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"Welcome, everyone! Today, we’re engaging in a fascinating imaginary conversation exploring one of the most intriguing topics—Reincarnation Beyond Earth: Past Lives, Atlantis & Other Realms.
Many of us think of reincarnation as something that happens only on Earth, but what if our souls have traveled across different dimensions, planets, and even lost civilizations like Atlantis? What if we carry memories of past lives from realms beyond this world?
In this imaginary discussion, I am joined by four brilliant minds—David Wilcock, a researcher of past-life connections to extraterrestrial civilizations, Rudolf Steiner, a philosopher and visionary who explored the evolution of consciousness, Graham Hancock, an expert on ancient lost civilizations and their spiritual knowledge, and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, a pioneer in near-death experience research who has helped us understand what happens beyond this life.
Together, we’ll explore whether souls reincarnate beyond Earth, why some people feel drawn to lost civilizations, and if Atlantis still exists in a different dimension. We’ll also discuss how past-life recall can awaken hidden knowledge and help us reconnect with our cosmic journey.
Please remember, this is an imaginary conversation, created to spark thought, inspiration, and deep reflection.
So, get ready for a mind-expanding discussion as we unravel the mysteries of reincarnation beyond Earth! Let’s begin."

The Influence of Past Lives on Present-Day Experiences
Toni Reilly
- Dr. Brian Weiss – Psychiatrist & past-life regression expert
- Dr. Raymond Moody – Near-death experience (NDE) researcher
- Bruce Lipton – Biologist, expert in epigenetics
- Edgar Cayce (represented through his documented readings)
Toni Reilly:
Welcome, everyone! Today, we’re exploring how past lives affect our present-day experiences—whether through phobias, talents, relationships, or even physical conditions. Each of you brings a unique perspective to this discussion, so let’s start with a fundamental question:
Can past-life experiences manifest in present-day fears, phobias, and physical symptoms?
Dr. Brian Weiss:
Absolutely. In my regression work, I’ve had patients who recall past lives where they experienced traumatic deaths—being drowned, burned, or falling from great heights. Many of them carry those fears into this lifetime. A person afraid of water may have drowned in a past life. Someone with unexplained chronic pain might have suffered an injury in another incarnation. Once they recognize the source, many of these fears simply dissolve.
Dr. Raymond Moody:
I find that fascinating, Brian. In my research on near-death experiences, people often report seeing past lives during their life reviews. It’s as if they’re being shown the connections between past events and their current struggles. Many who have had an NDE say that they suddenly understand why they carry certain fears or patterns—it’s all part of a larger journey.
Toni Reilly:
That’s an important point, Raymond. The idea that we’re shown past-life connections during an NDE suggests that these experiences aren’t random. Bruce, from a scientific standpoint, how do you think past lives could influence our biology or behavior?
Bruce Lipton:
This is where epigenetics comes in. Traditionally, people thought genetics were fixed, but we now know that beliefs and perceptions shape gene expression. If someone has a deeply ingrained fear from a past life—let’s say, fear of heights—it could be encoded epigenetically in their lineage. Their subconscious mind carries the trauma, which affects how their body reacts in this lifetime. The brain doesn’t distinguish between real and imagined dangers, so a past-life trauma can trigger the same biological stress response as a current trauma.
Edgar Cayce (readings interpreted):
"The soul carries the imprint of every experience. A person suffering from an ailment in this life may have carried it from another incarnation where they met a tragic fate. Healing comes not just from medicine but from understanding the source of suffering. Recognizing past-life patterns allows the soul to release them and move forward on its journey."
Toni Reilly:
That’s profound, Edgar. It suggests that past-life awareness isn’t just about curiosity—it’s about healing. Brian, in your regression therapy, do people typically experience spontaneous healing after uncovering a past-life trauma?
Dr. Brian Weiss:
Yes, many times. I’ve had patients who, after seeing themselves in a past life and understanding the origin of their fears or pains, experience immediate relief. One woman had lifelong neck pain. In regression, she saw herself being executed by hanging in a past life. The moment she became aware of it, her neck pain disappeared. It’s as if the subconscious mind lets go of the need to hold onto that memory.
Toni Reilly:
That’s incredible! Raymond, do you see similar patterns with near-death experiencers?
Dr. Raymond Moody:
Yes, some people who have an NDE report that their chronic illnesses or phobias simply vanish after their experience. They gain a higher perspective—realizing that their suffering was part of a learning process. It’s as if their soul is allowed a reset.
