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Hello, everyone! I’m so excited to introduce a profound and enlightening conversation that dives deep into the mysteries of Reincarnation, Soul Contracts, and Spiritual Awakening.
We have an extraordinary panel of voices—spiritual pioneers and mystics—coming together to discuss how our souls chart their journeys through lifetimes, guided by love, karma, and free will. You’ll hear from experts like Dolores Cannon, Michael Newton, Esther Hicks, Brian Weiss, Rumi, Yogi Ramacharaka, and Origen, all sharing their unique wisdom on how reincarnation shapes our relationships, challenges, and ultimate awakening.
This isn’t just a discussion; it’s a journey into understanding how the threads of our past lives weave into our present, and how love and healing transcend time.
Whether you’ve ever wondered about soul contracts or how free will plays a role in your destiny, this imaginary conversation will spark new insights and help you explore the deeper meaning behind your life’s experiences. Trust me, this is a conversation you won’t want to miss!

The Soul’s Journey: Pre-Birth Planning and Life Purpose
Nick Sasaki (moderator): Welcome back, everyone! We’re diving into a fascinating discussion on "The Soul’s Journey: Pre-Birth Planning and Life Purpose." This conversation will delve into how souls create contracts and plan their incarnations with the goal of growth, learning, and fulfilling a purpose. Let’s start with you, Dolores. How do you see the pre-birth planning process unfolding?
Dolores Cannon: Thank you, Nick. From my work with past life regression, I’ve found that souls carefully plan their lives before incarnating. In the spirit world, between lives, souls work closely with guides to map out their next lifetime. This isn’t done haphazardly; every major event is planned with great care. Souls choose the key people they will meet, the significant challenges they will face, and the lessons they wish to learn. Often, souls will select difficult experiences because these offer the greatest opportunity for growth. It’s not about punishment or suffering; it’s about expanding the soul’s wisdom.
Nick Sasaki: It sounds like there’s a lot of intention behind every life experience, especially the challenging ones. Michael, your research into life between lives complements Dolores’ work. How does your view align with hers?
Michael Newton, Ph.D.: I completely agree with Dolores. In my sessions, clients often recall entering a "spirit council" or "life planning space" between incarnations. Here, they review their previous life and then discuss the purpose of the upcoming one. This planning involves choosing key moments of their life, often called "destiny points," but also leaves room for free will and spontaneity. These soul meetings are very collaborative—souls not only plan their own path but also work with other souls who will incarnate with them, playing significant roles, like family members or important relationships. It’s all designed to facilitate spiritual growth.
Nick Sasaki: That’s intriguing! The idea of "destiny points" with flexibility. Esther, I’d love to hear Abraham’s perspective on this. How does pre-birth planning fit into the Law of Attraction and co-creation?
Esther Hicks (Abraham): Oh, yes! Before you come into physical form, you are pure positive energy, fully aware of your desires and intentions. In this non-physical state, you eagerly look forward to the expansion that life will offer you. You do indeed plan certain key experiences that will allow you to grow, to create, and to express your desires. But once you are in the physical body, you are the one in control. You can create and re-create based on your vibration and alignment with your soul’s desires. So, while the pre-birth plan gives you a direction, it’s up to you to align with joy, growth, and love in the moment.
Nick Sasaki: So, even with a pre-birth plan, our choices and alignment can alter our path. Yogi Ramacharaka, in Eastern traditions, reincarnation is closely tied to karma and spiritual growth. How does pre-birth planning play a role in the soul’s evolution through lifetimes?
Yogi Ramacharaka: In Eastern philosophy, the soul reincarnates many times, each lifetime offering new opportunities to burn off karma and move closer to liberation. Before each incarnation, the soul chooses conditions that will help it work through its past karma and attain spiritual progress. This is why pre-birth planning is so important. The soul selects its environment, relationships, and challenges that will serve its higher purpose. But remember, the soul is always seeking to move beyond the cycle of birth and rebirth, toward enlightenment. The pre-birth plan is like a roadmap, guiding the soul toward that ultimate goal.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you, Yogi. It seems that, whether it’s about karma or the Law of Attraction, pre-birth planning is central to the soul’s journey. Dolores, do you see any common threads in the reasons why souls choose certain life paths or challenges?
