work—through self-reflection, healing, and forgiveness. One of the most powerful ways to break free from karmic cycles is to practice forgiveness, both for ourselves and others. Holding onto guilt, anger, or resentment keeps us bound to those karmic patterns. When we let go of those emotions and embrace forgiveness, we free ourselves from the past and open up to a higher way of living. Meditation, regression therapy, and mindfulness can also help individuals access their past lives and resolve karmic issues. By becoming aware of the lessons they’ve learned and healing old wounds, they can move into a higher state of consciousness where karma is no longer needed as a learning tool.
Nick Sasaki: So it’s about consciously healing and forgiving to move into this higher form of evolution. Michael, from your experience working with souls between lives, how do you see this shift happening on a soul level?
Michael Newton: On a soul level, this shift happens as souls become more attuned to their higher purpose. Instead of focusing on karmic debts or unresolved lessons, advanced souls begin to focus on their role in the greater cosmic plan. They ask, “How can I serve others? How can I contribute to the greater good?” This is the essence of moving beyond karma—shifting from a focus on self to a focus on service. Souls who make this shift are no longer bound by the need to reincarnate to balance karma. They are free to choose their path, often choosing to incarnate as guides, healers, or lightworkers to assist others in their evolution. This is the natural progression of soul evolution as we move into the New Earth.
Nick Sasaki: That’s a profound shift—from learning through karma to evolving through service and higher purpose. Paramahansa, any final thoughts on how individuals can transcend karma and align with this new way of evolving?
Paramahansa Yogananda: The path to transcending karma is through union with the divine. By attuning ourselves to God’s will through meditation, prayer, and selfless service, we purify our karma and rise above the cycles of cause and effect. When we live in harmony with divine law, our actions are motivated by love, and we no longer create negative karma. In this way, we experience liberation from the karmic cycle and move into a state of divine bliss. This is the highest goal of the soul’s evolution—to realize our oneness with the divine and live in eternal peace and joy.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you all for your incredible insights into the end of karma and the evolution of souls. It’s clear that we’re moving into a new era where spiritual growth is centered on love, forgiveness, and service. In our next topic, we’ll explore the vision for the New Earth and what the future of humanity looks like as we step into this higher state of being.
The New Earth and Humanity’s Future
Nick Sasaki: Welcome back, everyone. In our final topic, we’ll explore The New Earth and Humanity’s Future. Dolores, you’ve described the New Earth as a higher-dimensional reality where peace, love, and harmony prevail. Could you start by sharing your vision of what the New Earth looks like and how humanity will evolve in this new state?
Dolores Cannon: Thank you, Nick. The New Earth is a place where humanity will live in a state of higher consciousness. It’s not a separate physical location, but a new dimension that exists alongside the old Earth. Those who are ready to ascend will naturally gravitate toward this new frequency, where they’ll experience life in a more harmonious way. In the New Earth, there will be no war, no violence, and no environmental destruction. People will live in cooperation with each other and with nature. The energy will be lighter, and individuals will operate from love and compassion rather than fear and ego. It’s a place where spiritual growth happens through joy and unity, and where the old karmic cycles of suffering no longer apply.
Nick Sasaki: That’s a beautiful vision of what humanity can become. Neale, your work in Conversations with God touches on humanity’s potential for creating a new future. How do you see humanity evolving in alignment with this vision of the New Earth?
Neale Donald Walsch: In Conversations with God, the idea of the New Earth is deeply connected to humanity’s ability to create its own reality through conscious choice. God tells us that we are all creators, and the future we experience is a direct result of the collective choices we make. As we evolve spiritually, more and more people are realizing their power to co-create a new reality—one that reflects our highest aspirations. The New Earth is a reflection of humanity’s decision to live from love rather than fear, to choose unity over division, and to prioritize the well-being of the planet and each other. As more people awaken to this truth, we will see a shift in the way we organize our societies, our economies, and our relationships. The New Earth is a space where humanity will finally embody its divine nature.
Nick Sasaki: It sounds like humanity’s evolution will be guided by conscious choices that reflect a higher level of awareness. Swami Vivekananda, in your teachings, you emphasized the unity of all beings and the divine potential within each person. How does this idea of unity play into the vision of the New Earth and the future of humanity?
Swami Vivekananda: The concept of the New Earth aligns perfectly with the Vedantic teachings that emphasize the oneness of all existence. In the New Earth, humanity will come to realize that we are not separate individuals competing for resources, but expressions of the same divine consciousness. This realization will transform how we interact with each other and the world. When we see the divine in all beings, we naturally act from a place of compassion and service. The future of humanity lies in this awakening to our true nature, where we move beyond the ego and live in harmony with the universe. The New Earth will be a place where this higher understanding of unity and interconnectedness becomes the foundation of all human activity—whether in relationships, governance, or our relationship with nature.
Nick Sasaki: That’s a powerful perspective, Swami. It seems that the New Earth represents a shift from ego-driven separation to unity consciousness. Gregg, you’ve explored the intersection of science and spirituality in your work. How do you see the scientific community contributing to the vision of the New Earth and humanity’s future?