Toni Reilly:
So, if past lives influence us so deeply, how do relationships factor into this? Can unresolved relationships from past lives shape our connections in the present?
Dr. Brian Weiss:
Definitely. Many people find that their strongest relationships—both loving and challenging—are with souls they’ve encountered before. We reincarnate in soul groups, playing different roles in each lifetime. A parent in one life may return as a child or friend in another. If there’s unresolved karma, it tends to resurface until it’s healed.
Edgar Cayce (readings interpreted):
"One does not meet another by accident. Those who cause the greatest difficulties may be the very ones sent to awaken the soul’s growth. Love and forgiveness are the keys to ending cycles of struggle."
Toni Reilly:
That aligns with what I’ve observed in my work. Many people experience recurring relationship issues without realizing they may stem from past-life dynamics. Bruce, do you think there’s a genetic or biological component to these emotional patterns?
Bruce Lipton:
Yes, our emotional responses are largely subconscious programs. If we inherit certain belief patterns from past lives, they can become embedded in our subconscious through cellular memory. This means that an unresolved conflict with someone from a past life can manifest as a deep, unexplained tension in this one. But when we become conscious of the pattern, we can change it—reprogramming the way our cells respond.
Toni Reilly:
So awareness is key. Whether through regression, near-death experiences, or epigenetics, it seems we have the power to release past-life burdens and live more freely in the present. Before we wrap up, what would each of you say is the most important takeaway for people exploring their past lives?
Dr. Brian Weiss:
Don’t be afraid. Your past lives are a part of you, but they don’t control you. Awareness leads to healing.
Dr. Raymond Moody:
The journey of the soul is much bigger than any single lifetime. Everything is connected, and love is the thread that binds all experiences together.
Bruce Lipton:
Your thoughts and beliefs shape your reality—including those inherited from past lives. The more conscious you become, the more control you have over your destiny.
Edgar Cayce (readings interpreted):
"Seek not the past for curiosity’s sake, but for the wisdom it may reveal. The soul grows not through fear, but through love and understanding."
Toni Reilly:
That’s a perfect note to end on. Thank you all for your incredible insights! The exploration of past lives isn’t just about looking backward—it’s about using that wisdom to live more fully today.
Thank you, and until next time!
The Soul’s Journey and Life Between Lives
Toni Reilly
- Dr. Michael Newton – Hypnotherapist & author of Journey of Souls, pioneer in Life Between Lives (LBL) regression therapy.
- Dolores Cannon – Regression hypnotherapist & author of Between Death and Life, known for exploring soul journeys and cosmic consciousness.
- Neale Donald Walsch – Author of Conversations with God, focusing on soul evolution and divine communication.
- Dr. Eben Alexander – Neurosurgeon & author of Proof of Heaven, who had a near-death experience (NDE) revealing insights into the afterlife.
Toni Reilly:
Welcome, everyone! Today, we’re diving into one of the most fascinating aspects of the reincarnation journey—what happens between lives. Where does the soul go after death? How do we prepare for our next incarnation? Each of you has explored these questions in your own way, so let’s start with a fundamental one:
What happens after we die, and where do souls go in between lives?
Dr. Michael Newton:
Through thousands of Life Between Lives (LBL) regressions, I’ve found that after death, the soul transitions into a higher realm of consciousness—a place of review, rest, and learning. Many people describe being greeted by spirit guides and members of their soul group. They experience a review of their past life, not as punishment but as an opportunity to understand their growth. From there, the soul chooses its next incarnation based on what lessons still need to be learned.
Dolores Cannon:
Yes, I’ve found the same patterns in my past-life regression work. But some souls also travel beyond Earthly reincarnation—they return to higher dimensions or even other planets. Some advanced souls take on roles as spirit guides, while others prepare to reincarnate with specific missions to assist humanity. The key is that everything is carefully planned—souls don’t just return randomly.
Neale Donald Walsch:
That resonates deeply with the messages I’ve received in Conversations with God. The soul is on an eternal journey of expansion. Between lives, there is no judgment—only self-reflection and divine love. We choose our next life experiences not as punishment but out of a desire to evolve. The illusion of separation dissolves, and we reconnect with the oneness of all existence.
Dr. Eben Alexander:
I can personally attest to that. During my near-death experience, I encountered a realm of pure love, wisdom, and interconnectedness. It was beyond anything the human brain could comprehend. I saw a life review, but it wasn’t about judgment—rather, I was shown how my actions affected others from their perspective. This aligns with what Michael and Dolores describe: the soul uses this in-between state to expand its awareness before choosing its next incarnation.