Dolores Cannon: Absolutely, Nick. The most common reason I’ve seen is growth—souls want to learn, to evolve. Often, they choose lives that will allow them to heal past wounds or resolve unfinished lessons. For example, I’ve had clients who choose to be born into difficult family situations to learn forgiveness or compassion. Others choose a lifetime where they will face illness or hardship, not as a form of suffering, but to strengthen their soul’s resilience. It’s fascinating to see how deeply souls commit to their spiritual growth, even if it means facing great difficulties.
Nick Sasaki: Michael, in your sessions, have you noticed similar reasons behind the choices souls make?
Michael Newton, Ph.D.: Yes, very much so. Souls often choose their paths based on what they feel they need to master. This might be emotional mastery, like learning patience or courage, or it could be relational, like learning to give and receive love. I’ve also seen souls choose paths that help them teach others, playing roles that guide or support others in their evolution. Souls may even return to correct imbalances from previous lives—perhaps a soul who was overly controlling in one life chooses to experience submission in the next. It’s all about balance and growth.
Nick Sasaki: That’s really powerful. Esther, do Abraham’s teachings also reflect this idea that souls choose challenges for growth?
Esther Hicks (Abraham): Absolutely, Nick. But from Abraham’s perspective, there’s an important nuance: Souls don’t choose suffering or challenges because they want to struggle. They choose these situations because they know that, through contrast, they will experience greater expansion. Every challenge offers the opportunity for clarity and joy. So, it’s not about choosing pain—it’s about choosing expansion. And once you’re in the physical body, you have the power to turn any situation into one of joy and growth by focusing on what feels good and aligning with your true self.
Nick Sasaki: That’s such an empowering perspective, Esther. Yogi Ramacharaka, as we explore the soul’s purpose, what do you think is the ultimate goal of this journey through reincarnations and pre-birth planning?
Yogi Ramacharaka: The ultimate goal, in Eastern teachings, is liberation—moksha. The soul’s journey through many lifetimes is designed to help it transcend the cycle of reincarnation. Each lifetime is a step toward enlightenment, where the soul becomes free from the illusions of the material world and reunites with the Divine. The pre-birth plan is like a map guiding the soul toward this liberation. The challenges, the joys, the relationships—they are all milestones along the path to ultimate freedom.
Nick Sasaki: So, each lifetime brings the soul closer to its divine purpose. This has been a deeply insightful discussion on pre-birth planning and how it shapes our life purpose. It’s clear that whether from the perspectives of reincarnation, karma, or the Law of Attraction, our souls are intricately involved in creating our life’s journey. Thank you, Dolores, Michael, Esther, and Yogi, for your wisdom. We’ll continue this exploration in our next topic, but for now, it’s evident that the soul’s journey is a purposeful and beautiful process.
Karma and Soul Evolution
Nick Sasaki (moderator): Welcome back, everyone! Our next topic is "Karma and Soul Evolution." We’ll be discussing how reincarnation and soul contracts are influenced by karma and how these elements help the soul evolve through lifetimes. Brian, you’ve worked extensively on past lives and karma. Can you start us off with your insights?
Brian Weiss, M.D.: Absolutely, Nick. Karma is a central concept in many spiritual traditions and, in my work, it’s a guiding principle for understanding why souls reincarnate. Karma is essentially the law of cause and effect—what we do in one lifetime influences our experiences in another. Through past life regressions, I’ve seen how unresolved issues, fears, or patterns can follow a soul into future lifetimes. The soul reincarnates to resolve these karmic imbalances, whether it’s to heal old wounds, make amends, or simply to learn a lesson it missed before. Each lifetime offers the soul an opportunity to evolve and move closer to a state of greater awareness and love.
Nick Sasaki: So, reincarnation allows the soul to work through its karma and continue evolving. Dolores, you’ve spoken about the importance of karma in soul contracts. How do you see it playing out across lifetimes?
Dolores Cannon: Thank you, Nick. In my experience, karma plays a crucial role in the planning of each incarnation. Souls often choose to come back with the intention of balancing out past actions. If someone caused harm in a previous life, they may choose to experience the opposite role in the next life to understand the full spectrum of that experience. But karma is not about punishment; it’s about learning. It’s a way for the soul to gain perspective and ultimately move toward a higher state of consciousness. Souls agree to reincarnate into situations that will allow them to resolve old karmic debts and, in doing so, they evolve.