Gregg Braden: Science plays a critical role in helping us understand the mechanics of how the New Earth is possible. In The Divine Matrix, I discussed how the universe operates as a unified field of energy, where everything is interconnected. As humanity evolves, science is beginning to validate what spiritual traditions have known for centuries—that we are all part of a greater whole. The New Earth will be a place where we use this knowledge not just to understand the universe, but to live in alignment with it. Technology will be used to support life, not exploit it. We’ll see breakthroughs in energy, healing, and communication that allow us to live in harmony with the planet’s natural systems. The future of humanity is one where science and spirituality converge, helping us build a sustainable, compassionate, and enlightened society.
Nick Sasaki: So science and spirituality will work together to create this new reality. Dolores, in your research, you’ve talked about how individuals will choose between the old Earth and the New Earth. Can you explain how this choice works and what it means for humanity’s future?
Dolores Cannon: The choice between the old Earth and the New Earth is all about frequency. Each person has their own vibrational frequency, which is influenced by their thoughts, emotions, and actions. As Earth’s frequency rises, those who are ready to align with the higher vibrations of love, peace, and unity will naturally ascend to the New Earth. Those who are still caught in lower vibrations—fear, anger, and negativity—may remain in the old Earth, where they’ll continue to learn and evolve at their own pace. It’s not a matter of judgment; it’s simply about where each soul is in their journey. The New Earth is available to anyone who is ready to make the shift, but it requires a conscious choice to let go of the old ways and embrace a new way of being.
Nick Sasaki: It seems that the future of humanity will be shaped by the individual and collective choices we make. Neale, how can people start making conscious choices today that align with the New Earth?
Neale Donald Walsch: It all starts with awareness. Once people become aware that they are co-creators of their reality, they can begin to make choices that reflect their highest intentions. In Conversations with God, God reminds us that every choice we make is either an expression of love or fear. By choosing love—whether it’s in our relationships, our work, or how we treat the environment—we align ourselves with the frequency of the New Earth. It’s also important to practice gratitude and forgiveness, as these are powerful tools for raising our vibration. The more people who make conscious, loving choices, the more we shift the collective consciousness toward the New Earth.
Nick Sasaki: Gratitude and forgiveness seem to be key components of this shift. Swami, how can spiritual practices help individuals prepare for the New Earth?
Swami Vivekananda: Spiritual practices are essential for raising one’s consciousness and aligning with the New Earth. Meditation, prayer, and selfless service purify the mind and open the heart to divine wisdom. These practices help individuals transcend the ego and experience the unity of all life. By regularly engaging in spiritual practices, we cultivate inner peace and compassion, which naturally elevate our vibrational frequency. The New Earth will be a place of harmony and love, and spiritual practice is the pathway to that higher state of consciousness. Those who commit to their spiritual journey will find themselves more aligned with the energies of the New Earth.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you, Swami. Gregg, you mentioned earlier that science and spirituality will converge in the New Earth. Can you expand on how technological advancements will reflect this shift in consciousness?
Gregg Braden: Absolutely, Nick. We’re already seeing the beginnings of this convergence in fields like quantum physics, where science is recognizing the interconnected nature of reality. In the New Earth, technology will be used to enhance life, not control or dominate it. We’ll see advancements in clean energy, allowing us to power our world without harming the environment. Healing technologies will evolve to work with the body’s natural energy systems, promoting health and longevity in harmony with nature. Communication technologies will expand our ability to connect with each other on deeper levels, fostering greater understanding and empathy. This future reflects a shift in consciousness, where science serves the collective good and supports humanity’s spiritual evolution.
Nick Sasaki: It’s exciting to think about how science and spirituality will shape humanity’s future on the New Earth. Dolores, as we wrap up this discussion, what is your message to those who are ready to embrace the New Earth and step into this higher state of being?
Dolores Cannon: My message to everyone is simple: trust the process and follow your inner guidance. The New Earth is already here, and those who are ready to make the shift are already feeling the changes. Let go of fear and embrace love, compassion, and unity. The more you align yourself with these higher frequencies, the easier the transition will be. Remember, this is a choice each soul must make for themselves, but you are never alone in this journey. There is a great deal of support available—both from within and from the higher realms. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be and that your soul is on the perfect path for its evolution.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you all for your incredible insights into the New Earth and humanity’s future. It’s clear that we’re entering a new era where love, unity, and higher consciousness will guide our evolution. The New Earth offers a beautiful vision of what humanity can become, and I hope this conversation inspires our audience to embrace that future.
Short Bios:
Dolores Cannon: A renowned hypnotherapist and past-life regressionist, Dolores Cannon is the author of The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth. Her groundbreaking work explores reincarnation, karma, and the spiritual evolution of humanity.
Dr. Brian Weiss: A psychiatrist and author of Many Lives, Many Masters, Dr. Brian Weiss is a leading expert in past-life regression therapy, helping people heal emotional and psychological issues through the exploration of past lives.
Michael Newton: Author of Journey of Souls, Michael Newton pioneered life-between-lives regression, revealing what happens to souls between incarnations and offering deep insights into soul evolution.
Neale Donald Walsch: The author of Conversations with God, Neale Donald Walsch is a spiritual teacher whose work focuses on humanity’s co-creation of reality and the power of choosing love over fear.
Swami Vivekananda: A spiritual leader and key figure in bringing Vedanta and Yoga to the West, Swami Vivekananda’s teachings emphasized the unity of all beings and the realization of divine potential through self-realization.
Gregg Braden: A scientist and best-selling author of The Divine Matrix, Gregg Braden bridges the gap between science and spirituality, exploring how quantum physics, consciousness, and ancient wisdom shape our reality.
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