Toni Reilly:
That’s fascinating. It seems like life reviews are a key part of the process. Do all souls experience this, and how does it shape their next life?
Dr. Michael Newton:
Yes, every soul undergoes a review, but it’s not a punishment—it’s a learning experience. Souls reflect on how they treated others and what emotions they created in their interactions. If they didn’t complete a certain lesson, they may choose to reincarnate in a new life where they’ll encounter the same theme again—until they master it.
Dolores Cannon:
Exactly! I’ve had many clients discover that they planned challenges in their next life to correct imbalances from the past. For example, someone who was wealthy but misused their power might reincarnate in a humble life to learn empathy. The soul is always striving for balance and growth.
Neale Donald Walsch:
And this is why understanding free will and soul planning is so important. People think life is random, but it isn’t. We choose our families, our challenges, even the people we will meet. Of course, we still have free will within that plan, but the general blueprint is agreed upon before birth.
Dr. Eben Alexander:
That makes sense to me. During my NDE, I felt an overwhelming sense of purpose—as if my entire life was unfolding according to a greater design. I wasn’t just a man on Earth; I was a soul on a mission. And I believe each of us has a mission, even if we don’t consciously remember it.
Toni Reilly:
That leads to an important question: How do soul groups work? Are we reincarnating with the same people over and over?
Dr. Michael Newton:
Yes, we reincarnate within soul groups—clusters of souls who incarnate together to help each other grow. They may switch roles—one life, someone is your mother; in another, they may be your child or best friend. This explains why we instantly recognize some people—it’s our soul remembering them.
Dolores Cannon:
And soul groups aren’t always pleasant! Some of our biggest challengers in life are part of our soul group—they play the role of “villains” to help us grow. People struggle with this concept, but if you look at it from a soul level, it makes sense.
Neale Donald Walsch:
Right, because the soul understands there’s no good or bad—only experiences. You might feel betrayed in this life, but in another, you might be the one who betrays someone. This is how we expand our understanding of love, forgiveness, and compassion.
Toni Reilly:
That’s a tough but beautiful truth. Now, let’s talk about what happens right before reincarnation. Do souls forget everything from past lives?
Dr. Michael Newton:
Yes, most souls agree to amnesia before reincarnation. If we remembered everything, we wouldn’t fully engage in this life’s lessons. However, some people retain fragments—like déjà vu, past-life memories, or strong emotional connections to places and people.
Dolores Cannon:
That’s why hypnosis is so powerful! It allows people to tap into that hidden knowledge. Some people have flashbacks, while others sense strong attractions or repulsions toward certain things—these are signs of past-life memories breaking through.
Dr. Eben Alexander:
And I believe NDEs can temporarily lift that veil—people return with a sense of expanded awareness and a deeper understanding of their soul’s journey.
Toni Reilly:
This has been an incredible discussion! Before we wrap up, what advice would each of you give to people who want to connect with their soul’s purpose?
Dr. Michael Newton:
Pay attention to your emotions and patterns—they are clues to your soul’s history.
Dolores Cannon:
Keep an open mind. Past-life memories surface in unexpected ways, and they can change your life.
Neale Donald Walsch:
Live with love and curiosity—every moment is a chance to remember who you really are.
Dr. Eben Alexander:
Don’t fear death—your soul is eternal and evolving beyond this life.
Toni Reilly:
What a powerful discussion! The journey between lives is just as meaningful as the lives themselves. Thank you all for sharing your wisdom!
Karma, Free Will, and Life’s Blueprint

Toni Reilly
- Paramahansa Yogananda – Spiritual teacher, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, expert on karma and reincarnation from an Eastern perspective.
- Deepak Chopra – Mind-body healing expert, author of The Book of Secrets, known for his work on consciousness and free will.
- Dr. Ian Stevenson – Psychiatrist and reincarnation researcher, famous for his scientific studies of children’s past-life memories.
- Wayne Dyer – Self-development speaker and author of Your Sacred Self, who explored karma and life purpose from a psychological and spiritual viewpoint.
Toni Reilly:
Welcome, everyone! Today, we’re discussing one of the most debated topics in spirituality: Do we truly have free will, or is everything predestined? How does karma work, and do we really choose our experiences before birth? Let’s start with a fundamental question:
What is karma, and is it a system of punishment or something else?