Nick Sasaki: That’s a beautiful way to look at karma—as a teacher rather than a punishment. Rumi, your poetry often touches on the soul’s journey and growth. How does karma influence this process in your view?
Rumi: Ah, yes, Nick. Karma is the dance of the soul with the universe. Every action, every thought, every intention sets a ripple in the vast ocean of existence. The soul carries these ripples from one lifetime to the next, like the echo of a melody that continues to play. But karma is not a burden; it is the soul’s guide. Through the unfolding of karma, the soul learns the depths of love, the sweetness of forgiveness, and the grace of understanding. Each lifetime is an opportunity to refine the soul’s melody, to align it more closely with the divine symphony.
Nick Sasaki: Rumi, your words are always so poetic and profound. Karma as a guide rather than a weight is a powerful image. Origen, from a Christian theological perspective, how do you interpret the concept of karma and its role in soul evolution?
Origen of Alexandria: In the early Christian tradition, we do not speak of karma in the same terms as Eastern philosophies, but there are parallels in the idea of moral responsibility and the soul’s journey toward salvation. I believed in the pre-existence of souls, and that souls could progress through different states of being. While not reincarnation as it is understood in Eastern traditions, this progression mirrors the idea of the soul working through lessons and consequences of previous actions. We see in scripture that actions bear consequences, and in the larger sense, the soul is always moving toward its ultimate reunion with God. The soul’s evolution is a process of purification, of learning from its mistakes and aligning with divine will.
Nick Sasaki: Origen, it’s fascinating how different traditions have similar ideas about the soul’s journey and evolution. Brian, can you share more about how karma manifests in relationships across lifetimes?
Brian Weiss, M.D.: Absolutely. Karma often plays out in relationships because they are one of the most powerful tools for soul growth. In many of the regressions I’ve conducted, clients remember past lives where they had significant relationships—whether familial, romantic, or even adversarial—with people who are in their current life. These souls tend to come back together, lifetime after lifetime, to help each other evolve. Sometimes this means healing old wounds; other times it’s about balancing the roles they play. For example, a parent in one lifetime might return as a child in another, so both souls can experience love from a different perspective. It’s all part of the soul’s karmic journey toward balance and harmony.
Nick Sasaki: That’s powerful—how our closest relationships are part of this karmic balancing. Dolores, do you find that soul groups often work together to resolve their karma?
Dolores Cannon: Absolutely, Nick. Soul groups are groups of souls that reincarnate together in different roles, lifetime after lifetime. These souls have often created karmic ties with each other over many incarnations. They work together to help resolve karma, and this process is very collaborative. One soul may choose to take on a difficult role—like being a challenging partner or a parent who causes pain—not because they want to harm the other, but because both souls need to experience and learn from that dynamic. It’s a powerful act of love at the soul level, even if it looks difficult from a human perspective.
Nick Sasaki: That’s a profound way to view difficult relationships—as acts of love for soul growth. Rumi, how do you see karma playing out in our relationships, especially in terms of love and forgiveness?
Rumi: Love is the essence of all that is, Nick. Karma is the unfolding of love through time and space. When we hurt another, we hurt ourselves. When we forgive another, we heal a part of ourselves. Karma is the soul’s way of learning the depth of love through experience. Each relationship is a thread in the tapestry of existence, weaving together the lessons of love, patience, and understanding. Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door to the soul’s freedom. Through love and forgiveness, we dissolve the chains of karma and allow the soul to soar.
Nick Sasaki: Such beautiful words, Rumi. Forgiveness as a way to dissolve karma is a powerful thought. Origen, does the concept of forgiveness play a role in how the soul progresses and evolves?
Origen of Alexandria: Yes, forgiveness is central to the Christian understanding of the soul’s journey toward God. In the Christian faith, forgiveness is not only a divine gift but also a requirement for the soul’s salvation. Just as Rumi expressed, when we forgive, we free not only the other person but also ourselves. This act of forgiveness helps purify the soul and bring it closer to God. In this sense, forgiveness is a key part of the soul’s evolution, whether in this life or, as I believed, in future states of existence as the soul moves toward ultimate unity with the Divine.
Nick Sasaki: It seems that across all these perspectives, karma, love, and forgiveness are deeply interconnected. The soul evolves not just through experiencing karma, but through learning to forgive, to love, and to grow. Thank you, Brian, Dolores, Rumi, and Origen, for your incredible insights. As we move forward, it’s clear that karma is not a punishment but a powerful force for the soul’s evolution, guiding it toward greater love and wisdom.