Paramahansa Yogananda:
Karma is often misunderstood. It is not a system of punishment but rather a law of cause and effect. Every thought, action, and intention creates an energy that shapes future experiences. However, karma is not meant to punish—it is meant to teach. Souls reincarnate with unresolved karma, but through self-awareness and spiritual growth, they can transcend their past actions.
Deepak Chopra:
I completely agree. Karma is simply the universe responding to your energy. It’s not a judge, jury, or executioner—it’s a mirror. If you live in fear and scarcity, you attract more of the same. If you live in love and abundance, you shift your reality. However, through awareness and conscious intention, we can break free from karmic cycles.
Dr. Ian Stevenson:
What fascinates me is how karma may show up in reincarnation patterns. My research with children who recall past lives shows that some children are born with birthmarks, phobias, or personality traits that directly correspond to their past incarnations. These patterns suggest that karma isn’t just a belief system—it has measurable effects across lifetimes.
Wayne Dyer:
Yes, and what I love about this is that karma is not a life sentence. People get stuck thinking they are doomed by their past mistakes, but every moment is an opportunity to shift your karma. It’s about learning, not suffering. If you can change your thoughts, you can change your karma.
Toni Reilly:
That’s a powerful message, Wayne. But here’s where things get tricky—if karma is real, does that mean free will is an illusion? Are we just playing out a script from past lives, or do we have the power to change our destiny?
Deepak Chopra:
Free will exists, but only to the extent that you are conscious of it. If you are running on subconscious programs—many of which come from past lives—you are not really making choices, you are just reacting. But if you wake up, if you become aware of your karma, you gain the ability to rewrite your story.
Paramahansa Yogananda:
That is why meditation and self-awareness are so powerful. The more you quiet the mind, the more you access your higher self, which is beyond karma. True free will comes when you rise above the ego and live in harmony with divine consciousness.
Dr. Ian Stevenson:
From a research standpoint, we do see patterns of predestined experiences. Some children remember choosing their next life before birth. They describe seeing potential futures and selecting one based on what their soul needed to learn. That suggests that there is a blueprint, but within that blueprint, we have flexibility.
Wayne Dyer:
Exactly! I always say, your past does not define you—your decisions do. Yes, we have a soul plan, but how we react to it is entirely up to us. If something painful happens, you can stay stuck in blame or use it as a stepping stone to growth.
Toni Reilly:
That brings us to another big question: Are our greatest challenges planned before birth? Do we choose difficult experiences?
Deepak Chopra:
Yes and no. Your soul chooses certain themes—perhaps lessons in love, loss, or courage—but you are not locked into suffering. Many hardships arise because of our resistance to those lessons. If you embrace them, suffering decreases.
Paramahansa Yogananda:
Every challenge is an opportunity for the soul to evolve. However, most people do not remember why they chose their struggles, so they resist them. But when they surrender to the divine plan, they experience peace.
Dr. Ian Stevenson:
Interestingly, many children who remember past lives describe choosing their parents and life circumstances. Some recall meeting with guides before birth and seeing different possible futures. It’s as if the soul picks the best environment for its next phase of growth.
Wayne Dyer:
I love that, because it means that nothing is random. Even the people who challenge us the most are part of our soul’s journey. When you shift your perspective from "Why is this happening to me?" to "How is this helping me grow?", everything changes.
Toni Reilly:
That’s a powerful shift! So, if karma isn’t punishment and we do have some degree of free will, how can people actively change their karma?
Paramahansa Yogananda:
The best way to dissolve negative karma is through selfless service, love, and meditation. When you focus on helping others and raising your consciousness, your past karma naturally transforms.
Deepak Chopra:
Absolutely. The fastest way to shift your karma is to change your beliefs and emotions. If you keep focusing on what went wrong, you stay stuck in the same patterns. If you shift your energy to gratitude, love, and expansion, you create a new karmic path.
Dr. Ian Stevenson:
One fascinating thing I’ve observed is that children who recall traumatic past lives often stop having nightmares or phobias once they remember the full story. This suggests that simply bringing awareness to past karma can release its hold over you.
Wayne Dyer:
Yes! Karma is like a contract—you can rewrite it anytime. If you were betrayed in a past life, you can either stay bitter or choose forgiveness. The moment you choose love over resentment, you break the karmic cycle.
Toni Reilly:
That’s incredibly empowering. Before we wrap up, let’s go around and share one final piece of advice for people seeking to understand their karma and life path.