The Role of Free Will in Soul Contracts
Nick Sasaki (moderator): Welcome back, everyone! Our next topic is "The Role of Free Will in Soul Contracts." This will be an interesting discussion on how the soul’s pre-birth agreements interact with our free will. Esther, let’s start with you. How do Abraham’s teachings explain the balance between the soul’s contracts and the free will we exercise in our lives?
Esther Hicks (Abraham): Thank you, Nick! From Abraham’s perspective, before you come into this physical body, your soul sets intentions for the experiences you’d like to have. However, once you’re in the physical world, you’re in a state of constant creation. You are creating your reality moment by moment, based on your thoughts, emotions, and vibrational alignment. The soul’s contract, or pre-birth plan, provides opportunities, but your free will is what determines how you respond to those opportunities. You can choose to resist, which creates contrast, or align with your higher self and experience joy and growth. The soul’s contract is a guide, but free will gives you the power to shape your life.
Nick Sasaki: That’s such an empowering perspective—that we’re co-creators of our lives within the framework of our soul’s plan. Yogi Ramacharaka, how does Eastern philosophy view the role of free will within the context of reincarnation and soul contracts?
Yogi Ramacharaka: In Eastern teachings, particularly in the tradition of yoga, the soul enters each lifetime with a certain destiny, shaped by its past actions, or karma. This destiny sets the stage, but free will is the force that allows the soul to choose how it will navigate that destiny. Imagine your life as a river—karma is the current, the natural flow of events based on past lives, but free will is like the steering of a boat. You can go with the current, resist it, or even change its course slightly. Ultimately, the goal is to use your free will to align with the soul’s higher purpose and transcend the limitations of karma.
Nick Sasaki: I love the river metaphor. So, we’re steering within the flow of our karmic path. Michael, in your work with life-between-lives regressions, how do souls plan for free will in their incarnations?
Michael Newton, Ph.D.: In my sessions, clients often recall that before they incarnate, they don’t just plan specific events or relationships—they also plan for flexibility. Souls are aware that once they incarnate, they will be making decisions in real time, exercising free will. They create "flex points" or moments where multiple outcomes are possible, depending on the choices they make. Souls also know that free will allows them to accelerate or delay their spiritual growth. So while there are certain "destiny points" that are likely to happen, how one responds to those events, and the lessons learned from them, depend entirely on free will. This interplay between destiny and free will is what makes life such a dynamic and powerful experience for the soul.
Nick Sasaki: That’s a fascinating concept—flexibility within the soul’s plan. Brian, do you see this same balance between soul contracts and free will in your past life regressions?
Brian Weiss, M.D.: Yes, Nick, I’ve seen this balance time and time again. Souls come into each life with specific goals or contracts, but they always retain free will. In my work, I’ve found that people often have more power than they realize to change their lives, even if they’ve planned certain challenges. For instance, someone may have a soul contract to face a difficult relationship, but they always have the choice of how they handle it—whether with forgiveness, love, or anger. Free will determines the soul’s progress, and no matter what the pre-birth plan may be, individuals can always alter their path based on their choices.
Nick Sasaki: So, free will allows us to shape how we experience the lessons set by our soul contracts. Esther, you often speak about alignment. How does alignment with our higher self influence the way we exercise free will in relation to our soul’s plan?
Esther Hicks (Abraham): Oh, Nick, alignment is everything! When you are aligned with your higher self—when you are in a state of joy, love, and appreciation—you are using your free will in the most powerful way. This is when you’re in the flow of your soul’s intentions, and things come easily to you. Even the challenges your soul may have chosen become opportunities for growth and expansion, rather than obstacles. When you are out of alignment, that’s when resistance happens, and you may feel like life is a struggle. But remember, you always have the choice to come back into alignment at any moment. Your free will is your power, and when you align with who you really are, life becomes a beautiful expression of your soul’s journey.
Nick Sasaki: That’s a great way to frame it—using free will to stay aligned with our higher purpose. Yogi Ramacharaka, how do Eastern teachings guide individuals to use their free will to navigate their soul contracts and karma?