Paramahansa Yogananda:
Meditate daily. The more you connect with your higher self, the less karma controls you.
Deepak Chopra:
Live in awareness and intention. Your energy shapes your reality—be conscious of it.
Dr. Ian Stevenson:
If you have recurring fears or patterns, consider exploring past-life memories—awareness is the first step to healing.
Wayne Dyer:
Stop waiting for life to change—change your thoughts, and your life will follow.
Toni Reilly:
Beautiful wisdom from each of you! This conversation reminds us that karma is not about fate, but about growth. We are not victims of our past—we are creators of our future.
Thank you all for joining, and to our audience—remember, your soul’s journey is in your hands!
The Role of Regression Therapy in Healing and Self-Awareness
Toni Reilly
- Dr. Joe Dispenza – Neuroscientist and author of Becoming Supernatural, exploring the mind-body connection and healing through consciousness.
- Marianne Williamson – Spiritual teacher and author of A Return to Love, known for her work on healing through forgiveness and A Course in Miracles.
- Dr. Gabor Maté – Trauma expert and author of The Myth of Normal, exploring how past trauma influences present-day suffering.
- Sadhguru – Indian mystic and yogi, offering deep wisdom on karma, self-awareness, and spiritual transformation.
Toni Reilly:
Welcome, everyone! Today, we’re exploring how past-life regression therapy can help people heal and grow in self-awareness. Many people struggle with fears, patterns, and emotional pain without realizing they may have roots in past lives. But how does regression therapy really work, and how does healing occur? Let’s start with a foundational question:
Can recalling past lives genuinely heal emotional wounds and physical conditions? If so, how?
Dr. Joe Dispenza:
Absolutely. The mind and body are deeply connected—what we believe, we manifest. Many people carry subconscious memories of past-life traumas that shape their behaviors, fears, and even physical ailments. By bringing these memories to consciousness, we break the neural and energetic patterns holding us back. Regression therapy allows people to reprogram their subconscious, creating new neural pathways that promote healing.
Marianne Williamson:
That makes so much sense. I see past-life healing as an extension of forgiveness work. Many people don’t realize they are holding onto emotional wounds from lifetimes ago. When they remember a past-life trauma, they often find clarity and release resentment—whether toward a person, a situation, or even themselves. That release creates space for deep healing.
Dr. Gabor Maté:
I approach this from a trauma perspective. Whether trauma originates in childhood, a past life, or ancestral lineage, the body remembers what the mind forgets. People develop coping mechanisms—anxiety, chronic pain, avoidance behaviors—that are linked to subconscious imprints. Regression therapy is fascinating because it allows people to go beyond their conscious memories and release stored trauma in ways traditional therapy often can’t.
Yes, and this is why self-awareness is the key to liberation. When people recall a past-life event, they often find that their suffering was not personal—it was part of a greater karmic unfolding. The moment they see this, they stop identifying with their pain, and that alone can dissolve suffering. The problem is not the memory itself; it is the attachment to the memory.
Toni Reilly:
That’s a powerful insight. Joe, you talk about changing the brain’s wiring—how does regression therapy fit into that?
Dr. Joe Dispenza:
When someone recalls a past-life trauma, they relive it, but with awareness. The subconscious mind doesn’t distinguish between past and present, so if you bring a new emotional perspective to an old memory, you can literally rewire your brain and body. Studies in neuroscience show that by combining deep relaxation (like hypnosis) with emotional release, we can change how past memories affect us in the present.
Dr. Gabor Maté:
Exactly! It’s similar to how inner-child work helps people access childhood trauma. Many of my patients are skeptical at first, but once they see their past-life patterns, they suddenly understand their triggers in this life. It gives them power over their behaviors instead of feeling like victims.
Toni Reilly:
That brings up an interesting question—how do relationships fit into regression healing? Many people find themselves repeating the same relationship struggles over and over. Could past lives be a factor?
Marianne Williamson:
Absolutely. Relationships are often soul contracts carried over from past lives. If you keep attracting the same type of toxic partner, or if you have an unexplainable connection with someone, there is often unfinished energy between you. Regression therapy helps people see these connections, which allows them to forgive, release, and stop repeating the same cycles.
The relationships you struggle with the most are the ones your soul has chosen for growth. But people waste time blaming others instead of understanding their own patterns. If you were betrayed in a past life, and you carry that pain into this life, you will attract betrayal again—not as punishment, but because your soul is asking you to transcend it.
Toni Reilly:
So it sounds like awareness is the key to breaking cycles—whether in relationships, fears, or physical ailments. But what about skeptics? Many people believe past-life memories are just imagination. What would you say to them?
Dr. Joe Dispenza:
I would tell them to look at scientific studies on the placebo effect—your belief system literally changes your biology. If past-life recall is "just imagination," then why does it lead to measurable healing? The brain doesn’t care whether something is real or imagined—if a past-life memory triggers an emotional breakthrough, then it’s real in its impact.
Dr. Gabor Maté:
Yes! We see this in trauma work too—people’s bodies store memories they don’t consciously remember, yet when they release the trapped emotion, their symptoms disappear. Whether the memory is from a past life or not, what matters is the healing that follows.
Skeptics want logical proof, but the true proof is personal experience. If remembering a past life heals your suffering, does it matter whether the memory is “real” or “imagined”? The important thing is the transformation it creates.
Marianne Williamson:
And ultimately, it’s about choosing love over fear. Many people reject past-life ideas because they fear what they might find. But when they open up, they often find not just healing, but deep peace and understanding.
Toni Reilly:
I love that perspective. Now, let’s say someone is struggling with anxiety, phobias, or trauma—how can they use regression therapy or self-awareness to heal?
Dr. Joe Dispenza:
Start with meditation or guided regression to access the subconscious. When you find the root emotion behind a fear, don’t resist it—feel it fully and let it pass through you. This releases the energetic charge that keeps it active.
Dr. Gabor Maté:
Yes, and I would add—get curious about your triggers. If something in this life feels disproportionately painful, it’s probably linked to an old wound. Instead of avoiding it, explore it with compassion.
Marianne Williamson:
Practice forgiveness. Whether the pain is from this life or another, forgiveness is the fastest way to clear it. That doesn’t mean excusing bad behavior—it means freeing yourself from its hold.
Most suffering comes from attachment to identity. If you stop identifying as “the one who was hurt” and start seeing yourself as the one who is growing, you liberate yourself.
Toni Reilly:
That’s incredibly powerful wisdom! Before we wrap up, what’s one final message you’d give to someone seeking healing through regression therapy?
Dr. Joe Dispenza:
You are not your past—you are your potential.
Dr. Gabor Maté:
Healing begins with self-awareness—listen to what your emotions are telling you.
Marianne Williamson:
Love is the ultimate healer. Choose love over fear, and healing will follow.
Do not fear pain—it is the teacher of wisdom.
Toni Reilly:
Beautifully said! Regression therapy isn’t just about the past—it’s about creating a future free from suffering. Thank you all for this enlightening discussion!
The Mystery of Reincarnation and Other Dimensions
Toni Reilly
- David Wilcock – Author of The Synchronicity Key, researcher of reincarnation, Atlantis, and interdimensional consciousness.
- Rudolf Steiner – Philosopher, founder of Anthroposophy, and author of works on reincarnation and spiritual science.
- Graham Hancock – Author of Fingerprints of the Gods, researcher of lost civilizations like Atlantis and their spiritual connections.
- Elisabeth Kübler-Ross – Psychiatrist and NDE researcher, famous for On Death and Dying, exploring life after death.
Toni Reilly:
Welcome, everyone! Today, we’re delving into the mysteries of reincarnation, past lives in lost civilizations, and interdimensional existence. Many people think of reincarnation as something that happens on Earth, but could we have lived in Atlantis, other planets, or even different dimensions? Let’s begin with this question:
Is reincarnation limited to Earth, or do souls incarnate in other realms?
David Wilcock:
Souls don’t just reincarnate on Earth—many recall past lives in Atlantis, Lemuria, and even extraterrestrial civilizations. My research, along with countless regression cases, suggests that souls travel across different planets and dimensions to evolve. Some people have deep emotional connections to certain star systems, which may be memories from lifetimes in extraterrestrial societies.
Rudolf Steiner:
That aligns with spiritual science. Souls experience progressive evolution, meaning some incarnations occur in non-physical dimensions before returning to Earth. Each realm offers unique lessons. Earth is a “training ground” where we refine our consciousness through challenges, but beyond this world, higher vibrational planes exist where souls continue their journey.