Yogi Ramacharaka: In Eastern philosophy, self-awareness is the key to using free will wisely. Through practices like meditation, yoga, and mindfulness, individuals can become more attuned to their inner self and the karmic patterns that shape their lives. When one becomes aware of their karma and soul contracts, they can make conscious choices that lead to spiritual growth rather than repeating old cycles. The ultimate goal is to use free will to break free from the cycle of birth and rebirth, known as samsara, and attain liberation or enlightenment. Every decision, every act of free will, has the potential to move the soul closer to its divine purpose.
Nick Sasaki: So, self-awareness is essential in using free will to transcend karma. Michael, do you think that souls sometimes choose to diverge from their original plans, or is everything always in line with their pre-birth intentions?
Michael Newton, Ph.D.: Souls definitely have the option to diverge from their original plans. While there are key experiences they plan before birth, souls also recognize that free will is an essential part of growth. Sometimes, a soul may choose a different path in life based on the circumstances they face. This doesn’t mean the soul has failed; rather, it’s part of the learning process. The beauty of free will is that it allows for infinite possibilities. Souls understand that even if they diverge from their plan, they can still learn valuable lessons and evolve. The soul’s journey is not rigid; it’s fluid and adaptable, which is why free will is such a powerful tool for growth.
Nick Sasaki: So, divergence can still lead to growth, even if it wasn’t part of the original plan. Brian, based on your experiences, how can we consciously use our free will to align more closely with our soul’s contract and purpose?
Brian Weiss, M.D.: The key is to become more aware of the patterns in our lives and to recognize that we have the power to change them. Through past life regressions, people can see the karmic cycles they are repeating and gain a deeper understanding of the choices they’ve made across lifetimes. Once you understand that you have free will, you can begin to make different choices—ones that align with love, compassion, and healing. It’s about moving from unconscious reactions to conscious, intentional actions. This is how we use free will to evolve and move closer to fulfilling our soul’s contract.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you, Brian. It’s empowering to know that we have the ability to consciously align with our soul’s purpose through free will. It seems that no matter the tradition—whether it’s the Law of Attraction, Eastern philosophy, or past life regression—free will is a vital force in shaping how we live out our soul contracts. Thank you, Esther, Yogi, Michael, and Brian, for your incredible insights. In our next topic, we’ll continue exploring the soul’s journey. For now, it’s clear that free will is not only a gift but also a key tool for our soul’s evolution.
Spiritual Awakening through Reincarnation
Nick Sasaki (moderator): Welcome back to the next part of our discussion! Today’s topic is Spiritual Awakening through Reincarnation. We’re going to dive into how reincarnation acts as a vehicle for the soul’s spiritual awakening and ultimate enlightenment. Dolores, let’s start with you. How does reincarnation assist in a soul’s awakening?
Dolores Cannon: Thanks, Nick. Through my work in past life regression, I’ve come to understand that reincarnation is the soul’s process of experiencing life from every possible perspective. Each life adds another layer of understanding and wisdom. The challenges, relationships, and experiences we go through in each lifetime are designed to awaken us to a higher level of consciousness. The soul continuously reincarnates until it has learned the lessons it needs to grow and evolve. It’s like peeling back layers of an onion—the more lifetimes we experience, the closer we come to our true spiritual nature. Spiritual awakening happens when the soul begins to remember its divine origin and purpose, often after many lifetimes of learning.
Nick Sasaki: That’s a great metaphor, Dolores—peeling back layers through multiple lifetimes. Rumi, your poetry often speaks about the soul’s journey back to the Divine. How does reincarnation fit into this process of spiritual awakening?
Rumi: Ah, Nick, the soul is like a lover on a long journey back to its beloved. Each lifetime is a step closer to reunion with the Divine. Reincarnation is the soul’s dance through time, learning to shed the illusions of this world and remember its true nature. Every experience, every hardship, and every joy is a whisper from the Beloved, calling the soul to awaken from its slumber. The soul reincarnates not because it is bound, but because it longs to perfect its love, to fully understand the Divine within itself. Spiritual awakening happens when the soul sees through the veils of separation and knows that it has never been apart from the Beloved.
Nick Sasaki: That’s such a poetic and profound take, Rumi. So reincarnation is about remembering our divine connection. Michael, in your work with life-between-lives regression, do you see evidence of reincarnation being a tool for awakening?
Michael Newton, Ph.D.: Absolutely, Nick. My clients often describe how, after multiple lifetimes, they begin to develop a greater sense of awareness and connection to their higher self. In the life-between-lives state, souls often reflect on their past incarnations and recognize patterns of growth. What’s fascinating is that many souls consciously choose more challenging lives when they are ready for greater spiritual awakening. They understand that the more intense the challenges, the more opportunities there are for accelerated growth and awakening. Reincarnation is essentially the soul’s training ground—each life brings new opportunities to refine its understanding of love, compassion, and higher consciousness.
Nick Sasaki: It sounds like reincarnation is both a learning process and a path to higher consciousness. Yogi Ramacharaka, in Eastern traditions, reincarnation is central to the soul’s journey toward enlightenment. How do these traditions view reincarnation as a tool for spiritual awakening?
Yogi Ramacharaka: In Eastern philosophy, reincarnation is the mechanism through which the soul evolves toward enlightenment, or liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Each lifetime offers the soul a chance to burn off karma and learn the lessons necessary for spiritual growth. The ultimate goal is to awaken to the truth that the self is not separate from the Divine. Reincarnation allows the soul to experience life in different forms and conditions, gaining the wisdom needed to transcend the illusions of the material world. Spiritual awakening happens when the soul finally realizes that it is one with the eternal, that the distinctions of "I" and "you" are illusions. At this point, reincarnation ceases, and the soul attains liberation, or moksha.
Nick Sasaki: So, once the soul reaches that level of awakening, reincarnation is no longer necessary. Dolores, have you seen in your work that certain souls no longer need to reincarnate after reaching a certain level of awakening?
Dolores Cannon: Yes, Nick. Through my regressions, I’ve encountered souls who are at the point of no longer needing to reincarnate. These souls have learned the lessons they set out to learn and have attained a level of consciousness where they no longer require physical experiences for growth. They move on to different planes of existence, where their role becomes more about guiding other souls or working on a cosmic level. However, some highly advanced souls still choose to reincarnate, not for their own growth, but to help humanity awaken. These are the souls we sometimes call "volunteers" or "old souls" who come back to assist in raising the collective consciousness.
Nick Sasaki: That’s an interesting idea—souls choosing to reincarnate to assist others. Michael, do you find that advanced souls have a different perspective on reincarnation and awakening?
Michael Newton, Ph.D.: Yes, absolutely. In my work, I’ve found that advanced souls often take on roles as teachers or guides, both in the spirit realm and on Earth. They are less focused on personal growth and more concerned with the awakening of others. These souls tend to plan lives that are challenging, not because they need the growth, but because they can handle it and use it as a tool to guide others toward enlightenment. Many advanced souls are very conscious of their mission on Earth, even if they don’t always remember it while incarnated. They view reincarnation as a way to serve, rather than as a necessity for their own evolution.
Nick Sasaki: That’s such a powerful role—to reincarnate as a guide for others’ awakening. Yogi, in Eastern traditions, what role do advanced souls play in helping others on the path to spiritual awakening?
Yogi Ramacharaka: In Eastern teachings, advanced souls, or bodhisattvas, are those who have attained a high level of enlightenment but choose to reincarnate to assist others. A bodhisattva delays their own full liberation out of compassion for all beings, vowing to return until all souls are free from suffering. These advanced souls serve as spiritual guides, both in the physical and non-physical realms, helping others to awaken. Their presence on Earth is a blessing, as they work to uplift humanity’s consciousness and lead others toward liberation. They understand the cycle of reincarnation deeply and use it to benefit all beings, rather than for personal advancement.
Nick Sasaki: It’s inspiring to think of these souls returning out of compassion to assist in the awakening of others. Rumi, does your poetry reflect this idea of souls returning to help others?
Rumi: Ah, yes, Nick. Love compels the soul to return, again and again, until all hearts have awakened to the truth. The soul that has touched the divine cannot help but come back to show others the way. Just as the sun returns each day to warm the Earth, the awakened soul returns to light the path for those still in darkness. This is the nature of love—to give without end, to share the light of the Beloved with all. The journey of the soul is not just for itself; it is for the awakening of the whole. The soul awakens not only for its own joy but for the joy of the entire universe.