Graham Hancock:
I’ve spoken with many indigenous cultures that preserve stories of beings who came from the stars. Some past-life recall cases suggest Atlantis wasn’t just an advanced Earth civilization, but a hub for interdimensional knowledge. If Atlantis was a high-vibration society, it makes sense that some people today feel a spiritual calling to rediscover its wisdom.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross:
Near-death experiences (NDEs) provide another perspective. Many people report that before they were “sent back” to Earth, they were given the choice to reincarnate here or in other realms. Some say they glimpsed other worlds of light, love, and learning—suggesting that Earth is just one stop on an infinite spiritual journey.
Toni Reilly:
That’s fascinating! If souls incarnate beyond Earth, could this explain why some people feel out of place—like they don’t belong here?
David Wilcock:
Yes! Many people who recall lifetimes in advanced extraterrestrial civilizations feel deeply disconnected from human society. They’re often drawn to spiritual wisdom, futuristic technology, or humanitarian work—these traits may stem from their soul’s experience in more evolved civilizations.
Rudolf Steiner:
This also connects to the concept of “old souls” and “new souls.” Some souls have long histories of Earth reincarnations, while others are new arrivals—perhaps from higher dimensions or star systems. The discomfort these souls feel may come from adjusting to Earth’s density and karmic challenges.
Graham Hancock:
I’ve met people who have memories of Atlantis or lost civilizations where they had deep knowledge of sacred geometry, energy work, or telepathic communication. These skills often surface as natural talents in this life, which suggests past incarnations in highly evolved societies.
Toni Reilly:
That brings up a key question: Could lost civilizations like Atlantis have been interdimensional? Were they just ancient human societies, or were they part of a greater cosmic network?
Graham Hancock:
Atlantis is often described as a civilization that understood cosmic laws, energy grids, and interdimensional travel. It’s possible that Atlanteans weren’t just technologically advanced, but spiritually evolved enough to access other dimensions. When Atlantis fell, that knowledge was lost—except in fragments preserved by ancient cultures.
David Wilcock:
Yes! Some Atlantean souls reincarnate today with memories of crystal technology, healing modalities, and energy manipulation. The fall of Atlantis may have been due to misuse of interdimensional power, forcing those souls to reincarnate in this timeline to restore balance.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross:
Interestingly, some NDE experiencers report that Atlantis still exists—but in a different vibrational state. They describe visiting a place filled with crystalline cities, luminous beings, and a sense of harmony. This suggests that Atlantis may not have been “destroyed,” but rather shifted into a higher dimension.
Toni Reilly:
That’s an incredible perspective! Now, if people recall lives in Atlantis, star civilizations, or other realms, how can they integrate those memories into their current incarnation?
David Wilcock:
The best way is to embrace their unique gifts—whether it’s a natural talent for energy healing, a passion for technology, or a deep sense of universal connection. These aren’t just interests—they’re echoes of past wisdom returning.
Rudolf Steiner:
Yes, and meditation is key. Many old souls carry Atlantean or cosmic knowledge in their subconscious. Through meditation, dreamwork, or regression therapy, they can access this knowledge consciously.
Graham Hancock:
I would also encourage people to study ancient civilizations. Many people feel a deep emotional reaction when they see Mayan temples, Egyptian pyramids, or sacred sites. This could be a sign that they lived in those places in a past life and are being called to reconnect with that knowledge.
Toni Reilly:
That’s a great point. Some people feel drawn to specific places, symbols, or ancient languages—perhaps because of past-life memories. Elisabeth, have you seen similar cases in your research?
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross:
Yes, and it’s especially common in children. Some young children describe past lives in ancient cultures with surprising detail, even recognizing symbols or words from those civilizations. These memories often fade as they grow, but sometimes they persist, guiding them toward their life’s purpose.
Toni Reilly:
Let’s shift gears and talk about reincarnation’s connection to interdimensional experiences. Some people report past lives in non-physical realms. Could we be reincarnating not just in different locations, but in different states of existence?
David Wilcock:
Definitely. Some souls spend lifetimes in non-physical dimensions before returning to Earth. In those states, they may exist as pure energy, beings of light, or in higher vibrational forms. People who recall these lives often have a strong sense of mission when they incarnate here.
Sadhguru (Hypothetical Addition to the Panel)
Your past does not define you—your level of awareness does. If you believe you were an Atlantean priest or an interdimensional traveler, what matters is what you do with that awareness now.
Toni Reilly:
That’s an excellent perspective. Before we close, let’s share one final message about reincarnation beyond Earth.
David Wilcock:
If you feel out of place on Earth, you may be remembering a different incarnation. Your soul is here for a reason—embrace your cosmic nature.
Rudolf Steiner:
Every incarnation—whether Earthly or interdimensional—is a step toward spiritual evolution.