Nick Sasaki: What a beautiful way to describe the soul’s journey, Rumi—awakening for the joy of the universe. It seems that reincarnation is not just about personal evolution, but also about assisting others on their path to awakening. Thank you, Dolores, Rumi, Michael, and Yogi, for your profound insights. As we move forward, it’s clear that reincarnation serves not only as a tool for individual awakening but also for the collective evolution of consciousness. In our next topic, we’ll explore the role of relationships in this grand journey.
The Soul’s Relationships: Love, Challenges, and Healing
Nick Sasaki (moderator): Welcome back to our final topic, "The Soul’s Relationships: Love, Challenges, and Healing." In this discussion, we’ll explore how soul contracts shape relationships, how love plays a role in our spiritual growth, and how challenges can lead to healing. Brian, let’s start with you. In your work, how do you see relationships as part of the soul’s journey?
Brian Weiss, M.D.: Thanks, Nick. Relationships are perhaps the most powerful tools for the soul’s growth. In many of my past life regressions, people discover that their current relationships—whether with family, friends, or even difficult people—are deeply tied to past lives. These relationships are often karmic in nature, meaning that they are designed to help the soul learn lessons, balance out energies, or even resolve old conflicts. Sometimes, souls return together in multiple lifetimes to experience different dynamics—perhaps as a parent and child in one life, and as partners or friends in another. The challenges that arise in relationships are often part of the soul’s contract, agreed upon before birth, to facilitate healing and spiritual evolution. Love is at the core of these contracts, even if it doesn’t always seem that way in the moment.
Nick Sasaki: That’s such an interesting idea—that even difficult relationships are rooted in love and designed for healing. Dolores, how do you see soul contracts shaping relationships?
Dolores Cannon: I agree with Brian. In my work with past life regression, I’ve found that souls often come into each other’s lives for very specific reasons. Before incarnating, souls plan out the relationships they will have, and these are not random. They are based on the lessons the souls need to learn. For example, someone might choose to have a difficult parent or partner in order to learn patience, forgiveness, or unconditional love. The challenges in these relationships are not meant to be easy, but they are powerful opportunities for growth. I’ve also seen that souls often travel in groups, reincarnating together across multiple lifetimes to support each other in learning these lessons. Even the most painful relationships can be seen as acts of love at the soul level, because they offer the chance for profound healing.
Nick Sasaki: So, even challenging relationships have a purpose and are part of our soul’s growth. Esther, Abraham often speaks about the Law of Attraction and relationships. How do soul contracts and love fit into this framework?
Esther Hicks (Abraham): Oh yes, Nick, the Law of Attraction is always at play in relationships. Before you come into this physical world, your soul sets intentions for the kinds of relationships you want to experience—relationships that will help you expand and grow. Once you are here, the Law of Attraction brings people into your life based on your vibrational alignment. So, if you’re vibrating at a high frequency of love, joy, and appreciation, you will attract relationships that reflect that. But if you’re vibrating at a lower frequency, you might attract relationships that challenge you. And this is where free will comes into play. You have the power to choose how you respond to these relationships. Even difficult relationships are opportunities to realign with your soul’s intention of love and growth. The key is to find alignment, no matter what the relationship looks like on the surface.
Nick Sasaki: So, through the Law of Attraction, we are drawing relationships that match our vibration, and it’s up to us to use them for growth. Rumi, your poetry often speaks of love as a transformative force. How do you see love shaping our relationships and soul contracts?
Rumi: Ah, Nick, love is the thread that weaves all souls together. Every relationship, every encounter, is a reflection of the Divine love that flows through us all. We come into this world seeking to experience love in its many forms—sometimes as joy, sometimes as heartache. But it is always love, calling us to remember our true nature. Even in the most challenging relationships, there is an opportunity for the soul to grow closer to the Beloved. Love is not always soft and gentle; sometimes it comes as a fire, burning away the illusions that keep us from seeing the Divine in ourselves and in others. Relationships are the crucibles where this transformation takes place, where love reveals itself in its purest form. Healing comes when we recognize that all relationships, no matter how difficult, are expressions of love calling us home.
Nick Sasaki: That’s such a profound way to view relationships, Rumi—that even the painful ones are expressions of love guiding us home. Brian, when it comes to healing through relationships, what have you seen in your past life work?
Brian Weiss, M.D.: Healing is a major theme in many past life regressions. Often, people carry unresolved emotions or wounds from past lives into their current relationships. For example, a client might have deep resentment or anger toward a family member in this life, only to discover that this person was a significant figure in a past life, and the unresolved conflict carried over. Once they realize this, it opens the door to forgiveness and healing. Understanding the karmic connection allows them to see the relationship from a higher perspective and release the negative emotions. Healing through relationships is about breaking the cycle of unresolved karma and replacing it with love and understanding. It’s incredibly powerful when people realize that their challenges are part of a larger, soul-level plan for healing.
Nick Sasaki: That’s fascinating—how recognizing past life connections can help us heal in the present. Dolores, do you find that healing is a major purpose behind difficult relationships in soul contracts?
Dolores Cannon: Absolutely. Souls often choose difficult relationships specifically to heal old wounds and release karmic patterns. These contracts are made in love, even if they don’t feel like it when we’re in the middle of the challenges. For instance, someone might choose to be in a relationship with a person they had a conflict with in a past life, so they can resolve that karma and heal. The key to healing is forgiveness, both of the other person and of oneself. Once the soul learns the lesson and the karma is resolved, the relationship often transforms, or the soul no longer needs to repeat the pattern in future lifetimes. Healing is a central theme in soul contracts because it allows the soul to move forward in its evolution.
Nick Sasaki: It sounds like healing is a central theme in many soul contracts, especially through forgiveness. Esther, how can people use their free will and the Law of Attraction to foster healing in relationships?
Esther Hicks (Abraham): It’s all about alignment, Nick. When you’re aligned with who you really are—with your source energy—you can see relationships from a higher perspective. The key is to focus on the love, not the problem. No matter how difficult a relationship might be, you can always choose to align with love, appreciation, and compassion. This shifts your vibration and allows healing to occur, not just for you but for the other person as well. When you raise your vibration, you attract a higher version of the relationship, one that is more in alignment with your soul’s true desires. Healing happens when you stop resisting what is and start focusing on the love that’s always there, waiting for you to recognize it.
Nick Sasaki: That’s such an empowering approach—shifting our focus to love and alignment to facilitate healing. Rumi, I’d like to end with you. How can love and challenges in relationships lead to the deepest healing?
Rumi: Ah, Nick, love is both the wound and the healer. When we enter into relationships, we open ourselves to both joy and pain, but it is through this opening that healing can occur. The challenges we face with others are the mirrors that reflect back the parts of ourselves that need to be healed. Love is the salve that softens the wounds, the light that shows us the way. Healing comes not from avoiding the challenges, but from embracing them fully, knowing that they are part of the soul’s journey back to wholeness. In the end, all that remains is love—the love that created us, the love that sustains us, and the love that heals us. When we surrender to this love, healing flows through every relationship, transforming our souls.
Nick Sasaki: Thank you, Rumi. That was beautiful—love as both the wound and the healer. It’s clear that relationships, no matter how challenging, are powerful tools for the soul’s growth and healing. Thank you, Brian, Dolores, Esther, and Rumi, for your deep wisdom. Through this conversation, it’s clear that love, challenges, and healing are intricately linked, and our relationships are essential to our soul’s evolution. We’ve covered such profound ground in these discussions, and I hope it leaves everyone with a deeper understanding of the soul’s journey.
Short Bios:
Dolores Cannon – A renowned past life regressionist and author, Dolores explored reincarnation, soul contracts, and spiritual awakening through her groundbreaking work with hypnosis.
Michael Newton, Ph.D. – A hypnotherapist known for his pioneering research into life between lives, Michael revealed the soul’s journey, pre-birth planning, and karmic evolution.
Esther Hicks (Abraham) – As the voice of Abraham, Esther shares profound teachings on the Law of Attraction, guiding people to align with their soul’s purpose through love and joy.
Brian Weiss, M.D. – A psychiatrist and author specializing in past life therapy, Brian’s work focuses on healing relationships and resolving karmic patterns to promote spiritual growth.
Rumi – A 13th-century Sufi mystic and poet, Rumi’s timeless teachings on love, the soul’s journey, and divine connection continue to inspire spiritual seekers worldwide.
Yogi Ramacharaka – A spiritual teacher and author, Yogi Ramacharaka’s works delve into Eastern philosophy, reincarnation, and karma, guiding souls toward enlightenment.
Origen of Alexandria – An early Christian theologian, Origen explored the pre-existence of souls and the soul’s evolution toward union with the Divine, offering mystical insights into reincarnation.
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