Graham Hancock:
Look to the past for answers—the wisdom of ancient civilizations still holds the keys to our future.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross:
Death is not the end, and neither is Earth—the soul’s journey is infinite.
Toni Reilly:
This has been an enlightening discussion! Whether we reincarnate on Earth, in Atlantis, or beyond the stars, the key is to use our past wisdom to shape our present reality. Thank you all for sharing your insights!
Short Bios:
Toni Reilly – A leading past-life regression therapist and author, Toni has dedicated her career to helping people access past-life memories for healing and self-awareness. She believes regression therapy can unlock hidden patterns, resolve trauma, and bring greater understanding to life's challenges.
Dr. Brian Weiss – A psychiatrist and author of Many Lives, Many Masters, Dr. Weiss is a pioneer in past-life regression therapy. His groundbreaking work explores how past-life memories can lead to emotional and physical healing in the present.
Dr. Raymond Moody – A medical doctor and philosopher, Dr. Moody is best known for his work on near-death experiences (NDEs). His book Life After Life introduced the concept of the life review and its connection to reincarnation and soul evolution.
Bruce Lipton – A cell biologist and author of The Biology of Belief, Dr. Lipton explores how consciousness and belief systems influence genetics. His work bridges science and spirituality, showing how past-life trauma could be encoded epigenetically.
Edgar Cayce (Historical Figure) – Known as the "Sleeping Prophet," Cayce conducted thousands of past-life readings, documenting how past incarnations influence present experiences. His readings covered topics such as reincarnation, Atlantis, and soul evolution.
Dr. Michael Newton – A hypnotherapist and author of Journey of Souls, Dr. Newton pioneered Life Between Lives (LBL) regression, which explores the soul’s experiences in the afterlife and how it prepares for reincarnation.
Dolores Cannon – A regression hypnotherapist and author of Between Death and Life, Cannon explored reincarnation, extraterrestrial influences, and the purpose of soul evolution across multiple dimensions.
Neale Donald Walsch – The author of Conversations with God, Walsch shares insights on free will, soul contracts, and divine guidance. His work explores how souls choose their experiences before reincarnation.
Dr. Eben Alexander – A neurosurgeon and author of Proof of Heaven, Dr. Alexander had a near-death experience that transformed his understanding of consciousness, reincarnation, and life beyond the physical realm.
Paramahansa Yogananda (Historical Figure) – A spiritual teacher and author of Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogananda introduced the Western world to Eastern concepts of karma, reincarnation, and soul evolution.
Deepak Chopra – A physician and bestselling author of The Book of Secrets, Chopra blends Eastern philosophy with modern science to explore consciousness, free will, and how our choices shape our destiny.
Dr. Ian Stevenson – A psychiatrist and reincarnation researcher, Dr. Stevenson conducted scientific studies of children’s past-life memories, providing compelling evidence for reincarnation.
Wayne Dyer – A self-development speaker and author of Your Sacred Self, Dyer explored the power of thought, past-life influences, and the soul’s journey toward self-realization.
Dr. Joe Dispenza – A neuroscientist and author of Becoming Supernatural, Dr. Dispenza explores the mind-body connection, showing how past-life trauma and subconscious patterns affect health and behavior.
Marianne Williamson – A spiritual teacher and author of A Return to Love, Williamson integrates A Course in Miracles principles into healing work, emphasizing the power of forgiveness and self-awareness.
Dr. Gabor Maté – A trauma expert and author of The Myth of Normal, Dr. Maté studies how past emotional wounds—including past-life trauma—manifest in physical and psychological health.
Sadhguru – An Indian mystic and yogi, Sadhguru offers profound insights on karma, reincarnation, and self-awareness, helping people transcend past influences through spiritual practices.
David Wilcock – An author and researcher of The Synchronicity Key, Wilcock explores past-life connections to Atlantis, extraterrestrial civilizations, and interdimensional reincarnation.
Rudolf Steiner (Historical Figure) – A philosopher and founder of Anthroposophy, Steiner wrote extensively on reincarnation, spiritual evolution, and the existence of higher dimensional planes.
Graham Hancock – A journalist and author of Fingerprints of the Gods, Hancock investigates lost civilizations like Atlantis, exploring their spiritual wisdom and possible links to past-life memories.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross – A psychiatrist and pioneer in near-death experience (NDE) research, Kübler-Ross helped change the conversation about life after death through her book On Death and Dying.
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